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LibrePCB Package for OpenPandora

This repository contains everything to create the LibrePCB PND which can then be uploaded to the OpenPandora Repo.

Build Binaries on the OpenPandora


Install Code::Blocks Package.

Build LibrePCB

  1. Start -> Development -> Dev Command Line Interface
  2. cd /media/SD
  3. wget
  4. unzip
  5. Apply patches: workaround-for-qt5-bug.patch and workaround-fix-linking-without-gl.patch
  6. mkdir build && cd build
  7. Create some temporary output directory on a non fat32 partition: mkdir /home/user/librepcb
  9. Repeat last command for unknown reasons !!
  10. make
  11. make install

Package creation

Dependencies on Ubuntu

sudo apt install squashfs-tools

Dependencies on Nixos

nix-shell -p squashfsTools

Create the PND

  1. Increment build number in PXML.xml
  2. Use content: /home/user/librepcb
  3. Ensure i18n files are up to date
  4. Ensure share folder is up to date
  5. ./

Debugging the PND

  1. Mount the pnd: /usr/pandora/scripts/ -p /path/to/your/pnd/librepcb.pnd -m
  2. Run the ./