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COMP3000 Project - Frontend

Project title: EDDAP (Environmental Data Display and Predictions)

Supervisor: Dr David Walker

What is this?

This repository contains a React application that presents air quality and temperature data on a map, retrieving data from the aggregator API. This allows users to gain an understanding of the climate emergency, how it has developed over time and the potential trajectory of the future.


%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'stepAfter' } } }%%
    aggregator[Aggregator API]
    frontend[Frontend application]
    shim[DEFRA Shim service]
    csvs[DEFRA CSVs]
    predictions[Prediction service]
    metadata[AURN station metadata]

    aggregator --- |Historical temperature data| shim
    aggregator --- |Historical PM2.5 data| csvs
    aggregator --- |Future predictions from trained model| predictions
    aggregator --- |Station metadata| metadata
    frontend --- aggregator

How is it made?

This service uses Node 16 and React to produce a static website, making requests to APIs to dynamically render data. Some key points about the implementation are:

  • Service uses React Leaflet and OpenStreetMap to provide the map UI
  • Service uses functional components and hooks to manage UI in a smooth, non-blocking manner
  • Functional tests are performed using Cypress and Browserstack, ensuring cross-browser compatibility

How do I use it?

The code requires Node 16. Commands are as in the package.json -

  • npm run - Builds and starts the development server
  • npm build - Builds the production build to /dist
  • npm test - Runs unit tests

Project vision

  • For: researchers and the public
  • Who: need a better understanding of the climate crisis
  • The: environmental data dashboard
  • Is a: web application dashboard
  • That: can make predictions for the future of the environment and display environmental data such as air pollution in an easy-to-understand format


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