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Human-Robot Interactive Scenario Uppaal Model Generator

The repository contains the implementation of an Uppaal model generator for the analysis of human-robot interaction scenarios in service settings. The model consists of a Stochastic Hybrid Automata network, described in the following articles:

  • Lestingi, L., Sbrolli, C., Scarmozzino, P., Romeo, G., Bersani, M. M., & Rossi, M. (2022). Formal modeling and verification of multi-robot interactive scenarios in service settings. In FormaliSE 2022 (pp. 80-90).
  • Lestingi, L., Askarpour, M., Bersani, M. M., & Rossi, M. (2021). A Deployment Framework for Formally Verified Human-Robot Interactions. IEEE Access.
  • Lestingi, L., Askarpour, M., Bersani, M. M., & Rossi, M. (2020, September). Formal verification of human-robot interaction in healthcare scenarios. In SEFM 2020 (pp. 303-324). Springer, Cham.
  • Lestingi, L., Askarpour, M., Bersani, M. M., & Rossi, M. (2020). A Model-driven Approach for the Formal Analysis of Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios. In SMC 2020 (pp. 1907-1914), IEEE.
  • Lestingi, L., Askarpour, M., Bersani, M. M., & Rossi, M. (2020). Statistical Model Checking of Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios. AREA 2020

The network features automata modeling the humans, the robot, and the robot controller.

It is possible to customize the scenario parameters (e.g., how many humans, their features, the layout shape, etc.) in a JSON file. Example JSON files can be found in the ./resources/input_params/ folder. The tool customizes the templates constituting the Uppaal model (one for each automaton in the network, contained in folder ./resources/upp_templates/) based on such user-specified parameters. The generated models are saved in the ./resources/gen_models/ folder.

The tool allows users to estimate the probability of success of the scenario through SMC experiments. Once the model has been generated, the tool runs the script to launch the verification experiment. Uppaal verification output and results can be found in the ./resources/upp_results/ folder.


Name E-mail address
Lestingi Livia

Configuration File Setup

The main script requires as input parameter the path to a configuration file, whose template can be found within the ./resources/config/ folder.

Make sure that the following properties match your environment:

Note: The tool has been tested on Uppaal v.4.1.24 on Mac OS X. Should you run into any issue while testing with a different configuration please report to

Python Dependencies

Install the required dependencies:

pip install -r $REPO_PATH/requirements.txt

Add the repo path to your Python path (fixes ModuleNotFoundError while trying to execute from command line):


Main Script's Input Parameters

Run the main script specifying the name of the scenario to be analysed (there must be a $SCENARIO_NAME.json file within the ./resources/input_params/ folder):


Copyright © 2021 Livia Lestingi


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