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Linkid committed Mar 20, 2015
1 parent d86c12c commit 3ed9f38
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Showing 3 changed files with 575 additions and 533 deletions.
369 changes: 192 additions & 177 deletions lapyrinthe/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,207 +1,222 @@
#-*-coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2008 François Magimel, aka Linkid <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# -*-coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2008 François Magimel, aka Linkid <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.

from Tkinter import *
import os, sys

def bar_hori(can, x, y, cara):
"""Horizontal wall"""
ww = can.create_line(1+(25*x),1+(15*y), 26+(25*x),1+(15*y))
if cara == "M":
can.itemconfig(ww, tags=("Wall_r"), fill="red") ##aa6464
"""Horizontal wall"""
ww = can.create_line(1+(25*x), 1+(15*y), 26+(25*x), 1+(15*y))
if cara == "M":
can.itemconfig(ww, tags=("Wall_r"), fill="red") # aa6464

def bar_verti(can, x, y, cara):
"""Vertical wall"""
ww = can.create_line(1+(25*x),-14+(15*y), 1+(25*x),16+(15*y))
if cara == "N":
can.itemconfig(ww, tags=("Wall_r"), fill="red")

"""Vertical wall"""
ww = can.create_line(1+(25*x), -14+(15*y), 1+(25*x), 16+(15*y))
if cara == "N":
can.itemconfig(ww, tags=("Wall_r"), fill="red")

def ab(root, can, x, y, z):
"""Horizontal departure arrow
z : variable indicating direction arrow"""
global DepFin
tagos = ""
DepFin.append([-15+(25*x),-7+(15*y), 12+(25*x),1+(15*y)])
if (len(DepFin) == 1):
if (z == "first"):
if (z == "last"):
if (len(DepFin) == 2):
tagos = "End"
can.create_line(-25+(25*x),1+(15*y), 2+(25*x),1+(15*y), arrow=z, fill="#A52A2A", tags=(tagos)) # -15+(25*x),1+(15*y), 12+(25*x),1+(15*y)
"""Horizontal departure arrow
z : variable indicating direction arrow"""
global DepFin
tagos = ""
DepFin.append([-15+(25*x), -7+(15*y), 12+(25*x), 1+(15*y)])
if (len(DepFin) == 1):
if (z == "first"):
if (z == "last"):
if (len(DepFin) == 2):
tagos = "End"
can.create_line(-25+(25*x), 1+(15*y), 2+(25*x), 1+(15*y), arrow=z, fill="#A52A2A", tags=(tagos)) # -15+(25*x),1+(15*y), 12+(25*x),1+(15*y)

def cd(root, can, x, y, z):
"""Vertical departure arrow"""
global DepFin
tagos = ""
DepFin.append([-15+(25*x),-7+(15*y), 12+(25*x),1+(15*y)])
if (len(DepFin) == 1):
if (z == "first"):
if (z == "last"):
if (len(DepFin) == 2):
tagos = "End"
can.create_line(-11+(25*x),-5+(15*y), -11+(25*x),20+(15*y), arrow=z, fill="#A52A2A", tags=(tagos))
"""Vertical departure arrow"""
global DepFin
tagos = ""
DepFin.append([-15+(25*x), -7+(15*y), 12+(25*x), 1+(15*y)])
if (len(DepFin) == 1):
if (z == "first"):
if (z == "last"):
if (len(DepFin) == 2):
tagos = "End"
can.create_line(-11+(25*x), -5+(15*y), -11+(25*x), 20+(15*y), arrow=z, fill="#A52A2A", tags=(tagos))

def telo(can, cara, x, y):
global Telep
trouv, cpt = 0, 0
nbTelep = len(Telep)
coord = [-19+(25*x),-7+(15*y), -4+(25*x),8+(15*y)] #coordinate of the pawn
ovalos = can.create_oval(-21+(25*x),-10+(15*y), -2+(25*x),11+(15*y), fill="#E6E6FA")
if nbTelep > 0:
for i in Telep:
if (len(i[1]) == 1 and i[1][0] == cara):
i[1] = coord
trouv = 1
num = cpt
cpt = cpt+1
if trouv == 1:
## if you find the same teleportor in Telep, then tag the new one with 0
#print str(num)+"1", cpt, cara, 'oooo'
can.itemconfig(ovalos, tags=(str(num), "0"))
Telep.append([coord, [cara]])
can.itemconfig(ovalos, tags=(str(nbTelep), "1"))
#print nbTelep, len(Telep), cara, 'aaa', can.gettags(ovalos)
global Telep
trouv, cpt = 0, 0
nbTelep = len(Telep)
coord = [-19+(25*x), -7+(15*y), -4+(25*x), 8+(15*y)] # coordinate of the pawn
ovalos = can.create_oval(-21+(25*x), -10+(15*y), -2+(25*x), 11+(15*y), fill="#E6E6FA")
if nbTelep > 0:
for i in Telep:
if (len(i[1]) == 1 and i[1][0] == cara):
i[1] = coord
trouv = 1
num = cpt
cpt = cpt + 1
if trouv == 1:
# if you find the same teleportor in Telep, then tag the new one with 0
# print str(num)+"1", cpt, cara, 'oooo'
can.itemconfig(ovalos, tags=(str(num), "0"))
Telep.append([coord, [cara]])
can.itemconfig(ovalos, tags=(str(nbTelep), "1"))
# print nbTelep, len(Telep), cara, 'aaa', can.gettags(ovalos)

