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General Information Inputs

Lexi edited this page Oct 20, 2022 · 1 revision


We all know something needs input, this is the same way for everything, need something to do something else? Well, you need to give it an input, YT-DLP-GUI is no different, we have a few set input options for you to learn about, don't worry, it's going to be fine!

All of the Inputs

We will go down the list of all available inputs, you simply have to enter in certain values into each input box, and it will be as simple as pie.

Video URL

This is where you will place your YouTube Video. This will tell YT-DLP-GUI what you want to download! It shouldn't matter what type of URL you can give it, but my best advice is to right-click on your video and select "Copy Video URL" and paste it into the box. Alternatively, you can paste a playlist URL as well.


This little dropdown menu tells you what format you want your video to be in, currently supported formats are:

# Supported Formats
1 MP3
2 MP4
with soon more to come!


This is the mode your download will be in, when you select a mode, you'll be able to tell the application exactly how to download your video, this mode has the ability to support Singular videos, and Playlists. The supported options are as follows.

  1. Video - This downloads only 1 video, even when linked to a playlist.
  2. Playlist - This downloads the videos from a playlist.

Note: You're unable to use this on PRIVATE playlists. You must use public or unlisted playlists instead.

FFMPEG Location

This requires a little setup, the application automatically gathers the dependencies for you, however, It does not grab FFMPEG for you. That would have to be downloaded separately.

How to download FFMPEG?

The simpliest way to get FFMPEG for this application, is to simply download it from it's source. We recommend downloading This version from, as it is all you need.

  • Once downloaded, all you have to do is open the newly downloaded 7z archive (This step might require 7zip if you haven't got it already.)
  • Once opened, click on the folder labeled, "bin"
  • Extract the three files, ffprobe.exe, ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe and paste them into the application directory.

After you completed this process, you are now able to open YT-DLP-GUI and the field will automatically populate.

Note: Alternatively, you can set it to blank if you have FFMPEG installed in your System Variables, or you can select the little Folder icon next to the field and select your FFMPEG installation there.

Custom Parameters (Optional)

These are advanced options, they are not needed by a regular user, or in regular use cases. However, if you do find yourself needing it, you are free to do so.

What does it do?

This field is used to add custom behavior to the script, for example, as you can tell, it automatically filled in the parameter, "--verbose" which is the command to output more detailed information about the YT-DLP process. which is not usually enabled, you can remove this input, and it will change the end result.

Note: In most cases, you really do not need this, it is recommended that you leave it at default.

Command Preview

This green hacker box is your window to see what will execute when you click "Download" It will update in real time, it cannot be edited directly, but that's what the inputs are for!


This is the final input, all you have to do after all is configured, is to click the Download button! You then select the destination of the result. and a command prompt window will appear.

Do not close this command prompt! It is a completely normal functionality, you just have to wait until the window disappears, then you will be asked to continue.

Presto! Your download is completed. Well done!


If you have any need for additional help please open an issue request at Our Github Repository and we, or our community, will try to help you as soon as possible Thanks!