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The Coworking Swede

This is my Milestone Project 3: Data Centric Development - Code Institute.

This is a page for people that wants to find and use a coworking space located in swedish cities, and also be able to add, edit and delete coworking spaces. The idea of this web page is that the database will grow over time, when users add more coworking spaces. My aim is that the co-creation of the page will provide a sense of community; A page for coworkers, by coworkers. In this app I have used the programming language Python along with the Python micro web framework Flask, and the document-based database MongoDB. Check it out here!

Coworking swede img


Design process

After doing research looking at websites with coworking spaces I found that there where no pages dedicated only to Swedish coworking spaces, which is a gap I wanted to fill. In the pages I found you could search for these kinds of spaces globally. I wanted to narrow this search down to spaces placed in swedish cities, for myself and my fellow swedish coworkers. My goals with the design was set to:

  • To make the design suitable for people who wants to find coworking spaces in an easy way. I wanted to do this with a stylistic and easily understandable design with light and discrete colors and buttons with clear directions.
  • To make a web application with several pages, each with it´s clear purpose, and this with a user friendly and easy layout to quick be able to understand what you can do and how.
  • The fonts that I chose to use for this website are Railway (sans serif) because it presents the content in a stylistic and easy-to-read way.
  • I chose to use 10 of the biggest cities in Sweden to choose from in the search of coworking spaces, since there will be coworking spaces in these cities to choose from and for the user to add to the database.

Since this page is supposed to handle the CRUD functionality (Create, Read, Update and Delete) I planned for this web page to give a sense of "Let´s do it together", and I´m specifying the guidelines in the About page.


The wireframes are created with Balsamiq. They where made as a part of the design process and are saved as a pdf document and kept in the separate folder; wireframes. All of the pages are showed as I planned them and one example of mobile view can be found on the last page in the document. Check them out here!

User stories

  • As an employee at a company, that works remotely from home, I would like to change my workspace from time to time. I want to be able to search for coworking spaces in the city where I live and to be able to edit and add information about them when I have tried them.
  • As an entrepreneur working with a small startup without an office space yet, me and my colleagues wants to find a coworking space to work from when needed for meetings or as a temporary office space shared with others.
  • As a self-employed and freelancer working remotely I´m interested in the coworking scene in Sweden as I travel a lot to meet with clients and work from wherever I´m positioned at the moment. I have a lot of contacts and insight in this area and I want to be able to add workspaces on this webpage to share my knowledge with others, and also edit and/or delete information if updates I´m aware of have been made for these spaces or if one have become inactive or shut down.
  • As an employee I have asked for permission from my boss to work remotely for a week to try it out, to see if it could be a new way of working that suits both me and the company. I want to search for a coworking space in a city in another part of Sweden to spend this week there.


Existing Features

  • The navbar contains the name of the web application and the three pages you can click on to visit. The pages are named clearly.
  • The select menu with the cities and the search button is placed underneath the name of the page and the sentence that tells you what you can do on this landing page, as a natural next step of action to follow.
  • The coworking spaces and the details about them are shown in album cards, in a responsive way. The user can click on the link to view the coworking space´s own webpage. The cards also have an Edit button for the users to click on to be able to edit the information about the space.
  • The fields in the forms are required (except for the insert image field), so the user won´t be able to submit the forms until all of these fields are filled in. This will show nicely in the cards, with all rows complete inside of them.
  • The name of the webpage is placed in the navbar in the left corner as good common pratcice, and are clickable and leads to the landing page. The navbar collapse to a burger icon on smaller devices.
  • If a user clicks on the Delete button in the Edit page a modal will show, the background will fade and two options will appear in two buttons in the modal, one to take you back to the page and one to delete the coworking space.

Features Left to Implement

  • In the future I want to add authentication with Sign up / Log in forms, so that the edit/add/delete functionality for the information of the coworking spaces is only for logged in members to perform.
  • If I have had more time with the project I would have added a timepicker to the Add and Edit forms to choose opening and closing times for the coworking spaces, from dropdowns. This for a more simple and user-friendly way to add this than what I currently have.
  • If I have had more time I would also have wanted to add a footer sticked to the bottom of the page.
  • In the future I would want for users to add cities, at the moment only I can add cities from the database.
  • I also want to add pagination to show only 3 or 6 cards per page to present the results more nicely, and specially when the database will grow.
  • Since this project did not require authentication, nothing happends when you click on the Send button in the Contact form, this is something I´ll fix later when there is time. Although the input fields are set to required to fill in.
  • I want to add icons to the contact form and possibly to the Add and Edit form as well.
  • Implement some kind of requirement for a certain kind of input, like the address has to be typed in as an address and nothing else to be allowed to submit. This is also in the opening hours field at the moment (which also can be plain text at the moment).

