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Softmodule module in Lua is designed to overcome RAM limits on ESP8266 with NodeMCU firmware (about 45 kB for ESP-12E after at start after Lua interpreter load)

In Lua all module's functions are objects retained in memory that consume RAM; various tecniques are available to discard a function code after use, e.g.:

Some tecnique (like load a function from a file and execute it on-the-fly causing unload after return) are useful for a single exposed function in a file; others (like volatile modules) are applicable to all function for a module, loading or unloading entire module: none of these are applicable to each function of a module.

The drawback of all this tecniques is that are not transparent for end-user, if he want simply write a standard module but optimize RAM during it's use.

Then: Softmodule!

Softmodule offer a simple tecnique to inject a small stub that load (and optionally unload) function code only when needed.
This is done transparently on module's functions.

Two modes are disposable:

  1. load-and-discard: in this case function code is loaded from a .lc file and flushed away after use
  2. load-and-retain: this is a caching tecnique that loads code at 1st use and cache it, with a small overhead from 2nd call

2nd mode is similar to static linking of libraries in of object files to produce executable file , saving space on executable file (and RAM when executable is loaded)


5 functions permit to optimize RAM used by module's functions:

  • dumpfunction(modulename, funcname)
    -- modulename is string name of a module
    -- funcname is string name of a function of module modulename
    Extract function funcname from file modulename.lua to store it (precompiled) on file for subsequent use

  • injectFlushedCall(modulename, funcname, gencode):
    -- modulename is string name of a module
    -- funcname is string name of a function of module modulename
    -- if gencode is specified and is true, then dumpfunction() is called with specified modulename and funcname
    After this call function funcname of module modulename is loaded from file before execution and flushed away after execution.
    BTW execution is slow than before cause loading of code.

  • injectCachedCall(modulename, funcname, gencode)
    -- modulename is string name of a module
    -- funcname is string name of a function of module modulename
    -- if gencode is is specified and is true, then dumpfunction() is called with specified modulename and funcname
    After this call function funcname of module modulename is loaded from file before 1st execution and retained; in subsequent call function is reloaded from cache.
    BTW 1st execution is slow than before, but from 2nd call, execution time is fast than before; a little overhead of memory is required for added code that handle code cache.
    The advantage is significant if this function is applied to many function of a module and few of them are recalled (caching few function over total).

  • getModuleFunctions(modl)
    -- modl is a module symbol
    Return a list with all functions contained in module modl. Are returned only function that are not already injected calling injectFlushedCall() or injectCachedCall().
    Useful to apply injectFlushedCall() or injectCachedCall() to all functions of a module.

  • unloadModule(modulename)
    -- modulename is string name of a module
    Unload entire module modulename: all functions and all root module objects (variables, constants, etc.)


Main steps to handle dynamic call are:

  • extract code for function f from original source
    • dumpfunction(f) ->
  • substitute a module function with an empty table
    • f = nil
    • f = {}
  • registering a metatable with method __call() to intercept call of original function and handle load of .lc file
    • mt = { __call = function() < load-and-call code > end }
    • setmetatable(f, mt}
  • Optionally (calling injectCachedCall()) function is cached into .func field of table substituted to original function
    • f.func = function() original_function() end


Dynamic loading for module functions in Lua







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