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Anon Insight

Anon Insight is a versatile tool designed to conduct rating surveys or polls anonymously on any web3/web2 app using our widget. With Anon Insight, you can gather valuable insights while protecting user privacy.


  • Anonymous Surveys: Conduct rating surveys or polls anonymously without compromising user privacy.
  • Versatile Integration: Easily integrate Anon Insight into any web3 or web2 application using our widget.
  • Valuable Insights: Gather valuable insights from users without requiring them to disclose personal information.


To install the Anon Insight package, you can use npm. Open your terminal and run the following command:

npm install anoninsight


yarn add anoninsight


To use the Anon Insight package in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Import the Package: Import the Rating component from the anoninsight package into your component file.

    import { Rating } from "anoninsight";
  2. Use it in Your Component: Place the Rating component within your desired component's render method, providing the necessary props.

    return (
      <div className="App">
          sindri_circuit_id="Enter the circuit-id" //Which will be generated from our dashboard 
          sindri_api_key="Enter your Sindri API key"
          GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID="Enter the google client id , for oauth"
          groupid="Enter the banada group id "
          apikey="Enter the banada group api key"
  3. Provide Necessary Values: