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Installing and using Liquid Galaxy Android Apps LGxEdu, Liquid Galaxy Controller

Marc edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 1 revision

Installing and using Liquid Galaxy Android Apps - LGxEdu, Liquid Galaxy Controller

Using a physical Android tablet

The LGxEDU app is an Android application for Tablets where students can play educational games interacting with the Liquid Galaxy. Furthermore, teachers can create and share new content in this application.

The following guide assumes that the Liquid Galaxy is running and working, and had been installed with the method.

On your Android tablet, go to the App Store, and search for and download the Liquid Galaxy Controller app. Alternatively, download the LGxEDU app, which should be by the same publisher. Either app will work for this installation.

Open the app. In the upper right corner, click the hamburger menu, and select Administrator Settings. The default password is ‘lg’. Again, click the hamburger menu and select Settings. There, you’ll find a menu with information about the Liquid Galaxy you’ll need to fill in.

Set the IP to the master IP of your Liquid Galaxy. This can be found using ifconfig and looking for the eth0 address.
Set the port to the port Liquid Galaxy uses. This can be found by running sudo nano /opt/google/earth/pro/drivers.ini and looking for the ViewSync/port line. The port number that follows will be what you enter into the port in the app.
Set the SSH-USER and password to the username and password of the master computer. For example, USER would be lg, and password whatever you set as password. The default KML API IP should work, but alternatively use the master IP and the port provided.
If using a non-chromebook setup, you’ll need to ensure the LiquidGalaxyChromebookInstallation is turned to false.

Now, your Liquid Galaxy should sync when you select any POI on the app, or navigate with touch on the LGxEDU app.

A small known bug has an issue with the controller on the Liquid Galaxy. If the LG is working and syncing but always rotating, navigate to Tools > Options > Enable Controller > False in Google Earth on the master.

Note: the correct port to use for your master Liquid Galaxy VM is 45678, not 21567. This information can be verified by running sudo nano /opt/google/earth/pro/drivers.ini and checking the master IP and ports.

Add-on: Wikimedia Data Project The Wikimedia Data Project is an additional project for the Liquid Galaxy that provides additional data in KMLs and tours and an online dashboard. It was developed by Guillem Barbosa as a Google Summer of Code project.

Ensure you have an setup, running Ubuntu 16.04. Check the instructions above for more details.

Installing the Project Open Terminal, and ensure git, Python3, and virtualenv are downloaded. If not, install them by using sudo apt install git python3 virtualenv.

Run git clone to download the project files. cd WikimediaDataProject to enter the project folder.

Create a virtualenv for fresh Python library installs. This can be done by running virtualenv -p python wdp, sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev python3-dev, and source wdp/bin/activate. These will initiate and activate a virtual environment in the wdp folder.

You’ll need to edit the requirements.txt file to remove several outdated libraries. These may be removed in a patch in the future. Run nano requirements.txt to edit the file. Remove the urllib line, and add a line whitenoise==3.3.1.

Install the project requirements by running pip install -r requirements.txt.

Run the project by running ./WDLG-Start [Liquid Galaxy IP] with the Liquid Galaxy IP of the master. For example, if the LG master is at, run ./WDLG-Start Open the web dashboard by opening http://[Your IP]:8000 in your browser. Your IP can be found through the ifconfig command and looking for the eth0 line. It’ll look something like 192.168.x.x. Open the IP and port in a web browser.

Known issues: If an issue with the pip installs happens, manually install the correct version of each library, consulting the requirements.txt file. For example, if there’s an issue with CairoSVG, manually run pip install cairosvg==”1.0.19”.

If an issue with a pykml error appears in the Terminal, you may have to manually add brackets to a library file. Either run pip install --upgrade pykml or navigate to the file specified in the error. Find the line with a print statement WITHOUT BRACKETS, and add brackets around the statement so it looks like print([variable here]) instead of print variable

When you open your Liquid Galaxy, the view should now be updated with a new KML.