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Pointer Cheatsheet

  • A pointer must always be of the same type as the variable it's pointing at.
  • Declaring a pointer variable does not create the type of variable it points at. It creates a pointer variable.
  • Though pointers are declared with an asterisk they are not always used with an asterisk.
  • The asterisk is the unary * operator. It is not the * multiplication operator.
  • Pointers must be initialized before they can be used.
  • Initialize a pointer by assigning it to a variable; the variable must be of the same type as the pointer.
  • To assign a pointer to a variable, use an ampersand with the variable's name.
  • The address-of unary operator & is not the same as the bitwise & AND operator.

m_address = &memory;

To assign a pointer to an array, do not use the ampersand:

  s_address = string;

The pointer s_address would be used on the string array's elements. To assign a pointer to an array element, use the ampersand:

element = &string[2];

Without an asterisk, an initialized pointer holds a memory address. With an asterisk, an initialized pointer references the value stored at its address.

Typical Pointer Setup and Use

First, create a pointer of the proper type:

float *f;

Second assign it to a variable's memory location:

f = &boat;

Finally, use the pointer:


Without an asterisk, the pointer references a memory location. With an asterisk, the pointer references the value at that memory location. Always use the same type of pointer as the variables it examines: floats for floats, ints for ints, and so on. Remember: initialize a pointer before you use it! Set the pointer equal to the address of some variable in memory.

Pointers, Parenthesis and Math

Pointer Thing Memory Address Memory Contents
p Yep Nope
*p Nope Yep
*p++ Incremented after value is read Unchanged
*(p++) Incremented after value is read Unchanged
(*p)++ Unchanged Incremented after it's used
*++p Incremented before value is read Unchanged
*(++p) Incremented before value is read Unchanged
++*p Unchanged Incremented before it's used
++(*p) Unchanged Incremented before it's used
p*++ Not a pointer Not a pointer
p++* Not a pointer Not a pointer

The ++ operator is used above, though any math operation can be substituted.

A tip: Use parenthesis to isolate part of the pointer problem and the answer will always work out the way you intended.

Pointers and array brackets

Array Notation Pointer Equivalent
array[0] *a
array[1] *(a+1)
array[2] *(a+2)
array[3] *(a+3)
array[x] *(a+x)

Ugly ** notation

Doodad What It Is Seen by The Compiler
array+1 An address A pointer
*(array+1) Contents of address, what lives there A string
*(*(array+1)) Contents of a character array A character
**(array+1) Same as above Same as above

Pointer Cheetsheet by Dan Gookin .


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