def redep(can, x, y, iredep):
"""Return to the beginning"""
can.create_image(-12+(25*x),2+(15*y), image=iredep, tags=("redep"))
## can.create_polygon((40,40, 55,50, 70,40, 60,55, 70,70, 55,60, 40,70, 50,55),fill="green")
"""Return to the beginning"""
can.create_image(-12+(25*x), 2+(15*y), image=iredep, tags=("redep"))
# can.create_polygon((40,40, 55,50, 70,40, 60,55, 70,70, 55,60, 40,70, 50,55),fill="green")

def oneway(can, x, y, caro):
"""One way direction"""
## avant : W:r; X:l; Y:d; Z:u
if caro == "W":
#"one way : left"
can.create_line(-24+(25*x),1+(15*y), -1+(25*x),1+(15*y), arrow="first", width=4, fill="blue", tags=("Left"))
if caro == "X":
#"one way : right"
can.create_line(-21+(25*x),1+(15*y), 2+(25*x),1+(15*y), arrow="last", width=4, fill="blue", tags=("Right"))
if caro == "Y":
#"one way : up"
can.create_line(-11+(25*x),-14+(15*y), -11+(25*x),12+(15*y), arrow="first", width=4, fill="blue", tags=("Up"))
if caro == "Z":
#"one way : down"
can.create_line(-11+(25*x),-11+(15*y), -11+(25*x),15+(15*y), arrow="last", width=4, fill="blue", tags=("Down"))
"""One way direction"""
# avant : W:r; X:l; Y:d; Z:u
if caro == "W":
# "one way : left"
can.create_line(-24+(25*x), 1+(15*y), -1+(25*x), 1+(15*y),
arrow="first", width=4, fill="blue", tags=("Left"))
if caro == "X":
# "one way : right"
can.create_line(-21+(25*x), 1+(15*y), 2+(25*x), 1+(15*y),
arrow="last", width=4, fill="blue", tags=("Right"))
if caro == "Y":
# "one way : up"
can.create_line(-11+(25*x), -14+(15*y), -11+(25*x), 12+(15*y),
arrow="first", width=4, fill="blue", tags=("Up"))
if caro == "Z":
# "one way : down"
can.create_line(-11+(25*x), -11+(15*y), -11+(25*x), 15+(15*y),
arrow="last", width=4, fill="blue", tags=("Down"))

def aff_key(can, x, y, keyy):
"""A key to open a way"""
can.create_image(-12+(25*x),2+(15*y), image=keyy, tags=("key_r"))
"""A key to open a way"""
can.create_image(-12+(25*x), 2+(15*y), image=keyy, tags=("key_r"))

def stop_propulse(can, x, y, stopt):
"""Stop the pawn propeled"""
can.create_image(-11+(25*x),1+(15*y), image=stopt, tags=("stop"))
"""Stop the pawn propeled"""
can.create_image(-11+(25*x), 1+(15*y), image=stopt, tags=("stop"))

