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JavaScript: Five Advanced Challenges and Concepts

This is the repository for the LinkedIn Learning course JavaScript: Five Advanced Challenges and Concepts. The full course is available from LinkedIn Learning.

JavaScript: Five Advanced Challenges and Concepts

When you’re learning JavaScript, you rarely get time to really dig into the more complex aspects of the language. Until now! This hybrid course mixes learning and hands-on practice with interactive coding challenges. Instructor Morten Rand-Hendriksen guides you through five advanced topics in JavaScript development: turning flat arrays into nested arrays, extending classes, using singletons and proxies, creating observable objects, and building robust applications with the reactive object pattern. Each chapter presents you with a basic introduction, two hands-on examples, and two coding challenges to solidify your learning. Advancing your skills in JavaScript means pushing yourself to go beyond the basics, and Morten shows you how to get it right.

This course includes Code Challenges powered by CoderPad. Code Challenges are interactive coding exercises with real-time feedback, so you can get hands-on coding practice alongside the course content to advance your programming skills.


This repository has folders for each of the lesson videos in the course. The folders are structured to correspond to the videos in the course. The naming convention is CHAPTER#_MOVIE#. As an example, the folder named 02_03 corresponds to the second chapter and the third video in that chapter.

Some folders will have a beginning and an end state. These are marked with the letters b for "beginning" and e for "end". The b folder contains the code as it is at the beginning of the movie. The e folder contains the code as it is at the end of the movie.

Coding Challenges

Each chapter in this course contains two coding challenges. The challenges themselves are powered by CoderPad and appear in the video player as you progress through the course. For each challenge there is a solution video where the instructor walks through the solution.

Coding challenge solutions

Stand-alone examples of solutions to each challenge are available in this repository. They are found under the /solutions folder following the same naming convention as above. As an example, a proposed solution for the first challenge in chapter 2 is named /02_04_solution/solution.js.


  1. To use these exercise files, you must have the following installed:
    • Node.js
  2. Clone this repository into your local machine using the terminal (Mac), CMD (Windows), or a GUI tool like SourceTree.
  3. To run the solutions in the /solutions folder, open terminal, navigate to the correct folder, and run node solution.js.


Morten Rand-Hendriksen

Developer and Senior Staff Instructor

Check out my other courses on LinkedIn Learning.


This is a code repository for the LinkedIn Learning course Advance Your Skills with JavaScript.







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