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LiQiufu committed Jun 30, 2020
1 parent eaffc64 commit b695644
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Showing 19 changed files with 3,783 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .idea/WaveCNet.iml

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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions .idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml

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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .idea/misc.xml

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .idea/modules.xml

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .idea/vcs.xml

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760 changes: 760 additions & 0 deletions .idea/workspace.xml

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168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions DWT_IDWT/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
# Copyright (c) 2019, Adobe Inc. All rights reserved.
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
# 4.0 International Public License. To view a copy of this license, visit

import torch
from torch.autograd import Function

class DWTFunction_1D(Function):
def forward(ctx, input, matrix_Low, matrix_High):
ctx.save_for_backward(matrix_Low, matrix_High)
L = torch.matmul(input, matrix_Low.t())
H = torch.matmul(input, matrix_High.t())
return L, H
def backward(ctx, grad_L, grad_H):
matrix_L, matrix_H = ctx.saved_variables
grad_input = torch.add(torch.matmul(grad_L, matrix_L), torch.matmul(grad_H, matrix_H))
return grad_input, None, None

class IDWTFunction_1D(Function):
def forward(ctx, input_L, input_H, matrix_L, matrix_H):
ctx.save_for_backward(matrix_L, matrix_H)
output = torch.add(torch.matmul(input_L, matrix_L), torch.matmul(input_H, matrix_H))
return output
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
matrix_L, matrix_H = ctx.saved_variables
grad_L = torch.matmul(grad_output, matrix_L.t())
grad_H = torch.matmul(grad_output, matrix_H.t())
return grad_L, grad_H, None, None

class DWTFunction_2D(Function):
def forward(ctx, input, matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1):
ctx.save_for_backward(matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1)
L = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0, input)
H = torch.matmul(matrix_High_0, input)
LL = torch.matmul(L, matrix_Low_1)
LH = torch.matmul(L, matrix_High_1)
HL = torch.matmul(H, matrix_Low_1)
HH = torch.matmul(H, matrix_High_1)
return LL, LH, HL, HH
def backward(ctx, grad_LL, grad_LH, grad_HL, grad_HH):
matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1 = ctx.saved_variables
grad_L = torch.add(torch.matmul(grad_LL, matrix_Low_1.t()), torch.matmul(grad_LH, matrix_High_1.t()))
grad_H = torch.add(torch.matmul(grad_HL, matrix_Low_1.t()), torch.matmul(grad_HH, matrix_High_1.t()))
grad_input = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0.t(), grad_L), torch.matmul(matrix_High_0.t(), grad_H))
return grad_input, None, None, None, None

class DWTFunction_2D_tiny(Function):
def forward(ctx, input, matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1):
ctx.save_for_backward(matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1)
L = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0, input)
LL = torch.matmul(L, matrix_Low_1)
return LL
def backward(ctx, grad_LL):
matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1 = ctx.saved_variables
grad_L = torch.matmul(grad_LL, matrix_Low_1.t())
grad_input = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0.t(), grad_L)
return grad_input, None, None, None, None

class IDWTFunction_2D(Function):
def forward(ctx, input_LL, input_LH, input_HL, input_HH,
matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1):
ctx.save_for_backward(matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1)
L = torch.add(torch.matmul(input_LL, matrix_Low_1.t()), torch.matmul(input_LH, matrix_High_1.t()))
H = torch.add(torch.matmul(input_HL, matrix_Low_1.t()), torch.matmul(input_HH, matrix_High_1.t()))
output = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0.t(), L), torch.matmul(matrix_High_0.t(), H))
return output
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1 = ctx.saved_variables
grad_L = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0, grad_output)
grad_H = torch.matmul(matrix_High_0, grad_output)
grad_LL = torch.matmul(grad_L, matrix_Low_1)
grad_LH = torch.matmul(grad_L, matrix_High_1)
grad_HL = torch.matmul(grad_H, matrix_Low_1)
grad_HH = torch.matmul(grad_H, matrix_High_1)
return grad_LL, grad_LH, grad_HL, grad_HH, None, None, None, None

