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Allow signaling nans to be presented if we're given the surface reps
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To be used by the crackNum executable
  • Loading branch information
LeventErkok committed Feb 12, 2024
1 parent 8f87233 commit 4217924
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
* Before issuing a get-value, make sure there are no outstanding assert calls.
See: for details.

* crackNum mode now displays the surface form of NaNs more faithfully, if provided
with the input string. This functionality is used by the crackNum executable.

### Version 10.3, 2024-01-05

* Clean-up GHC extensions required in the cabal file, and changes required to compile cleanly with GHC 9.8 series.
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Data/SBV.hs
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Expand Up @@ -503,8 +503,8 @@ import Data.Char (isSpace, isPunctuation)
-- | Show a value in detailed (cracked) form, if possible.
-- This makes most sense with numbers, and especially floating-point types.
crack :: SBV a -> String
crack (SBV (SVal _ (Left cv))) | Just s <- CN.crackNum cv = s
crack (SBV sv) = show sv
crack (SBV (SVal _ (Left cv))) | Just s <- CN.crackNum cv Nothing = s
crack (SBV sv) = show sv

-- Haddock section documentation
{- $progIntro
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43 changes: 22 additions & 21 deletions Data/SBV/Core/Symbolic.hs
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Expand Up @@ -2283,27 +2283,28 @@ data SolverCapabilities = SolverCapabilities {
-- (i.e., SWord and SInt), but also with floats. It is particularly useful with floating-point numbers, as it shows you how they are laid out in
-- memory following the IEEE754 rules.
data SMTConfig = SMTConfig {
verbose :: Bool -- ^ Debug mode
, timing :: Timing -- ^ Print timing information on how long different phases took (construction, solving, etc.)
, printBase :: Int -- ^ Print integral literals in this base (2, 10, and 16 are supported.)
, printRealPrec :: Int -- ^ Print algebraic real values with this precision. (SReal, default: 16)
, crackNum :: Bool -- ^ For each numeric value, show it in detail in the model with its bits spliced out. Good for floats.
, satCmd :: String -- ^ Usually "(check-sat)". However, users might tweak it based on solver characteristics.
, allSatMaxModelCount :: Maybe Int -- ^ In a 'Data.SBV.allSat' call, return at most this many models. If nothing, return all.
, allSatPrintAlong :: Bool -- ^ In a 'Data.SBV.allSat' call, print models as they are found.
, allSatTrackUFs :: Bool -- ^ In a 'Data.SBV.allSat' call, should we try to extract values of uninterpreted functions?
, isNonModelVar :: String -> Bool -- ^ When constructing a model, ignore variables whose name satisfy this predicate. (Default: (const False), i.e., don't ignore anything)
, validateModel :: Bool -- ^ If set, SBV will attempt to validate the model it gets back from the solver.
, optimizeValidateConstraints :: Bool -- ^ Validate optimization results. NB: Does NOT make sure the model is optimal, just checks they satisfy the constraints.
, transcript :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ If Just, the entire interaction will be recorded as a playable file (for debugging purposes mostly)
, smtLibVersion :: SMTLibVersion -- ^ What version of SMT-lib we use for the tool
, dsatPrecision :: Maybe Double -- ^ Delta-sat precision
, solver :: SMTSolver -- ^ The actual SMT solver.
, extraArgs :: [String] -- ^ Extra command line arguments to pass to the solver.
, roundingMode :: RoundingMode -- ^ Rounding mode to use for floating-point conversions
, solverSetOptions :: [SMTOption] -- ^ Options to set as we start the solver
, ignoreExitCode :: Bool -- ^ If true, we shall ignore the exit code upon exit. Otherwise we require ExitSuccess.
, redirectVerbose :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Redirect the verbose output to this file if given. If Nothing, stdout is implied.
verbose :: Bool -- ^ Debug mode
, timing :: Timing -- ^ Print timing information on how long different phases took (construction, solving, etc.)
, printBase :: Int -- ^ Print integral literals in this base (2, 10, and 16 are supported.)
, printRealPrec :: Int -- ^ Print algebraic real values with this precision. (SReal, default: 16)
, crackNum :: Bool -- ^ For each numeric value, show it in detail in the model with its bits spliced out. Good for floats.
, crackNumSurfaceVals :: [(String, Integer)] -- ^ For crackNum: The surface representation of variables, if available
, satCmd :: String -- ^ Usually "(check-sat)". However, users might tweak it based on solver characteristics.
, allSatMaxModelCount :: Maybe Int -- ^ In a 'Data.SBV.allSat' call, return at most this many models. If nothing, return all.
, allSatPrintAlong :: Bool -- ^ In a 'Data.SBV.allSat' call, print models as they are found.
, allSatTrackUFs :: Bool -- ^ In a 'Data.SBV.allSat' call, should we try to extract values of uninterpreted functions?
, isNonModelVar :: String -> Bool -- ^ When constructing a model, ignore variables whose name satisfy this predicate. (Default: (const False), i.e., don't ignore anything)
, validateModel :: Bool -- ^ If set, SBV will attempt to validate the model it gets back from the solver.
, optimizeValidateConstraints :: Bool -- ^ Validate optimization results. NB: Does NOT make sure the model is optimal, just checks they satisfy the constraints.
, transcript :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ If Just, the entire interaction will be recorded as a playable file (for debugging purposes mostly)
, smtLibVersion :: SMTLibVersion -- ^ What version of SMT-lib we use for the tool
, dsatPrecision :: Maybe Double -- ^ Delta-sat precision
, solver :: SMTSolver -- ^ The actual SMT solver.
, extraArgs :: [String] -- ^ Extra command line arguments to pass to the solver.
, roundingMode :: RoundingMode -- ^ Rounding mode to use for floating-point conversions
, solverSetOptions :: [SMTOption] -- ^ Options to set as we start the solver
, ignoreExitCode :: Bool -- ^ If true, we shall ignore the exit code upon exit. Otherwise we require ExitSuccess.
, redirectVerbose :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Redirect the verbose output to this file if given. If Nothing, stdout is implied.

