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An app upgrade plugin. It realizes the function of jumping to App Store or Market and installing after downloading APK.


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Repository files navigation

Flutter Upgrade Util

pub package GitHub license

Language: 中文 | English

At present, the plugin is only used by Android, iOS.

Use of third-party

  • Using dio to download the apk for Android, which is built-in in the plugin and does not need to be referenced;

Preparing for use

Version constraints

  sdk: ">=3.1.0 <4.0.0"
  flutter: ">=3.13.0"


  1. Add upgrade_util to pubspec.yaml dependencies.
  upgrade_util: ^latest_version
  1. Get the package by executing the flutter command.
flutter pub get
  1. Introduce
import 'package:upgrade_util/upgrade_util.dart';

Localized configuration

Add in MaterialApp.

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      localizationsDelegates: const <LocalizationsDelegate<dynamic>>[



Popups are implemented by using showUpgradeDialog.

Name Type Description Default
context BuildContext Context Required
key Key? Identifier of the component null
upgradeConfig UpgradeConfig? Dialog style UpgradeConfig(title: UpgradeLocalizations.of(context).title, updateText: UpgradeLocalizations.of(context).updateText, cancelText: UpgradeLocalizations.of(context).cancelText)
iOSUpgradeConfig IosUpgradeConfig? iOS upgrade config IosUpgradeConfig()
androidUpgradeConfig AndroidUpgradeConfig? Android upgrade config AndroidUpgradeConfig(androidMarket: AndroidMarket(), downloadCancelText: UpgradeLocalizations.of(context).androidCancel)
isDebugLog bool Whether to print logs false
barrierLabel String? barrierLabel null
arguments Object? The arguments passed to this route null


Popups are implemented by using UpgradeConfig.

Name Type Description Default
force bool Whether to force the update false
titleWidget Widget? The layout of the title. When it is empty, use [Text] instead. null
title String? A title of the version. UpgradeLocalizations.of(context).title
titleTextStyle TextStyle? The text style of title null
titleStrutStyle StrutStyle? The strut style of title null
contentWidget Widget? The layout of the description. When it is empty, use [Text] instead. null
content String? A description of the version null
contentTextStyle TextStyle? The text style of content null
contentStrutStyle StrutStyle? The strut style of content null
updateText String? Text message of the update button UpgradeLocalizations.of(context).updateText
updateTextStyle TextStyle? The text style of updateText null
cancelText String? Text message of cancel button UpgradeLocalizations.of(context).cancelText
cancelTextStyle TextStyle? The text style of cancelText null


Popups are implemented by using IosUpgradeConfig.

Name Type Description Default
appleId String? Apple ID null
scrollController ScrollController? A scroll controller that can be used to control the scrolling of the content in the dialog null
actionScrollController ScrollController? A scroll controller that can be used to control the scrolling of the actions in the dialog null
isUpgradeDefaultAction bool Set to true if button is the default choice in the dialog false
isUpgradeDestructiveAction bool Whether this action destroys an object false
isCancelDefaultAction bool Set to true if button is the default choice in the dialog false
isCancelDestructiveAction bool Whether this action destroys an object true


Popups are implemented by using AndroidUpgradeConfig.

Name Type Description Default
androidMarket AndroidMarket? The settings of app market for Android AndroidMarket()
otherMarkets List<String> The package name of the app market that is not preset in AndroidMarket <String>[]
dialogBorderRadius BorderRadius? The dialog's borderRadius. BorderRadius.circular(10)
topImageProvider ImageProvider? Picture at the top of the dialog null
topImageHeight double? Height of the image null
updateButton Widget? Function(String label, VoidCallback? onPressed)? The upgrade button null
updateButtonStyle ButtonStyle? The style of the upgrade button null
downloadCancelText String? Cancel text when downloading UpgradeLocalizations.of(context).androidCancel
downloadUri Uri? A link of download for Apk null
saveName String? The name of the file after the apk download is completed temp.apk
downloadInterceptors List<Interceptor> Interceptors added to [Dio] <Interceptor>[]
deleteOnError bool Whether delete the file when error occurs true
lengthHeader String The real size of original file (not compressed) Headers.contentLengthHeader
data dynamic The request data null
options Options? Every request can pass a [Options] object null
isExistsFile bool Verify the existence of the file named saveName false
indicatorHeight double? The height of the indicator 10px
indicatorBackgroundColor Color? It is LinearProgressIndicator.backgroundColor null
indicatorColor Color? It is LinearProgressIndicator.color null
indicatorValueColor Color? It is LinearProgressIndicator.valueColor null
indicatorTextSize double? The text size of the indicator 8px
indicatorTextColor Color? The text color of the indicator null
onDownloadProgressCallback DownloadProgressCallback? Realize the listening event of download progress null
onDownloadStatusCallback DownloadStatusCallback? Realize the listening event of download status null
  • androidMarket application market detailed configuration can be viewed AndroidMarket;
  • androidMarket and downloadUrl need to be configured; if both are configured, androidMarket is the priority;


To jump to the App Store or the application market, use the jumpToStore method

  • The required item is jumpMode, so far, there are three modes;
    1. JumpMode.detailPage, jump to the application details page (ie the product introduction page);
    2. JumpMode.reviewsPage, jump to the app review page;
    3. JumpMode.writeReview, jump to the app review page and comment.
  • appleId is required for iOS, which is the application number of the App Store;
  • marketPackageName is the package name of the application market that Android jumps to, not required.
  • The packageName field is no longer provided because the package name of the project is used uniformly.

Android unique method

  1. getDownloadPath, get the save path of the software download;
  2. installApk, install the apk, and jump to the installation guide page;
  3. getMarkets get a list of software information for the application market contained in the mobile phone.

If you like my project, please in the upper right corner of the project "Star". Your support is my biggest encouragement! ^_^


An app upgrade plugin. It realizes the function of jumping to App Store or Market and installing after downloading APK.








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