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Name: Linda Ortega Cordoves UNI: lo2258 Assignment: Data Structures Homework 6, The Traveling Salesperson

of folders included: 1

FOLDER Traveling_Salesperson includes the following files:


Run and compile the file "" with an integer as a command line argument representing the number of cities. :

Creates a GUI with a JPanel for displaying the cities, their name, and their x-y coordinate. The random number generator gave cities close coordinates, making it hard to read the name and x-y coordinate. To address this, I inlcuded a JTextArea that displays the name of all the ciites and their coordinates. The GUI also creates an array of cities depending on the index user passed in command line.

To calculate the optimal path, click "Optimal Path" button. Total distance will display in first JTextField.

To calculate the Nearest Neighbor Path, click "Nearest Path" button. Total distance will display in second JTextField.

Calculates optimal path using an array of cities and a FactorialTree object. The Factorial Tree's Node includes a 'parent' and array of 'children' fields. Based on N, size of cities, the Factorial tree class creates a null root node with N children to represent the number of possibilities the salesperson has at the beggining. Each of those children then has N-1 children and so forth. While recursively building the tree, each leaf node is stored in a list. Recursively calling the parent of each leaf node until reach a null pointer (i.e. the root) will create a list of all the possible paths. An iteration through this list of paths comparing each path's distance will result in the optimalPath (i.e the path with the smallest distance).

Calculates nearest path using a BinaryHeap. All edges in connected graph inserted into a BinaryHeap. The first vertex of the edge that is returned when deleteMin() performed on heap will be the starting point. This ensures that the the starting vertex is the vertex with the smallest distance edge coming out of it. A HashMap with Vertex as key and BinaryHeap of Edges (all edges coming out of that particular vertex) is also created. Essentially, this allows for calculating the smallest edge coming out of a vertex and therefore determing which vertex should be visited next (as long as said vertex has not been visited before). Once a vertex is visited, the field 'visited' becomes true and it is added to an ArrayList that will become a Path.

In the two cases (Optimal and Nearest) an ArrayList was calculated and then the origin city was added to create a circuit (i.e TSP returns home).


Java GUI program for traveling salesperson assignment.






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