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Python Environment

1. Install Packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare Data

1. Set Kaggle Api

export KAGGLE_USERNAME="your_kaggle_username"
export KAGGLE_KEY="your_api_key"

2. Download Dataset

kaggle competitions download -c linking-writing-processes-to-writing-quality
kaggle datasets download -d hiarsl/writing-quality-challenge-constructed-essays

Run Code

1. Run Simple Models

cd models
python {file_name}.py
  • Models will be saved in the main directory.

2. Save Features

  • Final train csv will be saved in features.csv under the main directory.
  • Feature names will be saved as a list in columns.txt under the main directory.
  • See exploratory data analysis in features_eda.ipynb

3. Run Classification Models (Poor Results)

cd classifiers
python {file_name}.py

[617th Solution Write-Up] Summary and Reflection

1. Conclusion

I am very pleased to have participated in this meaningful competition. Although I did not win a medal after the shakeup, I learned a lot in the feature type table competition. Hope to apply what I have learned next time and achieve better results. My thoughts aren't of much reference value, just simply serve to put a definitive end to this competition and share some findings.

2. Feature Selection

Thanks to these excellent public notebooks: Feature Engineering: Sentence & paragraph features, Silver Bullet | Single Model | 165 Features, LGBM (X2) + NN.

  • Important features:

    1. sentence_features, word_features, paragraph_features
     **use word count with different lengths**
     for word_l in [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]:
         word_agg_df[f'word_len_ge_{word_l}_count'] = df[df['word_len'] == word_l].groupby(['id']).count().iloc[:, 0]
         word_agg_df[f'word_len_ge_{word_l}_count'] = word_agg_df[f'word_len_ge_{word_l}_count'].fillna(0)
    1. pause_time_features
     **only add one new feature**
         pl.col('time_diff') < 0.5
    1. time-related features, word count features, cursor position features
     temp = df.group_by("id").agg(
         pl.quantile(num_cols, 0.25).suffix('_quantile25'),
         pl.quantile(num_cols, 0.75).suffix('_quantile75')
    1. gaps = [1]
    2. punctuations count
     def match_punctuations(self, df):
         tmp_df = df.groupby('id').agg({'down_event': list}).reset_index()
         ret = list()
         for li in tqdm(tmp_df['down_event'].values):
             cnt = 0
             items = list(Counter(li).items())
             for item in items:
                 k, v = item[0], item[1]
                 if k in self.punctuations:
                     cnt += v
         ret = pd.DataFrame({'punct_cnt': ret})
         return ret
  • Features with not very obvious effects

    1. activity count, event_count (Tried using Tf-idf and regular proportion calculations, there was basically no difference.)
    2. gaps = [10, 20, ..., 50, 100]

In the end, used about 210 features. I tried more features (for example, constructing 300+, 600+, and 700+ features), but the scores on the leaderboard were poor, only around 0.595+. Therefore, I did not adopt them in the final model. In fact, when there are only about 2,500 training data entries, there shouldn't be too many features.

3. Models

  • Used LGBM, XGB, and CB, three traditional tree models, with equal allocation in the model proportions.
  • Unable to obtain desired results with NN and TabNet.

4. Ideas that Could Not be Realized

After reading this creative discussion here. I tried using a classification model to assist in making certain adjustments to the regression model.

  • Binary Classification

    count_label0 = 0
    count_label1 = 0
    def create_binary_score(score):
        global count_label0, count_label1
        if score <= 1.5 or score >= 4.5:
            count_label0 += 1
            return 0
            count_label1 += 1
            return 1

    I hoped to use a binary classification method to differentiate between marginal scores and middle scores, but the final accuracy was only around 82%. After combining it with the regression model, the results were not satisfactory, so I ultimately abandoned this approach.

  • Five-category classification

    def convert_score_to_category(score):
        if score <= 2.5:
            return 0
        elif score == 3.0:
            return 1
        elif score == 3.5:
            return 2
        elif score == 4.0:
            return 3
        elif score == 4.5:
            return 4
        elif score >= 5.0:
            return 5

    Here, in order to balance the data volume of each label, I set the division method as mentioned above. Previously, I tried treating each score as a separate category and added weights to minimize the impact of sample imbalance. However, due to the large discrepancy, the model was ultimately unable to train properly. Even when I divided it into the five categories mentioned above, the final classification accuracy was only just over 50%.

After reviewing others' solutions, it seems that no one used this idea, indicating that this method indeed does not work well.

5. Summarization

  • In this competition, it seems that features are not particularly important. Many high-scoring solutions are also based on making minor modifications to the baseline.
  • How to extract more information from text and even use language models to construct features is a very effective approach.
  • Building a trustworthy CV is crucial. In the competition, my CV has consistently lacked a strong correlation with the LB, which directly led to shakeup.

6. End

Thank you to Kaggle and THE LEARNING AGENCY LAB for hosting a very meaningful competition. The tabular competition has been a process of accumulating experience, and I have learned a lot during this process. Wish everyone good luck.


Predicting writing quality based on data statistics of the writing process. The key lies in feature engineering and tree models.








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