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Livl Weather 🌤️

Modeling a weather forecasts database 🌦️

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⚒️ Cleaning data

Cleaning SYNOP files

The SYNOP data provided by Météo France contains a lot of information that we don't need. We created a shell script that keep only the useful data in the CSV file.

You can find the script here.

Usage : ./ <input_file>

This will overwrite the input file with the cleaned data.

How it works ?

We are simply using the cut command to keep only the columns we need.

Getting regions

Each rows in the source SYNOP file contains the full region name. We created a script that keep only region names, sort them, and keep only unique values.

You can find the script here.

Usage : ./ <input_file>

Provide a .csv SYNOP file as input, and the script will create a regions.csv file with one unique region name per line.

How it works ?

First, the script skip the first line of the file (the header). Then, it uses the cut command to keep only the region name column and the sort command to sort the regions alphabetically. Finally, it uses the uniq command to keep only unique values.


Conceptual diagram

The conceptual diagram contains the following entities :

  • Forecast contains the forecast for a given day. We decided to only use the most useful attributes to work with such as the wind pressure/direction, the temperature (min/max), and so on.
  • Station
  • Region has a one to many relationship with Station since a region can have many stations. There is also a many to many relationship with itself to represent the fact that a region can have many neighbours.
  • Code4677 contains the description of each different kind of forecast. The attribute code is the primary key of this table since it is unique.

The Conceptual Diagram is available here.

Logical diagram

We translated one to many relations to a foreign key, and many to many relations to a junction table. We also added a primary key to each table.

Forecast(stationIdFK, date, windDirection, windSpeed, humidity, visibility, seaPressure, stationPressure, barometer, temperature, minTemperature, maxTemperature, groundLayerHeight, precipitation, code4677FK)

Station(stationId, name, latitude, longitude, altitude, regionFK)

Region(regionId, name)

AdjacentRegion(regionIdFK, adjacentRegionIdFK)

Code4677(code, description)

The Logical Diagram is available here.

💾 Implementation

Creating database

Run the CreateTables.sql script to create the database and the tables.

This will create an empty Weather database containing the tables described in the logical diagram.

To insert the data, run the InsertData.sql script.

Make sure that the following files are in the ./data folder before running the script.

They will be used to insert data into the database.


All requests are in the Requests.sql script.


All procedures are in the Procedures.sql script.

🧍🏽Project team


Franck Gutmann Julien Von Der Marck


Modeling of a meteorological database 🌦️






