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Configurable exlaunch-based mods for Pokemon Sword and Shield

v.1.3.2 (latest version) only !


  1. Download the latest release for your game version
  2. Unzip the release to your sd card (or the sdmc directory of your emulator)
  3. Edit sd:/config/swsh-mods-exl/config.toml to your liking


Overworld Shiny Indicatiors [overworld_shiny]

Mod that makes shiny pokemon visible in the overworld with a sound indicator & aura effect




  • active
    • Controls whether or not the mod is activated
    • boolean (true, false)
  • sound
    • Controls the "command" that is run upon shiny spawns
    • Leave empty ("") for no command
    • Sound effects are commands and that is the intended use of this setting
    • string ("", "Play_Camp_Cooking_Explosion", etc.)
  • repurpose_aura
    • Controls whether or not the brilliant aura effect is used as a shiny indicator
    • Brilliant auras will only appear around shiny pokemon and not regular brilliant spawns
    • Brilliant spawns still happen as normal but will not have the indicator
    • boolean (true, false)
  • boosted_percentage
    • Controls the percentage for the modified overworld shiny odds
    • Set to 0 for regular shiny odds
    • This setting is intended to be used to ensure shiny models are functioning properly, not as a standalone shiny odds boost cheat
    • integer [0, 100]


  • Hooks the check that determines whether or not a PokemonModel should display shininess to always return true (normally only true for following pokemon)
    • If the PokemonModel is shiny -> call SendCommand to trigger the sound effect
  • Hooks the brilliant aura check (only for displaying the effect) for both EncountObjects and FishingPoints to check the shiny flag instead of the brilliant flag
    • FishingPoints do not use PokemonModels so the sound effect for them is triggered here
  • Hooks the instruction that sets the shiny flag to call an external PRNG to determine shininess based on percentage (randU64() % 100 < boosted_rate)

Underworld [underworld]

Mod that makes symbol encounters pull from the encounter tables of hidden encounters, allowing "underworld"-exclusive pokemon to spawn and be visible in the overworld

This is a reimplementation of norainthefuture's mod which accomplishes the swapping via exefs patching rather than manually swapping the data tables. The idea is entirely by her!




  • active
    • Controls whether or not the mod is activated
    • boolean (true, false)


  • Hooks function responsible for generating SymbolEncounts to write the proper hidden table to the encounter table parameter
    • In the vanilla game, each EncountSpawner is assigned a hash and the symbol encounter table is stored within the spawner object upon initialization
    • The hook needs to actively pull the proper encounter table based on player location every new symbol spawn (hidden encounts naturally do this)

Live Randomizer [randomizer]

Mod that live randomizes the species and form of all overworld spawns rather than statically randomizing the encounter tables they pull from




  • active
    • Controls whether or not the mod is activated
    • boolean (true, false)


  • Hooks the functions responsible for setting species & form for symbol, hidden, and gimmick encounters to overwrite the chosen species and form
    • A random species (randU64() % 898 + 1) and form (randU64() % form_count) are generated until one is found that exists in game

Camera Tweaks [camera_tweaks]

Mod that overwrites the default camera constants to allow tweaking of camera speed, pitch range, and field of view

Idea & recommendations by norainthefuture




  • active
    • Controls whether or not the mod is activated
    • boolean (true, false)
  • adjustment_speed
    • Controls the speed of the camera
    • Value is in degrees per time unit
    • float [0.0, 360.0)
  • min_pitch
    • Controls the minimum pitch of the camera
    • Value is in degrees
    • float [-180.0, 180.0)
  • max_pitch
    • Controls the maximum pitch of the camera
    • Value is in degrees
    • float [-180.0, 180.0)
  • min_distance
    • Controls the distance of the camera when zoomed in
    • float [0.0, ...)
  • max_distance
    • Controls the distance of the camera when zoomed out
    • float [0.0, ...)


  • Hooks the camera constructor to overwrite the applicable constants

Level Cap Removal [uncap_level]

Mod that removes the level cap-based shiny lock & (optionally) catch lock




  • active
    • Controls whether or not the mod is activated
    • boolean (true, false)
  • fully
    • Controls whether or not all level caps are removed
    • Must be set to true for level capped pokemon to be catchable
    • boolean (true, false)


  • Hooks the functions that set level cap based on badge count
    • if fully is set to true: always return 100, otherwise: only return 100 when shiny locking

Freecam [freecam]

Mod that allows detaching the camera from the player and moving it on its own




  • active
    • Controls whether or not the mod is activated
    • boolean (true, false)


  • Manual camera angle adjustment only possible on "Wide Roads" (wild area/ioa/ct)
  • Inputs only register from "Npad" controllers (only tested on pro controller)


  • R+A to detach/reattach the camera from the player
  • In detached state:
    • D-Pad to move camera
    • L/R to decrease/increase movement speed
    • ZL/ZR to decrease/increase height

Glimwood w/ Overworld Spawns [glimwood_overworld]

Mod that overwrites the maximum symbol encounter spawn count for spawners in glimwood tangle




  • active
    • Controls whether or not the mod is activated
    • boolean (true, false)
  • maximum_spawns
    • Maximum symbol count per spawner
    • int


  • Overwrites the maximum symbol count field on any new EncountSpawner with a hash within the hard-coded glimwood list


exlaunch-based Pokemon Sword and Shield mods









  • C++ 72.7%
  • C 19.6%
  • Assembly 4.1%
  • Makefile 2.4%
  • Other 1.2%