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Videos and Lectures [LEGACY]

Jirka Borovec edited this page May 4, 2021 · 1 revision


Video lectures

  • From PyTorch to PyTorch Lightning This video covers the magic of PyTorch Lightning! We convert the pure PyTorch classification model we created in the previous episode to PyTorch Lightning, which makes all the latest AI best practices trivial. We go over training on single and multi GPUs, logging and saving models, and many more!
  • Training a classification model on MNIST with PyTorch This video covers how to create a PyTorch classification model from scratch! It introduces all the fundamental components like architecture definition, optimizer, loss function, data loader, and Alfredo's infamous 5 steps training! It shows you also how to train on a GPU, how to add residual connections, and how to use dropout to fight overfitting.
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