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  • Users - end-users that want to transfer HBAR or HTS tokens from Hedera to EVM-based chain or Wrapped HBAR and Wrapped Tokens from EVM-based chain to Hedera
  • Token Developers - the developers of HTS tokens
  • Validators - parties/entities that are running the Validator node. They are providing authorisation for the minting and burning of wrapped tokens on the EVM-based chain, as well as transferring wrapped tokens back to Hedera.


  • WHBAR - ERC20 token issued and operated by Bridge validators. The token represents a "wrapped" HBAR on the EVM-based chain. In other words we can say that Hbar is the native asset and WHBAR is the wrapped asset.
  • WHTS - ERC20 token issued and operated by Bridge validators. The token represents a "wrapped" HTS token on the EVM-based chain. In this case, HTS token is the native asset and WHTS token is the wrapped asset.


  • Bridge Account - Hedera threshold account (n/m), where m is the number of validators. Each validator has a Hedera compatible private key - 1 out of m that has 1/m control over this threshold account. The funds transferred through the bridge (Hedera -> EVM) are sent to the Bridge account. The funds transferred back to Hedera (EVM -> Hedera) are sent from the Bridge account to the recipient's account.
  • Fee Account - Hedera threshold account (n/m), where m is the number of validators. Each validator has a Hedera compatible private key - 1 out of m that has 1/m control over this threshold account. The account is being used to pay for the transaction fees for transferring Assets from the bridge account to the recipient account.


The setup on the EVM chain is the same - Gnosis MultiSig is to be used with the same n/m threshold configuration. Each validator has an EVM compatible private key - 1 out of m that as 1/m control over the threshold account. The Gnosis Multisig is configured as owner of:

  • Wrapped tokens deployed on the EVM chain (f.e. WHBAR / WHTS tokens)
  • The Router smart contract

Adding / Removing Members

Validators can add new members or remove members from the validator set. We expect validators to have an off-chain communication channel where validators can discuss the current setup, vote on removing validators or adding new ones.

Two transactions must be executed in order for the Validator set to change:

  1. On Hedera, Crypto Update transaction that modifies the n/m threshold accounts (Bridge and Fees)
  2. On the EVM chain, updateMember transaction that modifies the list of members in the Router contract (it may add or remove a member)

Note: Once a new validator is added, he can safely run a validator node with the correct credentials configured, and he will be authorising bridge transfers and accruing fees.


The main incentive for becoming a Validator is the service fee paid by users. The fee is a percentage of the transferred amount, paid on the native asset. For example transferring 100 HBAR from Hedera to the EVM chain (WHBAR) is going to have 1% service fee (1 HBAR) transferred to the Bridge Validators.

Note: The Service fee is configurable property and determined by the validators

Hedera Fungible Native Assets

Hedera to EVM

The transfer of assets from Hedera to the EVM chain is described in the following sequence diagram.


  1. Initiating the transfer Alice wants to transfer HBAR/HTS token from Hedera to the EVM chain. She opens any UI that integrates the Bridge and sends the asset to the Bridge Account. The memo of the transfer contains the evm-address, which is going to be the receiver of the wrapped asset on the other chain.

  2. Picking up the Transfer The Bridge validator nodes listen for new incoming transfers to the Bridge Account. Once they pick up the new transaction, they verify the state proof and validate that the memo contains a valid EVM address configured as receiver of the wrapped asset.

  3. Paying out fees

    3.1 Each of the Validators create a Schedule Create transaction transferring the service fee amount from the Bridge account to the list of validators equally (f.e. if the service fee is 7 HBAR and there are 7 validators, the Schedule Create Transfer will contain Transfer list crediting 1 HBAR to each of the validators.)

    3.2 Due to the nature of Scheduled Transactions, only one will be successfully executed, creating a scheduled Entity and all others will fail with IDENTICAL_SCHEDULE_ALREADY_CREATED error, and the transaction receipt will include the ScheduleID of the first submitted transaction. All validators, except the one that successfully created the Transaction execute ScheduleSign and once n out of m validators execute the Sign operation, the transfer of the fees will be executed.

  4. Providing Authorisation Signature Each of the Validators sign the following authorisation message: {source-chain-id}{target-chain-id}{hedera-tx-id}{wrapped-token}{receiver}{amount} using their EVM-compatible private key. The authorisation is then submitted to a topic in Hedera Consensus Service

  5. Waiting for Supermajority Alice's UI or API waits for a supermajority of the signatures. She can either watch the topic messages stream or fetch the data directly from Validator nodes.

  6. Submitting the EVM Transaction Once supermajority is reached, Alice submits the transaction to the EVM chain, claiming her wrapped asset. The transaction contains the raw data signed in the message: {source-chain-id}{target-chain-id}{hedera-tx-id}{wrapped-token}{receiver}{amount}

  7. Mint Operation The smart contract verifies that no reply attack is being executed (by checking the hedera-tx-id and verifies the provided signatures against the raw data that was signed. If supermajority is reached, the Router contract mints the wrapped token to the receiving address.

