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ContraxSuite Sphinx Documentation

This guide aims to help documentation writers configure their local environment so they may contribute how-to guides to the ContraxSuite documentation corpus. ContraxSuite uses Sphinx to generate static documentation pages.

ContraxSuite documentation screenshot

Table of Contents


Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation, written by Georg Brandl and licensed under the BSD license. It was originally created for the Python documentation, and it has excellent facilities for the documentation of software projects in a range of languages.

Source: sphinx-doc

The Sphinx-generated HTML pages will host the following information:

  1. ContraxSuite installation and configuration directions
  2. User guides
  3. Supplementatal development guides
  4. Django ORM documentation


Documentation writers must have the following software installed:

Please install these programs using the above hyperlinks if you have not done so already.

Note: While a documentation writer can respectively substitute Anaconda, GitHub Desktop, and VS Code with pip, git, and any other text editor, this guide largely assumes the former.

Downloading the Documentation

With GitHub Desktop

Screenshots coming!

  1. Clone the lexpredict-contraxsuite-services repository. (Help)
  2. Switch to the CS-4402 branch. (Help)

With git in a terminal shell

  1. Clone the lexpredict-contraxsuite-services repository.
git clone
  1. Switch to the CS-4402 branch.
git checkout CS-4402

Configuring Virtual Environments

With Anaconda

  1. Open Anaconda Navigator.
  2. Select "Environments" on the left-hand side.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click "Create".
  4. Name the new virtual environment something like lexpredict_env and make sure to use Python 3.6.

With Python 3.6's venv

python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment

Configuring Visual Studio Code

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Install the following extensions (Help):
    • Python (Microsoft) (Help)
    • Markdown All in One (Yu Zhang) (Help)

  1. Choose your Python virtual environmentment using the Python extension.

    1. File > Open Folder... and navigate to the lexpredict-contraxsuite-services/documentation/docs directory.

    2. In VS Code's File Explorer, open the source directory.

    3. Single-click the file.

    4. Running along the bottom of the VS Code window is the Status Bar. You should see text with "Python ... 64-bit" in the bottom bar.

    5. Click that text and select the correct virtual environment using the modal window.

      Not working? Here's an alternative way:

      1. Ctrl-Shift-P to open the Command Palette.
      2. Type "Python: Select Interpreter".
      3. Select the correct virtual environment using the modal window.
  2. Set Command Prompt as your default shell.

    1. Terminal > New Terminal

    2. In the terminal panel's menu bar, use the drop-down menu to "Select Default Shell"

    3. Select "Command Prompt" using the modal window.

    4. Close the Terminal Panel.

      Not working? Here's an alternative way:

      1. Ctrl-Shift-P to open the Command Palette.
      2. Type "Terminal: Select Default Shell".
      3. Select "Command Prompt" using the modal window.
  3. Get to know the general layout of VS Code.

    • The left-hand bar featuring a handful of glyphs is known as the "Activity Bar". There you can find file explorer, search menu, Git changes, and the extensions manager.
    • A terminal panel can be opened using Terminal > New Terminal. The terminal panel can be docked on either the right-hand side or the bottom; simply right-click the panel's bar.
    • Markdown documents can be previewed by pressing Ctrl-K V or by clicking the dedicated preview button.

Installing Sphinx

With Anaconda

  1. Open Anaconda Navigator
  2. Select "Environments" on the left-hand side.
  3. Toggle the drop-down menu from "Installed" to "All".
  4. Using the search bar, search for and install the packages listed in requirements.txt into your lexpredict_env virtual environment.

WARNING: Main project virtual env is used for generating docs during the CI build process. Please synchronize contraxsuite_services/deploy/base/python-requirements-all.txt with requirements.txt in the docs dir if making any changes in them.

With VS Code's Terminal

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. File > Open Folder... and navigate to the lexpredict-contraxsuite-services/documentation/docs directory.
  3. Select your LexPredict/ContraxSuite Python virtual environment.
  4. Open a new terminal panel.
  5. Type the following and press Enter
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    WARNING: Main project virtual env is used for generating docs during the CI build process. Please synchronize contraxsuite_services/deploy/base/python-requirements-all.txt with requirements.txt in the docs dir if making any changes in them.

Editing and Adding Files

With VS Code

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.

  2. File > Open Folder... and navigate to the lexpredict-contraxsuite-services/documentation/docs directory.

  3. Add or edit existing .rst or .md files in the source directory.

  4. If you added a new file, add it to the toctree.

    • Open index.rst. It is located in the root of the source directory.
    • Scroll down to the list of toctrees.
    • Add the path to your new file. Exclude the file extension.

    Example (the >> shows the added file. Do not include!):

    .. toctree::
       :maxdepth: 1
       :caption: Using ContraxSuite
    >> guides/user/my_new_file
  5. Open the terminal panel.

  6. Build the project by typing the following command and pressing Enter.

make html

If the changes don't appear to have taken effect (preview them in step 7), try the following:

make clean && make html
  1. You can preview your changes by opening the build/html/index.html file in a web browser.

  2. Commit changes.

Adding Tables

In Markdown files

  1. Use an HTML table generator
  2. Enter the tabular data and add approprate formatting.
  3. Copy the generated HTML and paste it into the Markdown (.md) file.

In reStructuredText files

  1. Use a plain-text table generator.
  2. Enter the tabular data.
  3. Copy the generated plain-text table and past it into the reStructuredText (.rst) file.

Coming soon: native Markdown tables (via an extension)

Developers Only: Attaching Django to Sphinx

Note: Andrew Parsons doesn't have a working installation of ContraxSuite at the moment and wasn't able to set this up himself.

How-To Guides


import os
import sys
import django
os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "settings"

Committing Changes

TODO: make this more verbose/clearer

  1. Open GitHub Desktop.
  2. Select the files you wish to commit.
  3. In the commit box, title the commit "CS-4402: SUMMARY GOES HERE"
  4. Optionally, you can add additional information.
  5. Push changes.

Strict branching procedure

File Organization

General Structure

  • All that Sphinx sees is within the docs directory.

  • All of our documents live within the docs/source directory. Think of these as the "input" for Sphinx.

  • All of the final HTML files live within the docs/build directory. Think of these as Sphinx's "output". These files are generated by running make html. Do not touch anything in the docs/build directory.

Structures which cannot change

  • Everything that Sphinx sees must remain in the docs directory.
  • The source and build directories must keep their names; Sphinx only knows to look there.
  • The source/_static directory is home to static assets like images (in the source/_static/img directory) and custom CSS files (in the source/_static/css directory).

Structures subject to change per team discussion

  • All other files and directories within source are free to be moved about, renamed, created, and deleted. We should talk and plan the structure as a team.
  • Andrew Parsons created introduction, configuration, guides,guides/user, and guides/developer as a rough placeholder template. These correspond to the types of content our documentation will hold—documents oriented toward installation and configuration fit under the configuration directory, whereas use-case guides fit under the guides/user directory.



This project uses the CommonMark Markdown flavor.


rst vs md

Sphinx, technical


coming soon

Style Guide

To be determined

Work in Progress

Decide on the optimal make html command.

-j 2

number of cores used to compile


Build HTML pages, but with a single directory per document. Makes for prettier URLs (no .html) if served from a webserver.