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This is a guide about how to start hacking on LibrePlan project. If you want more information about LibrePlan development you should visit the wiki available at:

  • Git - Version Control System

    Needed to clone source code repository

  • Maven 2 - Java software project management and comprehension tool

    Needed to build and compile the project

  • JDK 6 - Java Development Kit

    Project depends on Java 6 and JDK is needed in order to compile it

  • PostgreSQL - Object-relational SQL database

    Database server

  • Python Docutils - Utilities for the documentation of Python modules

    Used to generate HTMLs help files from RST files (reStructuredText)

  • Make - An utility for Directing compilation

    Needed to compile the help

  • gettext - GNU Internationalization utilities

    Used for i18n support in the project

  • CutyCapt - Utility to capture WebKit's rendering of a web page

    Required for printing

  • Install requirements:

    # apt-get install git-core maven2 openjdk-6-jdk postgresql postgresql-client python-docutils make gettext cutycapt
  • Connect to database:

    # su postgres -c psql
  • Use SQL sentences:

    CREATE DATABASE libreplandev;
    CREATE DATABASE libreplandevtest;
    CREATE USER libreplan WITH PASSWORD 'libreplan';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE libreplandev TO libreplan;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE libreplandevtest TO libreplan;
  • Download source code:

    $ git clone git://
  • Compile project:

    $ cd libreplan/
    $ mvn clean install
  • Launch application:

    $ cd libreplan-webapp/
    $ mvn jetty:run
  • Go to http://localhost:8080/libreplan-webapp/

  • Install requirements:

    # yum install git maven java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel postgresql postgresql-server python-docutils make gettext gnu-free-fonts-compat


Use the following command in Fedora 16 or below:

# yum install git maven java-1.6.0-openjdk postgresql postgresql-server python-docutils make gettext gnu-free-fonts-compat
  • Start database service:

    # su - postgres -c "PGDATA=/var/lib/pgsql/data initdb"
    # systemctl start postgresql.service


Use the following commands in Fedora 16 or below:

# service postgresql initdb
# service postgresql start
  • Connect to database:

    # su postgres -c psql
  • Use SQL sentences:

    CREATE DATABASE libreplandev;
    CREATE DATABASE libreplandevtest;
    CREATE USER libreplan WITH PASSWORD 'libreplan';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE libreplandev TO libreplan;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE libreplandevtest TO libreplan;
  • Set postgres user password:

    ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';


These steps are only for Fedora 16 and below:

  • Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and replace ident by md5

  • Reload database configuration:

    # service postgresql reload
  • Download source code:

    $ git clone git://
  • Compile project:

    $ cd libreplan/
    $ mvn clean install
  • Launch application:

    $ cd libreplan-webapp/
    $ mvn jetty:run
  • Go to http://localhost:8080/libreplan-webapp/

  • Install requirements:

    # zypper install git-core java-1_6_0-openjdk-devel postgresql-server postgresql docutils make gettext-tools
  • Install Maven:

    # cd /opt/
    # wget
    # tar -xzvf apache-maven-2.2.1-bin.tar.gz

    Edit /etc/bash.bashrc.local and add the following lines:

    export M2_HOME=/opt/apache-maven-2.2.1
    export M2=$M2_HOME/bin
    export PATH=$M2:$PATH
  • Start database service:

    # /etc/init.d/postgresql start
  • Connect to database:

    # su postgres -c psql
  • Use SQL sentences:

    CREATE DATABASE libreplandev;
    CREATE DATABASE libreplandevtest;
    CREATE USER libreplan WITH PASSWORD 'libreplan';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE libreplandev TO libreplan;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE libreplandevtest TO libreplan;
  • Set postgres user password:

    ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';
  • Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and replace ident by md5

  • Restart database service:

    # /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
  • Download source code:

    $ git clone git://
  • Compile project:

    $ cd libreplan/
    $ mvn clean install
  • Launch application:

    $ cd libreplan-webapp/
    $ mvn jetty:run
  • Go to http://localhost:8080/libreplan-webapp/

Like CutyCapt is not packaged for all distributions here are the instructions.

  • Install requirements:

    # apt-get install subversion libqt4-dev libqtwebkit-dev qt4-qmake g++ make

    In Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 remove libqtwebkit-dev package.