-- | Ignore internal names and those the user told us to
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Data/SBV/Provers/Prover.hs
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Expand Up @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ mkConfig s smtVersion startOpts = SMTConfig { verbose = Fals
, printBase = 10
, printRealPrec = 16
, crackNum = False
, crackNumSurfaceVals = []
, transcript = Nothing
, solver = s
, smtLibVersion = smtVersion
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Data/SBV/SMT/SMT.hs
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Expand Up @@ -560,8 +560,8 @@ showModelDictionary warnEmpty includeEverything cfg allVars
| includeEverything = False
| True = mustIgnoreVar cfg (T.unpack s)

shM (s, RegularCV v) = let vs = shCV cfg v in ((length s, s), (vlength vs, vs))
shM (s, other) = let vs = show other in ((length s, s), (vlength vs, vs))
shM (s, RegularCV v) = let vs = shCV cfg s v in ((length s, s), (vlength vs, vs))
shM (s, other) = let vs = show other in ((length s, s), (vlength vs, vs))

display svs = map line svs
where line ((_, s), (_, v)) = " " ++ right (nameWidth - length s) s ++ " = " ++ left (valWidth - lTrimRight (valPart v)) v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -633,16 +633,16 @@ showModelUI cfg (nm, (isCurried, SBVType ts, interp))
paren _ x = x

-- | Show a constant value, in the user-specified base
shCV :: SMTConfig -> CV -> String
shCV SMTConfig{printBase, crackNum} cv = cracked (sh printBase cv)
shCV :: SMTConfig -> String -> CV -> String
shCV SMTConfig{printBase, crackNum, crackNumSurfaceVals} nm cv = cracked (sh printBase cv)
where sh 2 = binS
sh 10 = show
sh 16 = hexS
sh n = \w -> show w ++ " -- Ignoring unsupported printBase " ++ show n ++ ", use 2, 10, or 16."

cracked def
| not crackNum = def
| True = case CN.crackNum cv of
| True = case CN.crackNum cv (nm `lookup` crackNumSurfaceVals) of
Nothing -> def
Just cs -> def ++ "\n" ++ cs