class DWTFunction_3D(Function):
def forward(ctx, input,
matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_Low_2,
matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1, matrix_High_2):
ctx.save_for_backward(matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_Low_2,
matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1, matrix_High_2)
L = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0, input)
H = torch.matmul(matrix_High_0, input)
LL = torch.matmul(L, matrix_Low_1).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
LH = torch.matmul(L, matrix_High_1).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
HL = torch.matmul(H, matrix_Low_1).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
HH = torch.matmul(H, matrix_High_1).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
LLL = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2, LL).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
LLH = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2, LH).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
LHL = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2, HL).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
LHH = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2, HH).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
HLL = torch.matmul(matrix_High_2, LL).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
HLH = torch.matmul(matrix_High_2, LH).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
HHL = torch.matmul(matrix_High_2, HL).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
HHH = torch.matmul(matrix_High_2, HH).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)

def backward(ctx, grad_LLL, grad_LLH, grad_LHL, grad_LHH,
grad_HLL, grad_HLH, grad_HHL, grad_HHH):
matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_Low_2, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1, matrix_High_2 = ctx.saved_variables
grad_LL = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2.t(), grad_LLL.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)), torch.matmul(matrix_High_2.t(), grad_HLL.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3))).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_LH = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2.t(), grad_LLH.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)), torch.matmul(matrix_High_2.t(), grad_HLH.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3))).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_HL = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2.t(), grad_LHL.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)), torch.matmul(matrix_High_2.t(), grad_HHL.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3))).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_HH = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2.t(), grad_LHH.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)), torch.matmul(matrix_High_2.t(), grad_HHH.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3))).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_L = torch.add(torch.matmul(grad_LL, matrix_Low_1.t()), torch.matmul(grad_LH, matrix_High_1.t()))
grad_H = torch.add(torch.matmul(grad_HL, matrix_Low_1.t()), torch.matmul(grad_HH, matrix_High_1.t()))
grad_input = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0.t(), grad_L), torch.matmul(matrix_High_0.t(), grad_H))
return grad_input, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

class IDWTFunction_3D(Function):
def forward(ctx, input_LLL, input_LLH, input_LHL, input_LHH,
input_HLL, input_HLH, input_HHL, input_HHH,
matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_Low_2,
matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1, matrix_High_2):
ctx.save_for_backward(matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_Low_2,
matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1, matrix_High_2)
input_LL = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2.t(), input_LLL.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)), torch.matmul(matrix_High_2.t(), input_HLL.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3))).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
input_LH = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2.t(), input_LLH.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)), torch.matmul(matrix_High_2.t(), input_HLH.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3))).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
input_HL = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2.t(), input_LHL.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)), torch.matmul(matrix_High_2.t(), input_HHL.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3))).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
input_HH = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2.t(), input_LHH.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)), torch.matmul(matrix_High_2.t(), input_HHH.transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3))).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
input_L = torch.add(torch.matmul(input_LL, matrix_Low_1.t()), torch.matmul(input_LH, matrix_High_1.t()))
input_H = torch.add(torch.matmul(input_HL, matrix_Low_1.t()), torch.matmul(input_HH, matrix_High_1.t()))
output = torch.add(torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0.t(), input_L), torch.matmul(matrix_High_0.t(), input_H))
return output
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
matrix_Low_0, matrix_Low_1, matrix_Low_2, matrix_High_0, matrix_High_1, matrix_High_2 = ctx.saved_variables
grad_L = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_0, grad_output)
grad_H = torch.matmul(matrix_High_0, grad_output)
grad_LL = torch.matmul(grad_L, matrix_Low_1).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_LH = torch.matmul(grad_L, matrix_High_1).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_HL = torch.matmul(grad_H, matrix_Low_1).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_HH = torch.matmul(grad_H, matrix_High_1).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_LLL = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2, grad_LL).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_LLH = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2, grad_LH).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_LHL = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2, grad_HL).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_LHH = torch.matmul(matrix_Low_2, grad_HH).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_HLL = torch.matmul(matrix_High_2, grad_LL).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_HLH = torch.matmul(matrix_High_2, grad_LH).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_HHL = torch.matmul(matrix_High_2, grad_HL).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
grad_HHH = torch.matmul(matrix_High_2, grad_HH).transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
return grad_LLL, grad_LLH, grad_LHL, grad_LHH, grad_HLL, grad_HLH, grad_HHL, grad_HHH, None, None, None, None, None, None

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