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LimeSurvey Bootstrap Vanilla Survey Theme

Views directory

The view directory contains all the necessary views to render the frontend.

  • layout_global.twig: render the pages for survey taking
  • layout_user_forms.twig: renders the user forms such as: token (survey participant), and register.
  • layout_survey_list.twig: render the survey list (if this theme is set as default)
  • layout_errors.twig: used to render errors that block survey rendering. ( wrong survey id, empty group in preview group, etc.)

Each one of the layout can have a complete different look & feel from the other layouts. In vanilla, layout_user_forms and layout_global are pretty similar, and share some subviews: this is not an obligation at all.

Content system

layout_global.twig renders the specific content via this statement:

{% set sViewContent =  './subviews/content/' ~ aSurveyInfo.include_content %}
{% include './subviews/content/outerframe.twig' with {'include_content': sViewContent } %}


<!-- Outer Frame Container -->
{% block content %}
Content depends on the action (survey, questions, register, assesments, submit, etc)
Action are in ./subviews/content/
{% set sViewContent = './subviews/content/' ~ aSurveyInfo.include_content %}
{% include './subviews/content/outerframe.twig' with {'include_content': sViewContent } %}
{% endblock %}

So, if you're creating a template from scratch, you're free to place the content views where ever you want. Just update the definition of sViewContent in layout_global