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by liav tausi

virustotal automator

VTAutomator is a wrapper for virustotal, this program is an CLI running scanner that allows users to scan multiple files and URLs for potential malware and viruses. It utilizes the VirusTotal database API and retrieve scan results and reputation scores for the given files or URLs.


serves as the base class for the other classes and contains common functionality such as endpoints data, cache handling, and error handling.


used for scanning files. It inherits from the VTAutomator class and includes additional functionality specific to analysing multiple files, such as the ability to upload multiple files to the VirusTotal servers for scanning and retrieve the scan results.


used for scanning URLs. It also inherits from the VTAutomator class and includes additional functionality specific to scanning multiple URLs, such as the ability to submit multiple URLs for scanning and retrieve the scan results.


[-h] [--workers WORKERS] (--file FILE [FILE ...] | --url URL [URL ...]) [--password [PASSWORD]] [--comment [COMMENT]] [--comments COMMENTS [COMMENTS ...]]
                  [--limit [LIMIT]] [--cursor [CURSOR]] [--return_cursor [RETURN_CURSOR]] [--verdict [VERDICT]] [--verdicts VERDICTS [VERDICTS ...]]
                  type method vt_key

type: This argument is used to specify the type of scan, either 'file' or 'url'.

--workers: This argument is used to specify the number of worker threads to use in the scan.

method: This argument is used to specify the method of scan, such as

post_file, post_files, post_file_comment ,post_files_comments, post_file_vote, post_files_votes, post_get_file, post_get_files

get_file, get_files, get_file_commensts, get_files_comments, get_file_vote, get_files_votes

post_url, post_urls, post_url_comment ,post_urls_comments, post_url_vote, post_urls_votes, post_get_url, post_get_urls

get_url, get_urls, get_url_commensts, get_urls_comments, get_url_vote, get_urs_votes

post_rescan, post_rescans

vt_key: This argument is used to specify the VirusTotal API key.

--file: This argument is used to specify a list of file paths to scan.

--password: This argument is used to specify an optional file password for files that have been password protected.

--url: This argument is used to specify a list of URLs to scan.

--comment: an optinal argumant that allows to add a comment on scaned URL/File # one

--comments: an optinal argumant that allows to add a comments on scaned URLs/Files # many

--limit: an argumant that specitys the limited amount of comments to retrive

--cursor: marker that is used to keep track of a specific position within a dataset or resultset

--return_cursor: if dev whants the cursor of comments, votes

--verdict: an optinal argumant for vote metheds, "harmless" or "malicious"

--verdicts: an argumant for multiple votes metheds, "harmless" or "malicious"

The program will take in url/s or file/s as input and return the scan results from the VirusTotal database 
by: liav tausi

positional arguments:
  type                  type of scan (file or url)
  method                method to run
  vt_key                VirusTotal API key

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workers WORKERS     number of workers
  --file FILE [FILE ...]
                        a list of files
  --url URL [URL ...]   a list of URLs
  --password [PASSWORD]
                        optional file password
  --comment [COMMENT]   a comment for URL/file
  --comments COMMENTS [COMMENTS ...]
                        a comment for URL/file
  --limit [LIMIT]       limit for retried comments
  --cursor [CURSOR]     cursor for retried comments
  --return_cursor [RETURN_CURSOR]
                        returns cursor of request
  --verdict [VERDICT]   vote for "harmless" or "malicious"
  --verdicts VERDICTS [VERDICTS ...]
                        votes for "harmless" or "malicious"
  • note that this program uses multithreading, it is also thread safe


CLI running scanner that allows users to scan multiple files and URLs








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