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AI Projects with Python, TensorFlow and NLTK

This is the repository for the LinkedIn Learning course AI Projects with Python, TensorFlow and NLTK. The full course is available from LinkedIn Learning.


Are you looking to boost your technical know-how with AI? This course is designed to help you develop the skills you need to know to start building your own AI projects in Python. Join instructor and Google Certified Python Expert Dhhyey Desai as he delves into the fundamentals of image classification using the powerful TensorFlow library. The second section of the course is focused on natural language processing (NLP) and the core concepts of sentiment analysis. Along the way, get introduced to the NLTK library, discovering how to use pretrained analyzers and gathering techniques for accurately analyzing text data. By the end of this course, you’ll be prepared to create a personalized model with TorchRec, the PyTorch domain library that lets you build and analyze your own recommender systems for rating data.

This course is integrated with GitHub Codespaces, an instant cloud developer environment that offers all the functionality of your favorite IDE without the need for any local machine setup. With GitHub Codespaces, you can get hands-on practice from any machine, at any time-all while using a tool that you'll likely encounter in the workplace. Check out the "Using GitHub Codespaces with this course" video to learn how to get started.


Dhhyey Desai

Google-Certified Python Expert, Microsoft-Certified Instructor

Check out my other courses on LinkedIn Learning.


This repo is for LINKEDIN LEARNING course AI Projects with Python, TensorFlow and NLTK







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