EVM to Hedera

The transfer of assets from the EVM chain to Hedera is described in the following sequence diagram.


  1. Initiating the Transfer Alice wants to transfer her WHBAR/WHTS tokens from the EVM chain to Hedera. She opens any UI that integrates the Bridge and sends burn transaction to the Router contract. As parameter of the burn function, she specifies the Hedera account to receive the native fungible token.

  2. Burn Operation The smart contract transfers the wrapped tokens from Alice's address and burns them. At the end of the process, a Burn event is emitted, containing the information about the burned token, the amount and the receiver.

  3. Picking up the Transfer Validator nodes watch for Burn events and once such occurs, they prepare and submit ScheduleCreate operation that transfers the service fee amount from the Bridge account to the list of validators equally. Due to the nature of Scheduled Transactions, only one will be successfully executed, creating a scheduled Entity and all others will fail with IDENTICAL_SCHEDULE_ALREADY_CREATED error, and the transaction receipt will include the ScheduleID and the TransactionID of the first submitted transaction. All validators, except the one that successfully created the Transaction execute ScheduleSign and once n out of m validators execute the Sign operation, the transfer of the fees will be executed.

  4. Unlocking the Asset Each Validator performs a ScheduleCreate operation that transfers amount-serviceFee Hbar to the receiving Hedera Account. All validators that got their ScheduleCreate rejected, submit an equivalent ScheduleSign. Once n out of m validators execute the Sign operation, the transfer is completed.

EVM Fungible Native Assets

In order for an EVM native asset to be bridged to Hedera and mapped ot HTS token, the Governance mechanism must:

  1. Deploy the corresponding HTS token
  2. Map the EVM token to the HTS token
  3. Whitelist the EVM asset in the contract and specify the service fee

The HTS token mapped to EVM token has the following configuration:

  • The name and symbol of the Token is the same as the EVM one
  • Decimals of the token are set to 8 due to HTS <> EVM compatibility issues
  • The bridge account is used as a treasury for the Token. This enforces the "owner" of the token to be the shared Hedera account that is governed by the Validator set.
  • The supplyKey for the Token is a ThresholdKey equivalent to the bridge account, meaning that in order for tokens to be minted or burned, n/m validators must sign the mint/burn transactions.

Once the steps above are performed, a given EVM asset can be transferred through the bridge in both directions.

EVM to Hedera

The following sequence diagram demonstrates the process of transferring ERC20 Token from EVM chain to Hedera:


  1. Lock - Performed by the User Alice calls the lock function of the Router contract specifying the address of the Token, the amount she wants to bridge and the recipient Hedera Account that will receive the tokens. The contract verifies that the specified token is supported, transfers the Token from Alices account, charges a service fee (% of the token amount), distributes the fee to all validators of the Bridge and emits a lock-ing event with all of the required metadata.
  2. Event Monitoring - Ongoing process performed by Validator nodes Validator nodes are monitoring the router contract for lock events. Once such event is emitted, each validator computes the corresponding Hedera HTS token ID of the bridged asset.
  3. Minting the Tokens - Performed by Validators Validators create Scheduled Mint transactions. Once the required n/m keys have executed either ScheduleCreate or ScheduleSign operation, the specified in the EVM transaction tokens, are minted to the treasury. (Note: TokenMint operation can mint tokens only to the treasury).
  4. Transferring the Tokens - Performed by Validators Validators create ScheduleTransfer transactions that transfer the newly minted tokens from the Treasury to Alice's Hedera Account.

Hedera to EVM

The following sequence diagram demonstrates the process of transferring HTS Tokens mapped to ERC20 Tokens from Hedera to the source EVM chain:


  1. Initiate the transfer - Performed by the User Alice executes a CryptoTransfer operation sending the mapped HTS tokens (that she wants to transfer back to the EVM chain) to the corresponding treasury account of the HTS tokens. In the memo of the transaction, she encodes the following information: {chainId}-{receiving-address}, where chainId is the chain ID used in EVM based chains and {receiving-address} is the EVM address that will receive the EVM native tokens.
  2. Transfers Monitoring - Ongoing process performed by Validators Validator nodes are monitoring new incoming transfers towards the configured treasury (reused for all Bridge supported tokens). Once such transfer is picked up, Validators are executing state proof verification and proceed with the bridging.
  3. Burning the tokens - Performed by Validators Validators creates scheduled TokenBurn operation that removes the amount sent to the treasury from the treasury account. Once n/m keys (validators) have executed either ScheduleCreate or ScheduleSign operation, the specified amount of tokens gets burned and the total supply of the HTS token is reduced.
  4. Providing authorisation signature - Performed by Validators Each of the Validators sign the following authorisation message: {source-chain-id}{target-chain-id}{hedera-tx-id}{wrapped-token}{receiver}{amount} using their EVM-compatible private key. The signature is then submitted to a topic in Hedera Consensus Service.
  5. Waiting for Supermajority Alice waits for a supermajority of the signatures. She can either watch the topic messages stream or fetch the data directly from Validator nodes.
  6. Unlocking the EVM native tokens - Performed by the User Once supermajority is reached, Alice submits unlock transaction to the EVM chain. The transaction contains the raw data signed in the authorisation signatures, as-well as the signatures. The smart contract verifies the authenticity of the signatures, charges service fee and transfers the requested token to the specified recipient address.

