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lexnlp.extract.en.regulations: Extracting regulatory references

The lexnlp.extract.en.regulations module contains methods that allow for the extraction of regulations references from text. Examples include:

  • 55 CFR 77a-22B
  • 123 U.S.C § 456
  • Pub. L. 123-456

The full list of current unit test cases can be found here:


Extracting constraints ----------------.. autofunction:: get_regulations

Example :

>>> import lexnlp.extract.en.regulations
>>> text = "Pursuant to 123 CFR 456, Provider shall"
>>> print(list(lexnlp.extract.en.regulations.get_regulations(text)))
[('Code of Federal Regulations', '123 CFR 456')]
>>> text = "As enacted in Pub. L. 555-666"
>>> print(list(lexnlp.extract.en.regulations.get_regulations(text)))
[('no less than', 'the rate shall be', '')]

Customizing regulation extraction ----------------


The LexPredict Legal Dictionary repository contains a large number of additional regulatory citations and resources. See, for example, the file below for a list of US State code citations, e.g., Ill. Comp. Stat. or Mo. Rev. Stat: