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Spot text

MapReader now contains two new methods of spotting text on maps:

  • DPTextDETRRunner - This is used to detect text on maps using DPTextDETR and outputs bounding boxes and scores.
  • DeepSoloRunner - This is used to detect and recognise text on maps using DeepSolo and outputs bounding boxes, text and scores.

Install dependencies

To run these, you will need to install the required dependencies.


We have our own forks of these repos to enable them to work on CPU!


Detectron2 is a popular object detection library built by Facebook AI Research. The main repo is available here.

To install, run the following commands in your terminal:

git clone
cd detectron2
pip install .


Since both the DPText-DETR and DeepSolo repos are built ontop of AdelaiDet, you won't be able to install both at the same. To get around this, you can set up two different conda environments, one for each.

You should then pick one of the following to install:


Our fork for DPText-DETR is available here.

To install, run the following commands in your terminal:

git clone
cd DPText-DETR
pip install .


Our fork for DeepSolo is available here

To install, run the following commands in your terminal:

git clone
cd DeepSolo
pip install .

Set-up the runner

Once you have installed the dependencies, you can set up your chosen "runner".

You will need to choose a model configuration and download the corresponding model weights.

  • Config files can be found in the model repositories under the configs directory.
  • Weights files should be downloaded from the github repositories (links to the downloads are in the README).

e.g. for the DPTextDETRRunner, if you choose the "ArT/R_50_poly.yaml", you should download the "art_final.pth" model weights file from the DPTextDETR repo.

e.g. for the DeepSoloRunner, if you choose the "R_50/IC15/finetune_150k_tt_mlt_13_15_textocr.yaml", you should download the "ic15_res50_finetune_synth-tt-mlt-13-15-textocr.pth" model weights file from the DeepSolo repo.

You will also need to load your patch and parent dataframes. Assuming you have saved them, as shown in the :doc:`Load </User-guide/Load>` user guide, you can load them like so:

import pandas as pd

patch_df = pd.read_csv("patch_df.csv")
parent_df = pd.read_csv("parent_df.csv")

You can then instantiate your runner.

For the DPTextDETRRunner, use:

from map_reader.spot_text import DPTextDETRRunner

my_runner = DeepSoloRunner(
    cfg_file = "DPText-DETR/configs/DPText_DETR/ArT/R_50_poly.yaml",
    weights_file = "./art_final.pth",

or, for the DeepSoloRunner, use:

from map_reader.spot_text import DeepSoloRunner

my_runner = DeepSoloRunner(
    cfg_file = "DeepSolo/configs/R_50/IC15/finetune_150k_tt_mlt_13_15_textocr.yaml",
    weights_file = "./ic15_res50_finetune_synth-tt-mlt-13-15-textocr.pth"

You'll need to adjust the paths to the config and weights files to match your own set-up.

Run the runner

You can then run the runner on all patches in your patch dataframe:

patch_preds = my_runner.run_all()

By default, this will return a dictionary containing all the predictions for each patch. If you'd like to return a dataframe instead, use the return_dataframe argument:

patch_preds_df = my_runner.run_all(return_dataframe=True)

If you'd like to run the runner on a single patch, you can also just run on one image:

patch_preds = my_runner.run_on_image("path/to/your/image.png")

Again, this will return a dictionary by default but you can use the return_dataframe argument to return a dataframe instead.

To view the patch predictions, you can use the show method. This takes an image ID as an argument, and will show you all the predictions for that image:


By default, this will show the image with the bounding boxes drawn on in red and text in blue. You can change these by setting the border_color and text_color arguments:
    border_color = "green",
    text_color = "yellow",

You can also change the size of the figure with the figsize argument.

Scale-up to whole map

Once you've got your patch-level predictions, you can scale these up to the parent image using the convert_to_parent_pixel_bounds method:

parent_preds = my_runner.convert_to_parent_pixel_bounds()

This will return a dictionary containing the predictions for the parent image. If you'd like to return a dataframe instead, use the return_dataframe argument:

parent_preds_df = my_runner.convert_to_parent_pixel_bounds(return_dataframe=True)

Again, to view the predictions, you can use the show method. You should pass a parent image ID as the image_id argument:


As above, use the border_color, text_color and figsize arguments to customize the appearance of the image.
    border_color = "green",
    text_color = "yellow",
    figsize = (20, 20),

You can then save these predictions to a csv file:



If you maps are georeferenced in your parent_df, you can also convert the pixel bounds to georeferenced coordinates using the convert_to_coords method:

geo_preds_df = my_runner.convert_to_coords(return_dataframe=True)

Again, you can save these to a csv file as above, or, you can save them to a geojson file for loading into GIS software:


This will save the predictions to a geojson file, with each text prediction as a separate feature.