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Releases: Lewiscowles1986/ohdear-poc-ff-chrome

Certificate checking

22 Feb 08:03
Choose a tag to compare

Certificate checking was something asked about. Initially I brushed it off, but why not push it now it exists?

Better branding

22 Feb 07:39
Choose a tag to compare

I hated not being able to see the icon unless hovered (and only just about), so I've been playing about as per issue #2

This is mostly styling, there is a disabled state now though, which persists if we cannot change the button / link URL to your active tab (unsupported scheme or internal url's such as about://config, extensions page, non http / https

Version available on chrome & Firefox webstore as 0.0.2

22 Feb 06:49
Choose a tag to compare

This is the second release.

The first release 0.0.1 had an issue with using the white SVG icon from website, firstly that it was not square, and then that chrome store extensions apparently don't support.

Loading unpacked extension (sort-of) does.