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Livl reviews api

Install dev database

  • You need to have docker installed and running
  • Navigate to the postgres-compose folder
  • Run docker-compose up -d
  • The database will be available at localhost:5432
  • The default credentials are displayed in the docker-compose file.
  • Theses default credentials are also used in the application configuration file (appsettings.json) at the root of the LivlReviewsApi project.s


  • To create a migration you can use the Rider's integrated tools by right clicking on the LivlReviews Api project, then "Entity Framework Core" -> "Add Migration". You can manage everything else from there.
  • Otherwise, figure it out yourself with visual studio. You can also use the dotnet ef command line tool. (maybe you will need to install it with dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef)
  • You can also watch this video who will explain how to create new tables and do the migrations in visual studio.

Use Mailhog for testing emails

  • You need to have docker installed and running
  • Go in the folder "mailhog" at the root of the project and run docker-compose up -d
  • The mailhog interface will be available at localhost:8025
  • The SMTP settings are already configured in the appsettings.json file at the root of the LivlReviewsApi project.

For the develpment, the server is "localhost" and the port is "1025".

Setup SMTP server (development)

The password should be secret and not stored in the source code. To do this, we can use the dotnet user-secrets tool.

  • Run the following command in the LivlReviews.Api project directory to init secrets :
dotnet user-secrets init
  • Then run the following command to set the password :
dotnet user-secrets set "Smtp:Password" "your_password_here"


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