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Control Corsair/Razer Connected Devices with Alexa / Google Home

Hello! So I created a program called RGB-VC that allwos one to use control their Corsair/Razer connected products via Alexa or Google home. This system is comprised of three seperate programs as a whole. Dropbox, Assistant Computer Control, and then RGB-VC

First thing you will want to do is download RGB-VC and its companioning dll file, and colors.txt. You will Need to put all three in the same directory otherwise the program will not work.

After that, go ahead and download Dropbox and Assistant Computer Control off of their website:

Scroll down till you find the example for Appending text: and go ahead and set it up with IFTTT and Dropbox. My IFTTT ended up looking like this.

In the Append Text IFTTT - MAKE SURE that the file you are writing to is the same file that you downloaded "colors.txt" Otherwise the program will NOT work.

Finally, Open Config.cfg and change your proper settings to true depending on your Razer/Corsair Devices.

After that, you are basically done. If you ever want to switch back to your profiles for different effects (this is only for solid colors), just use your key phrase followed by the words "release control" that will release ICUE from the sdk and return control to ICUE Software.

You can also sync different profiles.

To enable Follow these instructions to create an IFTTT:

Mine ended up looking like this:

In order to get the profiles synced you need to create an EXE Program to link the profiles too.

Heres How:

  1. Open an empty text document (I would do this in a seperate folder where you will eventually store all your .exe files)

  2. type in '@echo off' (No apostrophes)

  3. Save it as profile.bat (make sure to take it off of text document and put it as all files

  4. Run Bat2Exe - - (it has all the instructions in the GUI - just make sure the input folder is the folder with the bat file and the output is the same one)

  5. Delete all extra files created and just leave in the folder 'profile.bat' and 'profile.exe' (This is in case you need to make backups later)

  6. Create as many copies of the profiles.exe as you have ICUE profiles that you want to link and rename the exe to that profile name (I.E for me Spiral Rainbow.exe or Strobing.exe)

  7. Finally, go into Icue and link each profile to the respective .exe (its under the main page for when you click on the profile)

NOTE: If you have any profiles that are NOT linked to an EXE, ICUE will prioritize them and autoswitch to them as soon as the program closes. So link EVERY program to a separate EXE even if you dont plan on opening them via Google Home

There are some limitations. Currently No motherboard software is supported - I will be updating that to be supported within the next week or two - SET ALL MOBO SOFTWARE IN Config.CFG TO false.

Updates will be posted here:

Full List of Colors here:

  1. aliceblue
  2. antiquewhite
  3. aqua
  4. aquamarine
  5. azure
  6. beige
  7. bisque
  8. black
  9. blanchedalmond
  10. blue
  11. blueviolet
  12. brown
  13. burlywood
  14. cadetblue
  15. chartreuse
  16. chocolate
  17. coral
  18. cornflowerblue
  19. cornsilk
  20. crimson
  21. cyan
  22. darkblue
  23. darkcyan
  24. darkgoldenrod
  25. darkgray
  26. darkgrey
  27. darkgreen
  28. darkkhaki
  29. darkmagenta
  30. darkolivegreen
  31. darkorange
  32. darkorchid
  33. darkred
  34. darksalmon
  35. darkseagreen
  36. darkslateblue
  37. darkslategray
  38. darkslategrey
  39. darkturquoise
  40. darkviolet
  41. deeppink
  42. deepskyblue
  43. dimgray
  44. dimgrey
  45. dodgerblue
  46. firebrick
  47. floralwhite
  48. forestgreen
  49. fuchsia
  50. gainsboro
  51. ghostwhite
  52. gold
  53. goldenrod
  54. gray
  55. grey
  56. green
  57. greenyellow
  58. honeydew
  59. hotpink
  60. indianred
  61. indigo
  62. ivory
  63. khaki
  64. lavende
  65. lavenderblush
  66. lawngreen
  67. lemonchiffon
  68. lightblue
  69. lightcoral
  70. lightcyan
  71. lightgoldenrodyellow
  72. lightgray
  73. lightgrey
  74. lightgreen
  75. lightpink
  76. lightsalmon
  77. lightseagreen
  78. lightskyblue
  79. lightslategray
  80. lightslategrey
  81. lightsteelblue
  82. lightyellow
  83. lime
  84. limegreen
  85. linen
  86. magenta
  87. maroon
  88. mediumaquamarine
  89. mediumblue
  90. mediumorchid
  91. mediumpurple
  92. mediumseagreen
  93. mediumslateblue
  94. mediumspringgreen
  95. mediumturquoise
  96. mediumvioletred
  97. midnightblue
  98. mintcream
  99. mistyrose
  100. moccasin
  101. navajowhite
  102. navy
  103. oldlace
  104. olive
  105. olivedra
  106. orange
  107. orangered
  108. orchid
  109. palegoldenrod
  110. palegreen
  111. paleturquoise
  112. palevioletred
  113. papayawhip
  114. peachpuff
  115. peru
  116. pink
  117. plum
  118. powderblue
  119. purple
  120. rebeccapurple
  121. red
  122. rosybrown
  123. royalblue
  124. saddlebrown
  125. salmon
  126. sandybrown
  127. seagreen
  128. seashell
  129. sienna
  130. silver
  131. skyblue
  132. slateblue
  133. slategray
  134. slategrey
  135. snow
  136. springgreen
  137. steelblue
  138. tan
  139. teal
  140. thistle
  141. tomato
  142. turquoise
  143. violet
  144. wheat
  145. white
  146. whitesmoke
  147. yellow


Control Corsair Connected Devices with Alexa / Google Home






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