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74 changes: 47 additions & 27 deletions Data/SBV/Utils/CrackNum.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,31 +35,31 @@ import Numeric
-- | A class for cracking things deeper, if we know how.
class CrackNum a where
-- | Convert an item to possibly bit-level description, if possible.
crackNum :: a -> Maybe String
crackNum :: a -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe String

-- | CVs are easy to crack
instance CrackNum CV where
crackNum cv = case kindOf cv of
-- Maybe one day we'll have a use for these, currently cracking them
-- any further seems overkill
KBool {} -> Nothing
KUnbounded {} -> Nothing
KReal {} -> Nothing
KUserSort {} -> Nothing
KChar {} -> Nothing
KString {} -> Nothing
KList {} -> Nothing
KSet {} -> Nothing
KTuple {} -> Nothing
KMaybe {} -> Nothing
KEither {} -> Nothing
KRational {} -> Nothing

-- Actual crackables
KFloat{} -> Just $ let CFloat f = cvVal cv in float f
KDouble{} -> Just $ let CDouble d = cvVal cv in float d
KFP{} -> Just $ let CFP f = cvVal cv in float f
KBounded sg sz -> Just $ let CInteger i = cvVal cv in int sg sz i
crackNum cv mbIV = case kindOf cv of
-- Maybe one day we'll have a use for these, currently cracking them
-- any further seems overkill
KBool {} -> Nothing
KUnbounded {} -> Nothing
KReal {} -> Nothing
KUserSort {} -> Nothing
KChar {} -> Nothing
KString {} -> Nothing
KList {} -> Nothing
KSet {} -> Nothing
KTuple {} -> Nothing
KMaybe {} -> Nothing
KEither {} -> Nothing
KRational {} -> Nothing

-- Actual crackables
KFloat{} -> Just $ let CFloat f = cvVal cv in float mbIV f
KDouble{} -> Just $ let CDouble d = cvVal cv in float mbIV d
KFP{} -> Just $ let CFP f = cvVal cv in float mbIV f
KBounded sg sz -> Just $ let CInteger i = cvVal cv in int sg sz i

-- How far off the screen we want displayed? Somewhat experimentally found.
tab :: String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,10 +227,30 @@ instance HasFloatData FP where
| bfIsSubnormal opts f = Subnormal
| True = Normal

-- | Show a float in detail
float :: HasFloatData a => a -> String
float f = intercalate "\n" $ ruler ++ legend : info
where fd@FloatData{prec, eb, sb, bits, fpKind, fpVals} = getFloatData f
-- | Show a float in detail. mbSurface is the integer equivalent if this is a NaN; so we
-- can represent it faithfully to the original given. Used by crackNum executable.
float :: HasFloatData a => Maybe Integer -> a -> String
float mbSurface f = intercalate "\n" $ ruler ++ legend : info
where fd@FloatData{prec, eb, sb, bits = bitsAsStored, fpKind, fpVals} = getFloatData f

nanKind = case fpKind of
Zero{} -> False
Infty{} -> False
NaN -> True
Subnormal -> False
Normal -> False

(nanClassifier, bits)
| nanKind, Just i <- mbSurface = (extraClassifier i, i)
| True = ("", bitsAsStored)

-- Is this surface representation a signaling NaN or a quiet nan?
-- The test is that the tip bit of the significand is high: If so, quiet. If top bit is low, then signaling.
extraClassifier :: Integer -> String
extraClassifier i
| sb < 2 = "" -- I don't think this can happen, but just in case
| i `testBit` (sb - 2) = " (Quiet)"
| True = " (Signaling)"

splits = [1, eb, sb]
ruler = map (tab ++) $ mkRuler (eb + sb) splits
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,7 +280,7 @@ float f = intercalate "\n" $ ruler ++ legend : info
++ [ " Exponent: " ++ show exponentVal ++ " (Subnormal, with fixed exponent value. " ++ esInfo ++ ")" | isSubNormal ]
++ [ " Exponent: " ++ show exponentVal ++ " (" ++ esInfo ++ ")" | not isSubNormal]
++ [ " Classification: " ++ show fpKind]
++ [ " Classification: " ++ show fpKind ++ nanClassifier]
++ (case fpVals of
Left val -> [ " Value: " ++ val]
Right (bval, oval, dval, hval) -> [ " Binary: " ++ bval
Expand Down

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