Technologies Used



  • Google Fonts is used to style the fonts of the website.
  • Bootstrap for the content to be responsive and a simple structure of the web page.
  • JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation, and for the Bootsrap components that requires the use of JavaScript to function.
  • Popper.js also for the Bootsrap components that requires the use of JavaScript to function.
  • Font Awesome for the icons.
  • PyMongo to be able to work with MongoDB from Python.
  • Flask to be able to build and render pages.
  • Jinja to get and display data from the backend with template inheritance and loops in html.


  • AWS Cloud9 IDE for the development of this site: writing, debugging and running my code. GIT was then used to push files to Github.
  • GitHub to store and share the project remotely.
  • MongoDB Atlas is the database I have used for this project.
  • Balsamiq to create my wireframes as a part of the design process, with a simple yet goodlooking result.
  • Responsinator was used to check the responsiveness of the page, and also Responsivedesign for this.

Information Architecture

  • In the database MongoDB I created two collections:

An example of the structure and the key-value pairs from the cities collection:

city_name: "Stockholm"  

An example of the structure and the key-value pairs from the coworkingspaces collection:

city_name: "Stockholm"
coworking_name: "Impact Hub Stockholm"
coworking_description: "Impact Hub is the world’s largest network of social entrepreneurs, and..."
coworking_address: "Luntmakargatan 25, 111 37 Stockholm"
opening_hours: "Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm"
website_url: ""
image_url: ""


Here I present how my website meet the needs of the users that will visit the site, which I presented in the section UX: User stories:

  • As an employee at a company, that works remotely from home, I would like to change my workspace from time to time. I want to be able to search for coworking spaces in the city where I live and to be able to edit and add information about them when I have tried them. --> This is possible to do from the landing page, where it´s clear what you can do. The first thing you see is the text that tells you that you can find a coworking space on this page, by using the select menu of cities and a search button. After the search you can scroll through the results and also view them on their own homepage if you want. You can also add a new coworking space you have visited in the tab Add new coworking space.
  • As an entrepreneur working with a small startup without an office space yet, me and my colleagues wants to find a coworking space to work from when needed for meetings or as a temporary office space shared with others. --> This need can be met as in the example above, with the search function for the cities that are presented in the dropdown menu and by looking through the results.
  • As a self-employed and freelancer working remotely I´m interested in the coworking scene in Sweden as I travel a lot to meet with clients and work from wherever I´m positioned at the moment. I have a lot of contacts and insight in this area and I want to be able to add workspaces on this webpage to share my knowledge with others, and also edit and/or delete information if updates I´m aware of have been made for these places or if one have become inactive or shut down. --> You are able to do this in the page Add a coworking space, or Edit coworking space, and also delete a space if you know it´s inactive. This is great pages to share your knowledge, also through the contact form if you notice something you want to give a heads up for or ask about.
  • As an employee I have asked for permission from my boss to work remotely for a week to try it out, to see if it could be a new way of working that suits both me and the company. I want to search for a coworking space in a city in another part of Sweden to spend this week there.--> This page is great as inspiration for this, since it´s possible to find coworking spaces in chosen cities, see short information about them and read further in their own homepages if needed.

Validation of code

The responsiveness of the website

I used Responsinator to check the responsiveness of the page.

  • The webpage is responsive since I´m using Bootstrap 4 and it works good on smaller devices too. Yhe navbar collapse on smaller views with a standard navbar icon for smaller devices.
  • The title of the page inside of the navbar in the top left corner works in a responsive way with the navbar and takes the user back to the landing page when it´s clicked on.

Testing process scenarios

Manual testing

-Choose a City- select menu and -Search- button

  1. Click on the dropdown menu.
  2. Choose a city.
  3. Click on the search button.
  4. Try this with all of the cities one by one, and verify that results with cards are showing if the chosen city matches the city on the card.
  5. Verify that the text "No coworking spaces found" is showing, if no coworking spaces exist in the database from the chosen city.

Edit a coworking space

  1. Click on the Edit button on a card containing information about a coworking space.
  2. Verify that you are redirected to the Edit Coworking space page.
  3. Verify that it´s possible to choose one of the cities from the select menu.
  4. Change the pre-filled fields if you want.
  5. Check that all of the fields are required, leave one by one empty and click on the update button, and verify that it´s not possible to click on the Update button if the fields are not filled in.
  6. Try to leave the image link field empty and verify that this is the only field you can leave empty and still be able to click on the Update button to be redirected to the landing page and see the updated card with a default image displayed.

Delete a coworking space

  1. On the Edit page, click on the Delete button
  2. Verify that the modal is showing and that you will be given one more chance to be sure that you want to delete this coworking space.
  3. Click on the No, go back button and verify that you are back on the Edit page.
  4. If you choose to click on the Yes, I´m sure button, verify that the coworking space have been deleted when you get redirected to the landing page.

