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Lichess API Worker

Ben Olden-Cooligan edited this page Sep 5, 2016 · 5 revisions

The Lichess API Worker is a local service running on the server to allow both Chesster and the website to coordinate calls to the Lichess API and avoid exceeding rate limits.



Adds an API call for the URL{path}?{args} to the execution queue. Higher priority calls are executed first. In case of failures (e.g. rate-limits) the retry count will be used.

A successful request returns HTTP 200 with a response body consisting of a string for a Redis key. The caller should poll Redis at redis:// for the provided key at an interval (e.g. 0.1s) until it is available (with some timeout, e.g. 2 minutes). A successful call to the Lichess API will set the value in Redis to the Lichess API call's response body. A failed call (that exceeded the retry count) will set it to an empty string.

Priority Values

These are just conventions. Any relative numeric values will do.

0 - Background updates 1 - Manual updates 10 - Responsiveness is critical

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