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Website Performance Optimization portfolio project

My Optimizations

In index.html, I removed the web font and added css directly into the html instead of linking to a stylesheet. I also made the javascript files async and used grunt to resize some of the images. In views/js/main.js, I changed the changePizzaSizes function so that dx and newWidth were determined once outside of the for loop instead of for every single pizza. In updatePositions, I moved scrollTop out of the for loop. I also moved the background pizzas to a new layer in views/css/style.css so that the entire page does not need to be repainted every time the user scrolls. Additionally, I decreased the number of background pizzas that need to be drawn when the page loads.

How to Run the Application

To run the application, download the repository and open dist/index.html. The src folder contains the original Udacity repository while the dist folder contains my changes to it.


To run Grunt, first, if necessary, install it globally in node.js by typing

npm install -g grunt-cli

Then, navigate to the dist folder and install grunt-contrib-clean, grunt-contrib-copy, grunt-mkdir, and grunt-reponsive-images. Finally, type the command

grunt responsive-images

to run the Gruntfile.


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