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Sublime Text Plugin - PHP CS Fixer Autoformatter


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phpcsfixer Formatter for Sublime Text

Please note the plugin hasn't been submitted to Thus has to be installed manually.


Installing plugin

  • Package Control: Add Repository Method (Recommended)
    1. Open Command Palette (Default: Primary + Shift + p)
    2. Package Control: Add Repository
    4. Open Command Palette
    5. Package Control: Install Package
    6. phpcsfixer-Formatter
  • "Manual" Method (Requires manual update)
    1. Download this repository through Download ZIP
    2. Rename folder to phpcsfixer-Formatter
    3. Move folder to [SublimeText]/Packages folder
      • To access [SublimeText]/Packages folder:
        1. Open/Restart Sublime Text
        2. Open the Command Palette (Default: Primary + Shift + p)
        3. Preferences: Browse Packages
    4. Restart Sublime Text


Save file to run PHP-CS-Fixer.

phpcsfixer Formatter can only format on saved files as PHP-CS-Fixer do not output its result to stdout. phpcsfixer Formatter is disabled by default. Set format_on_save: true to enable phpcsfixer Formatter (see Settings > format_on_save).

Configuring Settings

To access and modify settings file

Go to Preferences -> Package Settings -> phpcsfixer-Formatter -> Settings

To override settings per project basis

To override global plugin configuration for a specific project, add a settings object with a phpcsfixer-Formatter key in your .sublime-project. This file is accessible via Project -> Edit Project.

  "folders": [
      "path": ".",
  "settings": {
    "phpcsfixer-Formatter": {
      "format_on_save": true,

Default settings

	// Simply using `php` without specifying a path sometimes doesn't work :(
	// If these are false, we'll invoke the phpcsfixer binary directly.
	"php_path": {
		"windows": "php.exe",
		"linux": "/usr/bin/php",
		"osx": "/usr/local/bin/php",

	 * The virtualenv folder name
	"vendor_folder": "vendor",

	// The location to search for a locally installed phpcsfixer package
	// These are all relative paths to a project's directory
	// If this is not found or are false, it will try to fallback to a global package
	// (see "phpcsfixer_path" below)
	"local_phpcsfixer_path": {
		"windows": "${project_path}/${vendor_folder}/bin/php-cs-fixer",
		"linux": "${project_path}/${vendor_folder}/bin/php-cs-fixer",
		"osx": "${project_path}/${vendor_folder}/bin/php-cs-fixer",

	// The location of the user/global installed phpcsfixer package to use as a fallback
	"phpcsfixer_path": {
		"windows": "%APPDATA%/Roaming/Composer/${vendor_folder}/bin/php-cs-fixer",
		"linux": "~/.composer/${vendor_folder}/bin/php-cs-fixer",
		"osx": "~/.composer/${vendor_folder}/bin/php-cs-fixer",

	// Specify this path to an phpcsfixer config file to override the default behavior
	// Passed to phpcsfixer as --config. Read more here:
	// If an absolute path is provided, it will use as is.
	// Else, it will look for ".php-cs-fixer.dist.php" in the root of the project directory.
	// Failing either, it will skip the config file
	"config_path": "",

	// Pass additional arguments to phpcsfixer.
	// Read more here:
	// Please note that "-v | -vv | -vvv | --verbose | -q | --quiet" args will be edited (see `debug` below)
	"extra_args": [

	// Automatically format when a file is saved
	"format_on_save": false,

	// Only attempt to format files with whitelisted extensions on save.
	// Leave empty to disable the check
	"format_on_save_extensions": [ "php" ],

	// Logs phpcsfixer output messages to console when set to true
	// `extra_args` will be edited as below if `debug` set to:
	// 	- `false`:
	// 		- "-v | -vv | -vvv | --verbose" will be removed
	// 		- "-q" will be added
	// 	- `true`:
	// 		- "-q | --quiet" will be removed
	// 		- "-vvv" will be added
	"debug": false,