  • Download source code:

    $ svn co cutycapt
  • Compile:

    $ cd CutyCapt
    $ qmake
    $ make
  • Install:

    # cp CutyCapt /user/bin/cutycapt
  • Install requirements:

    # yum install subversion qt-devel qt-webkit-devel gcc-c++ make
  • Download source code:

    $ svn co cutycapt
  • Compile:

    $ cd cutycapt/CutyCapt
    $ qmake-qt4
    $ make
  • Install:

    # cp CutyCapt /user/bin/cutycapt
  • Install requirements:

    # zypper install subversion libqt4-devel libQtWebKit-devel gcc-c++ make
  • Download source code:

    $ svn co cutycapt
  • Compile:

    $ cd cutycapt/CutyCapt
    $ qmake-qt4
    $ make
  • Install:

    # cp CutyCapt /user/bin/cutycapt

There are different compilation profiles in LibrePlan. Check <profiles> section in root pom.xml to see the different profiles (there are also some profiles defined in pom.xml of business and webapp modules).

  • dev - Development environment (default)

    It uses databases libreplandev and libreplandevtest.

  • prod - Production environment

    Unlike dev it uses database libreplanprod and libreplanprodtest`.

    It is needed to use it in combination with postgresql or mysql profiles.

    This is usually used while testing the stable branch in the repository. This allows developers to easily manage 2 different databases one for last development in master branch and another for bugfixing over stable branch.

  • postgresql - PostgreSQL database (default)

    It uses PostgreSQL database server getting database names from dev or prod profiles.

  • mysql - MySQL database

    It uses MySQL database server getting database names from dev or prod profiles.

  • reports - JasperReports (default)

    If it is active LibrePlan reports are compiled.

    It is useful to disable this profile to save compilation time during development.

  • userguide - User documentation (default)

    If it is active LibrePlan help is compiled and HTML files are generated.

    User documentation is written in reStructuredText and it is generated automatically thanks to this profile.

    Like for reports, it is useful deactivate this profile during development to save compilation time.

  • liquibase-update - Liquibase update (default)

    If it is active Liquibase changes are applied in the database.

  • liquibase-updatesql - Liquibase update SQL

    If it is active it is generated a file with SQL sentences for Liquibase changes needed to apply on database.

    This is used to generate upgrade files in releases.

  • i18n - Internationalization (default)

    It uses gettext to process language files in order to be used in LibrePlan.

    Like for reports and userguide, it is useful deactivate this profile during development to save compilation time.

Profiles active by default are used always if not deactivated. In order to activate or deactivate a profile you should use parameter -P for Maven command. For example:

  • Deactivate reports, userguide and i18n to save compilation time:

    mvn -P-reports,-userguide,-i18n clean install
  • Use production environment:

    mvn -Pprod,postgresql clean install

In LibrePlan there are two custom Maven properties, which allow you to configure some small bits in the project.

  • default.passwordsControl - Warning about default passwords (true by default)

    If this option is enabled, a warning is show in LibrePlan footer to application administrators in order to change the default password (which matches with user login) for the users created by default: admin, user, wsreader and wswriter.

  • default.exampleUsersDisabled - Disable default users (true by default)

    If true, example default users such as user, wsreader and wswriter are disabled. This is a good option for production environments.

    This option is set to false if you are using the development profile (the default one).

Maven properties have a default value, but you can change it using the parameter -D for Maven command to set the value of each option you want to modify. For example:

  • Set default.passwordsControl to false:

    mvn -Ddefault.passwordsControl=false clean install
  • Set default.passwordsControl and default.exampleUsersDisabled to false:

    mvn -Ddefault.passwordsControl=false -Ddefault.exampleUsersDisabled=false clean install

LibrePlan has a lot of JUnit test that by default are passed when you compile the project with Maven. You can use -DskipTests to avoid tests are passed always. Anyway, you should check that tests are not broken before sending or pushing a patch.

mvn -DskipTests clean install

For MySQL users here are specific instructions.

  • SQL sentences to create database:

    CREATE DATABASE libreplandev;
    CREATE DATABASE libreplandevtest;
    GRANT ALL ON libreplandev.* to 'libreplan'@'localhost' identified by 'libreplan';
    GRANT ALL ON libreplandevtest.* to 'libreplan'@'localhost' identified by 'libreplan';
  • Compile project:

    $ mvn -Pdev,mysql clean install
  • Launch application:

    $ cd libreplan-webapp/
    $ mvn -Pdev,mysql jetty:run