def propulse(can, x, y, cari):
"""Propel the pawn"""
if cari == "G":
#"prop : left"
can.create_line(-11+(25*x),-5+(15*y), -21+(25*x),1+(15*y), -11+(25*x),7+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0", tags="pleft") ## gauche
can.create_line(-3+(25*x),-5+(15*y), -13+(25*x),1+(15*y), -3+(25*x),7+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0") ## droite
if cari == "H":
#"prop : right"
can.create_line(-13+(25*x),-5+(15*y), -3+(25*x),1+(15*y), -13+(25*x),7+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0", tags="pright") ## droite
can.create_line(-21+(25*x),-5+(15*y), -11+(25*x),1+(15*y), -21+(25*x),7+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0") ## gauche
if cari == "I":
#"prop : up"
can.create_line(-17+(25*x),1+(15*y), -12+(25*x),-10+(15*y), -7+(25*x),1+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0", tags="pup") ## haut B6A624
can.create_line(-17+(25*x),11+(15*y), -12+(25*x),0+(15*y), -7+(25*x),11+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0") ## bas
if cari == "J":
#"prop : down"
can.create_line(-17+(25*x),0+(15*y), -12+(25*x),11+(15*y), -7+(25*x),0+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0", tags="pdown") ## bas
can.create_line(-17+(25*x),-10+(15*y), -12+(25*x),1+(15*y), -7+(25*x),-10+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0") ## haut
"""Propel the pawn"""
if cari == "G":
# "prop : left"
can.create_line(-11+(25*x), -5+(15*y), -21+(25*x), 1+(15*y), -11+(25*x),7+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0", tags="pleft") # gauche
can.create_line(-3+(25*x), -5+(15*y), -13+(25*x), 1+(15*y), -3+(25*x), 7+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0") # droite
if cari == "H":
# "prop : right"
can.create_line(-13+(25*x), -5+(15*y), -3+(25*x), 1+(15*y), -13+(25*x), 7+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0", tags="pright") # droite
can.create_line(-21+(25*x), -5+(15*y), -11+(25*x), 1+(15*y), -21+(25*x), 7+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0") # gauche
if cari == "I":
# "prop : up"
can.create_line(-17+(25*x), 1+(15*y), -12+(25*x), -10+(15*y), -7+(25*x), 1+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0", tags="pup") # haut B6A624
can.create_line(-17+(25*x), 11+(15*y), -12+(25*x), 0+(15*y), -7+(25*x), 11+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0") # bas
if cari == "J":
# "prop : down"
can.create_line(-17+(25*x), 0+(15*y), -12+(25*x), 11+(15*y), -7+(25*x), 0+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0", tags="pdown") # bas
can.create_line(-17+(25*x), -10+(15*y), -12+(25*x), 1+(15*y), -7+(25*x), -10+(15*y), width=2, fill="#A020F0") # haut


def lecture(line, root, can, x, iredep, keyy, stopt):
"""Read the line"""
k = len(line)-1

for i in range(0, k):
#print ord(line[i]), chr(ord(line[i]))
if k>30 :
j = i/2 +1 # the number of line must be <= 30

if (line[i] == '-' or line[i] == 'M'):
#print "bar_hori"
bar_hori(can, j, x, line[i]) ## ok

if (line[i] == '|' or line[i] == 'N'):
#print "bar_verti"
bar_verti(can, j, x, line[i]) ##ok

if (line[i] == 'A'):
# towards the left
ab(root, can, j, x, 'first')

if (line[i] == 'B'):
# towards the right
ab(root, can, j, x, 'last')

if (line[i] == 'C'):
# upwards
cd(root, can, j, x, 'first')

if (line[i] == 'D'):
# downwards
cd(root, can, j, x, 'last')

if (ord(line[i]) >= 48 and ord(line[i]) <= 57) or (ord(line[i]) >= 97 and ord(line[i]) <= 122):
# Teleportor
telo(can, line[i], j, x)

if (line[i] == '*'):
# Return to the beginning
redep(can, j, x, iredep)

if (ord(line[i]) >= 87 and ord(line[i]) <= 90):
# One way dir
oneway(can, j, x, line[i])

if (ord(line[i]) >= 71 and ord(line[i]) <= 74):
# Propellers
propulse(can, j, x, line[i])

if (line[i] == 'L'):
# Display a key
aff_key(can, j, x, keyy)

if (line[i] == 'K'):
# Stop propellers
stop_propulse(can, j, x, stopt)
"""Read the line"""
k = len(line) - 1

for i in range(k):
# print ord(line[i]), chr(ord(line[i]))
j = i
if k > 30:
j = i / 2 + 1 # the number of line must be <= 30

if (line[i] == '-' or line[i] == 'M'):
# print "bar_hori"
bar_hori(can, j, x, line[i]) # ok

if (line[i] == '|' or line[i] == 'N'):
# print "bar_verti"
bar_verti(can, j, x, line[i]) # ok

if (line[i] == 'A'):
# towards the left
ab(root, can, j, x, 'first')

if (line[i] == 'B'):
# towards the right
ab(root, can, j, x, 'last')

if (line[i] == 'C'):
# upwards
cd(root, can, j, x, 'first')

if (line[i] == 'D'):
# downwards
cd(root, can, j, x, 'last')

if ((ord(line[i]) >= 48 and ord(line[i]) <= 57) or
(ord(line[i]) >= 97 and ord(line[i]) <= 122)):
# Teleportor
telo(can, line[i], j, x)

if (line[i] == '*'):
# Return to the beginning
redep(can, j, x, iredep)

if (ord(line[i]) >= 87 and ord(line[i]) <= 90):
# One way dir
oneway(can, j, x, line[i])

if (ord(line[i]) >= 71 and ord(line[i]) <= 74):
# Propellers
propulse(can, j, x, line[i])

if (line[i] == 'L'):
# Display a key
aff_key(can, j, x, keyy)

if (line[i] == 'K'):
# Stop propellers
stop_propulse(can, j, x, stopt)

global DepFin
global Telep

DepFin = [] #list with departure and arrival
Telep = [] #list with the teleportor's coords
DepFin = [] # list with departure and arrival
Telep = [] # list with the teleportor's coords

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