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DCA (Diabetes Control and Automation)

DCA (Control and Automation of Diabetes) is a project that seeks to establish a system that allows the user to have more accurate and automated control over his blood glucose level in his day to day.

In this project will consist the part of software, the idea is that in a future add the hardware part where from the configuration set of rules established by the user, the device allows to regulate the glucose automatically to the user.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Before you can start and start working with the application, it is important to have Node and NPM installed. To check if you have both tools installed, open a terminal and write these statements.

node -v
npm -v


Once you have Node and NPM installed, from the terminal pointing to the root directory of the project, you will execute this statement.

npm install

This will cause all the packages and libraries necessary for the proper functioning of the application to be installed in the node_modules folder

After do this, you have to change two files to correct functionality:


The correct files are in folder replace.


For test the app, you should write the next sentence in the terminal:

npm test


For deploy the app in Android, iOS or Web, from the terminal pointing to the root directory of the project, you will execute this statement.

expo start

Once executed, a window will open in your default browser and you can select in which System you want to run the application.

To do it from Android or iOS, you will need to have the Expo app installed on your mobile or have an emulator on your computer

Published App

We have published our App on Expo, with Expo app, scan QR code and it will be installed on your mobile phone:

Built With

  • ReactJS - The web framework used
  • ExpoCLI - The web framework used for a compiler the app in Android, IPhone and Web.
  • JestJS - The framework for unit test and mock.
  • Firebase - The host for the app.

Project Details

Please read Wiki for details on how we have worked on this project.


  • Alexis Mengual Vázquez
  • David Usón