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Lennart Hennigs edited this page Jan 6, 2023 · 32 revisions

Notes about the Atari Portfolio

I discovered the Atari Portfolio in late 2022. It's a bit late, I know. As of now up-to-date information are hard to find online since quite a few sites have disappeared. Plus, computers and technology have also changed since 1989. Thus, I started to take some notes and look for information online. These are my notes. Maybe they are helpful to you, too.

L. Hennigs, 03/22


Atari Portfolio Specs

  • The Atari Portfolio is (one of) the first Palmtop computers.
  • It was sold from 1989 to 1993.
  • The portfolio was described to be the size of a videotape, an unhelpful description for today, as few people remember the size of a videotape.
  • The operating system was described to be MS-DOS 2.11 compatible.
  • It runs on a Intel 80C88 with 4.9152 MHz.
  • Most Atari Portfolios have 128k RAM (only the HPC-011 had 512k RAM).
  • It has 256k ROM (with the system and additional applications .such as a text editor, diary, address book, ...).
  • It has an MDA (i.e. monochrome) compatible LCD, with a 240x64 pixels resolution.
  • It can display 40x8 characters.
  • The Portfolio runs on three AA batteries.
  • ...and its two minutes of movie fame took place in Terminator 2.

The Core Setup

  • To be able to use the Portfolio today, you need...
    • a proprietary memory card (a BEE card), and ...
    • its parallel interface (that's an addon),
    • a power adapter.
  • You need the memory card to store data more permanently, as the Portfolio will lose all data shortly after its batteries die.
  • The parallel interface is the only way to (initially) copy data on the portfolio. Without it, the Portfolio is basically a pretty brick, in the size of a videotape.
  • And the power adapter protects you from data loss (dying batteries) and adds convenience.



  • The Portfolio uses 3 AAA batteries.
  • In addition, you have the power brick that provides power to the Portfolio.
  • When your portfolio's batteries die, you have about 3-5 minutes to attach it to power (or to switch batteries) to keep your data.
  • Thus, you do need the power adapter.
  • The parallel and serial adapters also consume a "lot" of power, another reason to get a power adapter.
  • The Memory Cards (see below) are also non-permanent storage – they are battery-buffered SRAM memory.
  • The take-away is: So nothing is permanent on the Portfolio, to have a backup strategy.

The Power Adapter

  • A non-standard power adapter should provide 6V and 1A
  • It has a 2.5mm barrel jack. The tip's polarity is positive, with GND outside.
  • Reversing the polarity will fry your Portfolio.


  • The Portfolio has 256 KB of ROM.
  • It contains the OS, the built-in applications, and the DOS commands.


  • The Portfolio comes with 128k RAM.
  • It is mapped as drive C.
  • 4k of the RAM is taken by the display, and at least 8K is used as a ramdisk, ...
  • ...usually there is less than 100k available for programs.
  • As soon as the Portfolio loses power, all data on drive C will be lost.
  • Therefore a memory card (a drive A) is crucial for your inner peace.
  • There is a modification to extend the RAM to 512k (see below).
  • There is a memory expansion (Memory Expander+, HPC-104) that adds 256K and another memory card slot. But it's bulky and also kind of rare nowadays.

Memory Cards

  • You DO need one for backup and more permanent storage.
  • The cards are called BEE Cards or Credit-Card Memory (CCM).
  • They are designed for MSX computers and are older (and incompatible) to PCMCIA cards.
  • They are battery-buffered SRAM cards and come in sizes from 32k - 128k.
  • Third-party cards went up to 4MB.
  • These are your "external" drives, i.e. drive A.
  • There is no way to read a BEE card with modern computers.
  • There used to be a "Card Reader" (PC Card, Drive HPC-301), but that came with its own ISA card that needs Win 9x and dedicated drivers.
  • But beware: the card's battery dies after six to nine months – thus nothing is permanent on a Portfolio.
  • The coin battery in the standard cards is a CR-2016.

The Parallel Interface

  • The addon parallel interface is needed to (initially) get data on your portfolio, as it has a built-in data transfer program for the parallel port.
  • The Protocol is described on the PofoWiki (German). It is not really parallel, as it only uses two data lines.
  • There used to be a DOS program called FT.COM to transfer data but a more modern version is Transfolio (Github) that runs on Windows, Linux and a Raspberry Pi.
  • As parallel (D-SUB 25) ports are kind of rare nowadays But they do allow you to send data.