Add a coworking space

  1. Click in the navbar on Add a coworking space.
  2. Verify that it´s possible to choose one of the cities from the select menu.
  3. Fill the fields with your information about a coworking space you have in mind.
  4. Check that all of the fields are required, leave one by one empty and click on the Add button, and verify that it´s not possible to add a new coworking space if the fields are not filled in.
  5. Try to submit the coworking space without a link to an image.
  6. Verify that this is the only field you can leave empty and still be able to click on the Add button to redirect you to the landing page and that you can see a default image displayed in the card with the new coworking space you just created.

Contact form

  1. Click on the Contact page in the navbar.
  2. Fill in the fields, verify that they are required by leaving one out, and see that a text shows that says that you have to fill in that field.
  3. Click on the Submit button and verify that the form is not submitted, you are still on the page. (This is because this project did not require authentication, and is therefore something I´ll add later when there is time.)

Bugs I came across while creating the site and while testing it

  • In the pages Responsinator and AmIResponsive the web application showed fully responsiveness to the screen sizes and I used them to start with. Although I noticed way too late that when I´m trying the wep app on my smartphone (IPhone 6) the forms are displaying very small, as on a computer screen. This is something I unfortunately did not have more time to fix; the responsiveness with the right column widths to have a fully responsive page.
  • Used loads and dumps in the terminal to debug and change the way to render the coworkingspaces in the /get_coworkingspaces and /show_results routes, like this: coworkingspaces=loads(dumps(coworkingspaces))
  • I mainly used DevTools in Chrome to debug, and of course the terminal to see the history when running python3
  • At the moment there is possible to fill in the Adress field in the forms for example with Opening hours and the other way around, there is no function that requires the fields to take a certain input, like an address format in the address field.
  • I recognize that it´s not neccesarily easy for the user to search for the correct image url, although I´m happy that I inserted a default image to display when the field is empty.

A small example of one of the debugging processes

  • The Update function was not working at first with the image url request. I first tried to create a way in the code to make the default image to show when an image link was not added to that input field in the form. I created a new variable in the update route with the request to the form with an if statement, and passed the variable in to the coworkingspaces.update( {'_id': ObjectId(coworkingspace_id)} iteration. After all kinds of errors and attempts to fix this, at last I created an if statement around the image tag to make this function work, as I have learned now, is something I would have done from the beginning, and that it was an easier way to approach it.


Local Deployment

For local deployment you must have an IDE, like Visual Studio Code and the following to be installed locally on your machine: git, PIP, Python 3, Flask and a MongoDB Atlas account.

  • After creating your own folder and are in it, type this in to the terminal git clone
  • Then run this command pip install --upgrade pip
  • To be followed by this command pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required modules.
  • You can run the app with the command python3

Heroku Deployment

This website is deployed on Heroku, following these steps:

  • First, create a requirements.txt file using the pip freeze > requirements.txt command in the terminal.
  • Then,create a Procfile with the command echo web: python > Procfile in the terminal.
  • Then type the git add and git commit commands for these new files and then git push to GitHub.
  • Then go to the Heroku website and go to Dashboard and click on the New button, and then click on Create new app. Name it and set the region to Europe.
  • In the new Heroku app, Click on Deploy. In the section Deployment method, click on Github.
  • Choose the correct GitHub repository to link it to the Heroku app.
  • In the section Automatic Deploys, click on Enable automatic deploys, from master branch.
  • Now go to Settings and click on Reveal config vars, and set them to:
IP :
PORT: 5000
MONGO_URI: mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<cluster_name><database_name>?retryWrites=true&w=majority
SECRET_KEY: <your_secret_key>
  • You will be able to get the MONGO_URI in your created database on the Mongo Db Atlas page. Keep that string and the secret key as environment variables so only you can access them.
  • Click on the button Open app in the top right corner in the Heroku page and you can now view your deployed app.



  • The content on the website was written by me, after doing research with searching for and looking at other coworking space pages and after reading about the concept.
  • The content that are showing in the cards are gathered from information written on the coworking spaces own web pages, and I´m making sure me and other users are linking to these coworking spaces own homepages so that people can read further about them and give them more traffic and hopefully more people that will use their coworking spaces.


  • I´m using this image as the default image to show in the cards when the user´s not adding an image url to the forms, from, see it here
  • I have inserted images for the coworking spaces I have added that are from their own webpages. If want to give thanks and credit to these homepages that are providing this great content to the world and the community and have these great images to show, that I use for my page. I you want to find a specific image click on the link to the homepage of the coworking space and you will find it.


  • For the results showing of the coworking spaces I copied the Album example code from this page and then modified the layout for my needs.


Milestone project 3, Code Institute






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