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DOP SIM is a simulator using DOP (Data-oriented Programming) paradigm, supporting downwash effect of quadrotors!


This simulator only contains dynamics and body rate controller, and it leverages mavros_msgs as communication protocol, aiming to be compatible with MAVROS. If you want to achieve the effect in above gif, including trajectory generation and control, please visit another repository:

Read paper for more details:


@INPROCEEDINGS{author={Li, Jinjie and Han, Liang and Yu, Haoyang and Wang, Zhaotian and Yang, Pengzhi and Yan, Ziwei and Ren, Zhang},
  booktitle={ICRA 2023 Workshop on The Role of Robotics Simulators for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles},
  title={Potato: A Data-Oriented Programming 3D Simulator for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Swarm Robotics},


  1. install ROS noetic following
  2. install PyTorch with GPU option following
  3. Create a workspace for ROS noetic, then go to the /src
  4. sudo apt install ros-noetic-mavros-msgs
  5. git clone
  6. catkin build to build the whole workspace. Done!

Getting Started

Before each running: cd /path_to_workspace and then source devel/setup.bash

  • If you want to make one quadrotor fly, just run roslaunch mul_qd_w_rviz.launch config_file:=one_qd_config.yaml
  • If you want to make three quadrotor fly, just run roslaunch mul_qd_w_rviz.launch config_file:=three_qd_config.yaml
  • If you want to make multiple quadrotors fly, just run roslaunch mul_qd_w_rviz.launch config_file:=mul_qd_config.yaml, and please change mul_qd_config.yaml as you wish.

How to measure model time (optional)

  1. install LibTorch in C++
  2. install pytorch in python
  3. ROS is not a must, but it is recommended
  4. run 'scripts/' to measure the time of python code and save to a model.
  5. use CMakeLists.txt.w_cpp as CMakeLists.txt, then run 'src/measure_model_time.cpp' to measure the time of C++ code.


GPLv3. Please also open-source your project if you use the code from this repository. Let's make the whole community better!