The Serial Interface

  • The serial interface is also an addon interface.
  • If you want to use it for file transfer you need some terminal program on the Portfolio, as this is not preinstalled.
  • You also need to set up the data connection in the Portfolio's settings (Atari + S → RS-232 Port).

Portfolio & BIOS Versions

HW Model BIOS Version RAM
HPC-003 1.052 128 KB
HPC-004 1.056 128 KB
HPC-005 1.130 128 KB
HPC-006 1.072 128 KB
HPC-007 1.130 128 KB
HPC-008 1.130 128 KB
HPC-009 1.130 128 KB
HPC-010 1.130 128 KB
HPC-011 1.130 512 KB

BIOS Versions

Bios Version Comment
1.052 Some .EXE files cannot be started because of their header. It does not allow internal memory extensions. does not run stable. There were also problems with zero-byte files and text files that ended with a CR. Run both PORTDIV.COM and UPDATE.COM.
1.072 Most common and stable version after you run PORTDIV.COM and UPDATE.COM.
1.130 No known bugs. Problems with INPUT.COM, the path variable did not get set. PGFLIX animations won't stop repeating. Do NOT run PORTDIV.COM and UPDATE.COM.
1.133 Similar to 1.130 but supports multilanguage keyboards.

How To Check your Version

  • Type in VER

Firmware, OS & Software

Known Bugs and Updates

  • There is a UPDATE.COM program that fixes certain bugs on older firmware versions.
  • There can be three different update programs found on the internet. One for 1.04, one for 1.07, and for 1.130.
  • PORTDIV.COM is a program that prevents the Portfolio from crashing after a "Divide by Zero" error.
  • Call both programs in your AUTOEXEC.BAT.


  • You need a CONFIG.SYS on drive C.
  • The CONFIG.SYS needs specific entries, or the Portfolio will write a random byte to memory on boot – this is called the "ShotGun bug".
  • Recommended CONFIG.SYS:
  • Adjust the country code to your liking.


  • The AUTOEXEC.BAT can be on drive C or on drive A (i.e. a memory card)
  • Recommended AUTOEXEC.BAT:
    @echo off

The DOS Operating System


  • The Portfolio is a slimmed-down version of MS-DOS 2.11 called DIP DOS
  • It is compatible but some files are missing:
    • SORT.COM
  • The Portfolio also offers some additional commands such as
    • VER
    • OFF → turns off the display
    • APP → shows the main menu (similar to Atari + Z)
  • There is no INT 08H: Timer Interrupt on the Portfolio.

First Steps with the Portfolio


  • Put a memory card with a fresh battery in your Portfolio

  • Decide how large your drive C should be - type in FDISKto see the available (RAM) space and set it. Afterward, the Portfolio will reboot all data on your C drive will be lost. A common setting was 80k, which is set with: FDISK 80.

  • Create a CONFIG.SYS file on drive C

  • Create an AUTOEXEC.BAT file on drive A

  • Pledge to store all files on drive A, as your Portfolio batteries will eventually kill your data on drive C

  • Get some essential software...

    • WiP
  • ...and upload it to your Portfolio using the parallel interface (or via the serial interface after some detours).

  • Set up your portfolio (Atari Key + S)

    • Keyboard Sound? (Sounds → Key Click)
    • OS language (Application → Language)
    • Keyboard Language (Application → Keyboard)
  • Set DATE and TIME.

  • Remember to backup your data on drive A, too. The battery of your memory card will also run out!

Transfering Data using a Raspberry Pi

  • As modern computers don't have a parallel port, data transfer has become the major obstacle for using the Portfolio.

  • The simplest way is to use a Raspberry Pi (e.g. a Zero WH), a DB25 Male Breakout Adapter, and a few male-female breadboard wires.

  • First, install Raspbian Pi Buster Lite (yes Buster, not the current one)

  • Next, download and compile Transfolio (German) using the following steps:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install git git-core
    sudo apt install wiringpi=2.50
    git clone
    cd transfolio
    make rpfolio
    chmod +x rpfolio
    sudo cp rpfolio /usr/local/bin/
    sudo rm -r transfolio
  • You now have a rpfolio command on the Pi

  • Consider installing Samba to create a shared network folder on the Pi

  • Wire the Raspberry Pi to the DB25 connector

    Pi Pin DB Pin
    GPIO 4 3
    GND (#9) 25
    GPIO 17 2
    GPIO 27 12
    GPIO 22 13
  • Turn on the Portfolio, enter the System / Data Transfer / Server mode, and type in rpfolio on the Pi to get the help text

  • Copy data!


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