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Using Content-based and Collaborative Filtering techniques to create relevant film suggestions for users

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Movie Recommender System


As a DJ, the art of deciding what to play next has always fascinated me. Curating and recommending content is an important part of modern media consumption. As I explored datasets for this capstone project I realized a movie database is essentially a vast record collection. Recommender systems are integral in the digital age, from streaming services to E-commerce. Knowing an audience and making a fruitful recommendation is an art-form ripe for exploration.

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The Data

The dataset from Kaggle consisted of 45,000 movies. The contents included information such as; title, genre, keywords, synopsis, entire cast and crew. Numeric metrics included information like budget and revenue. I cleaned and wrangled the data in preparation for building my model. The code for this step is contained in the Notebooks folder, it's titled Data Wrangling.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Being that my overall project required an unsupervised learning approach with text-centric categorical data my EDA step was relatively minimal. I did exploratory analysis of some of the numerical data. The code for this step is contained in the Notebooks folder, titled Exploratory Data Analysis.


I focused on three main approaches for modeling: Clustering, Cosine Similarity, and Collaborative Filtering. I compared various algorithms to test efficacy. For Clustering, I tested K Means and DBSCAN. Cosine Similarity is already known to be highly effective. For Collaborative Filtering I tested Singular Value Decomposition, K Nearest Neighbors and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. Through Cross-Validation and Silhouette Coefficient analysis I chose K Means and Singular Value Decomposition. The code is contained in the Notebooks folder, titled Preprocessing.

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Before running my algorithms, I tuned the hyper-parameters through a process called Grid Search Cross-Validation. I wrote functions to invoke the algorithms and generate recommendation lists. For Clustering, each film was assigned to a numbered group. So when a recommendation is made based on Film A, all of the other films in that cluster are in the recommendation list. For Collaborative Filtering, the function takes in a User ID and a movie title. The algorithm then finds similar users and makes a prediction of how the user of interest will rate the given film. For Cosine Similarity, the model creates a big matrix of similarity scores between all of the movies. When a movie is entered into the function, it recommends a list of the top 10 most similar movies. The final model is a Hybrid System that combines Cosine Similarity with Collaborative Filtering. It creates a top 10 most similar list ranked by how much the user is predicted to like each film. This step is contained in the Notebooks folder, it is titled Modeling.

Special thank you to my mentor Jeremy Cunningham

Check out the White Paper


Using Content-based and Collaborative Filtering techniques to create relevant film suggestions for users






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