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I did my best. I really hope my solution is according to a Frontend Junior position


To run the tests in your local machine

  1. Clone the repo in your computer:
git clone
  1. Install all the dependencies with:

To do this step, you need to have NodeJs in the last version: 16.13.1

npm install
  1. In the path ./src/employeesInOffice.test.js, you will see:
const PATH = 'C:\\Users\\USUARIO\\Desktop\\ioet-aplication\\src\\data\\setsOfData.txt';
  • You need to change the PATH const according the path of the setsOfData.txt file in your machine, then type in the terminal:
npm run test

If the last not run and you get an error, then comment the lines 3 to 5 and pause de first describe in the line seven and unpause the second describe in the line 50:

  • The 3 lines for comment
const fs = require('fs');
const PATH = 'C:\\Users\\USUARIO\\Desktop\\ioet-aplication\\src\\data\\setsOfData.txt';
const arrayOfData = fs.readFileSync(PATH, 'utf8').split('\n');
  • Pause the first describe in the line 7:
// From this

describe('some word', () => {
  /*some tests*/

// To this

xdescribe('some word', () => {
  /*some tests*/
  • Unpause the second describe in the line 50:
// From this

xdescribe('some word', () => {
  /*some tests*/

// To this

describe('some word', () => {
  /*some tests*/

Then type in the terminal and see the results:

If any of this solutions run, please let me know in whatsapp:

Synthesis of the solution

The goal of this challenge was to output the info containing pairs of employees and how often they have coincided in the office:

  • Input:

  • Output:

To solve this challenge I used Javascript, which is a multi-paradigm language and many paradigms that I used was:

  • Imperative Paradigm: We tell the computer what I want step by step
  • I divided the functions into modules for a better understanding of the problem
  • I tried to use good practices like SOLID principles
  • To do Test Driven Development I used Jest

Flow chart of the Employees in Office function

Tech Stack for this solution

Step By Step to solve the challenge

  1. First of all, I need to know what data type I am receiving

    • I receive a string and the goal is to output an object with the result
 * @param {String} value
 * @returns {Object}
  1. I need to structure the string in a way that I can work without any problem, to do that I need the Get Obj Structured function, that help me to structure the string as the following way:
// String
let data =

let obj = {};

// Structured String

getObjStructured(obj, data);
/* {
    RENE: ['MO10-12', 'TU10-12', 'TH01-03', 'SA14-18', 'SU20-21'],
    ASTRID: ['MO10-12', 'TH12-14', 'SU20-21'],
    ANDRES: ['MO10-12', 'TH12-14', 'SU20-21'],
  1. Next, I need the Get Final Result function that receive the structured object of the last step and help me to do a logical process and structure result object:
getFinalResult(obj): // { 'RENE-ASTRID': 2, 'RENE-ANDRES': 2, 'ASTRID-ANDRES': 3 }

This two functions:

getObjStructured(obj, value);

Are use by the Employees in Office function for get the final Result

  • Litle Synthesis:
  1. Structure data
  2. Getting final result

Test Results

Conclusions and Recommendations

This challenge was very useful for me. Was useful because I could improve my logical thinking and feel challenged to do the best I could, even though the exercise was complex for me.

After this problem, I am left with a huge desire to continue improving my development skills.

As recommendation:

  • Specify which are the data type of the inputs and the outputs of the challenge.


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