Hedera Non-Fungible Native Assets

Hedera to EVM

The transfer of NFT assets from Hedera to the EVM chain is described in the following sequence diagram.


  1. Initiating the transfer

    1.1 Alice wants to transfer HTS NFT from Hedera to the EVM chain. She opens any UI that integrates the Bridge.

    1.2 Alice sends CryptoApproveAllowance transaction for the given NFT, specifying the spender to be Payer Account of the bridge configuration.

    1.3 Alice sends the flat fee and all the necessary Royalty (fallback fee) for the NFT asset to the Bridge Account. The memo of the transfer contains the other chain-Id, the evm-address which is going to be the receiver of the wrapped ERC-721 (NFT) asset and the Hedera NFT ID serial@token-id.

  2. Picking up the Transfer The Bridge validator nodes listen for new incoming transfers to the Bridge Account. Once they pick up the new transaction, they validate that the memo contains a valid EVM address configured as receiver of the wrapped asset and the NFT ID of the Native asset is valid.

  3. Transferring the NFT to the Bridge Account

    3.1 Each of the Validators create a Schedule Create transaction, which transfers the NFT to the Bridge account.

    3.2 Due to the nature of Scheduled Transactions, only one will be successfully executed, creating a scheduled Entity and all others will fail with IDENTICAL_SCHEDULE_ALREADY_CREATED error, and the transaction receipt will include the ScheduleID of the first submitted transaction.

  4. Paying out fees

    4.1 Each of the Validators create a Schedule Create transaction transferring the flat NFT transfer fee amount from the Bridge account to the list of validators equally.

    4.2 Due to the nature of Scheduled Transactions, only one will be successfully executed, creating a scheduled Entity and all others will fail with IDENTICAL_SCHEDULE_ALREADY_CREATED error, and the transaction receipt will include the ScheduleID of the first submitted transaction. All validators, except the one that successfully created the Transaction execute ScheduleSign and once n out of m validators execute the Sign operation, the transfer of the fees will be executed.

  5. Providing Authorisation Signature Each of the Validators sign the following authorisation message: {source-chain-id}{target-chain-id}{hedera-tx-id}{wrapped-token}{token-id}{metadata}{receiver} using their EVM-compatible private key. The authorisation is then submitted to a topic in Hedera Consensus Service

  6. Waiting for Supermajority Alice's UI or API waits for a supermajority of the signatures. She can either watch the topic messages stream or fetch the data directly from Validator nodes.

  7. Submitting the EVM Transaction Once supermajority is reached, Alice submits the transaction to the EVM chain, claiming her wrapped asset. The transaction contains the raw data signed in the message: {source-chain-id}{target-chain-id}{hedera-tx-id}{wrapped-token}{token-id}{metadata}{receiver}

  8. Mint Operation The smart contract verifies that no reply attack is being executed by verifying the provided signatures against the raw data that was signed. If supermajority is reached, the Router contract mints the wrapped ERC-721 (NFT) to the receiving address.

EVM to Hedera

The transfer of ERC-721 (NFT) assets from the EVM chain to Hedera is described in the following sequence diagram.


  1. Alice wants to transfer her wrapped NFT from the EVM chain back to Hedera. Before initiating the actual transfer, Alice needs to:

    1.1 Approve flat fee Alice submits an approve ERC-20 transaction, which approves the flat fee amount to the Router contract.

    1.2 Approve ERC-721 (NFT) Alice submits an approve ERC-721 (NFT) transaction, which approves the NFT to be burnt by the Router contract.

  2. Initiating the Transfer Alice sends burn transaction to the Router contract. As parameter of the burn function, she specifies the NFT and the Hedera account to receive the Hedera native NFT.

  3. Burn Operation The smart contract transfers the flat fee from Alice's address, and burns the NFT. At the end of the process, a Burn event is emitted, containing the information about the NFT and the receiver.

  4. Picking up the Transfer Validator nodes watch for Burn events and once such occurs, they prepare and submit ScheduleCreate operation of CryptoApproveAllowance that specifies the spender of the NFT as the receiver. Due to the nature of Scheduled Transactions, only one will be successfully executed, creating a scheduled Entity and all others will fail with IDENTICAL_SCHEDULE_ALREADY_CREATED error, and the transaction receipt will include the ScheduleID and the TransactionID of the first submitted transaction. All validators, except the one that successfully created the Transaction execute ScheduleSign and once n out of m validators execute the Sign operation, the transfer of the fees will be executed.

  5. Unlocking the Asset After the NFT has been approved for the user, he can then submit a transfer transaction, taking it back in his account.