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Build Advanced Charts in R

This is the repository for the LinkedIn Learning course Build Advanced Charts in R. The full course is available from LinkedIn Learning.

Build Advanced Charts in R

If you’re looking to improve your data visualization skills, this course was designed for you. Join instructor Rita Giordano to explore the basics of building advanced charts in R such as lollipop plots, sparklines, dot charts, slope charts, chord diagrams, and more.

Learn how to create a theme function and combine multiple plots for more effective storytelling with data. The course will also cover how to address accessibility and annotations by using a colorblind-friendly palette and dyslexia-friendly fonts. By the end of this course, you’ll know when to use advanced charts and when to apply accessibility principles to your charts. Along the way, you’ll also acquire new skills for building a simple infographic with two or more charts to tell a story.


This repository has branches for each of the videos in the course. You can use the branch pop up menu in github to switch to a specific branch and take a look at the course at that stage, or you can add /tree/BRANCH_NAME to the URL to go to the branch you want to access.


The branches are structured to correspond to the videos in the course. The naming convention is CHAPTER#_MOVIE#. As an example, the branch named 02_03 corresponds to the second chapter and the third video in that chapter. Some branches will have a beginning and an end state. These are marked with the letters b for "beginning" and e for "end". The b branch contains the code as it is at the beginning of the movie. The e branch contains the code as it is at the end of the movie. The main branch holds the final state of the code when in the course.

When switching from one exercise files branch to the next after making changes to the files, you may get a message like this:

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:        [files]
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.

To resolve this issue:

Add changes to git using this command: git add .
Commit changes using this command: git commit -m "some message"


Rita Giordano

Check out my other courses on LinkedIn Learning.


This is a repository for the LinkedIn Learning course Build Advanced Charts in R







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