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asking a question / 提问
asking a question / 提问
Asking a question, not related to bugs or feature
assets issue / 资源适配问题
assets issue / 资源适配问题
maybe need replace some asset
bug / 缺陷
bug / 缺陷
Something isn't working
documentation / 文档
documentation / 文档
Improvements or additions to documentation
duplicate / 重复
duplicate / 重复
This issue or pull request already exists
emulator issue / 模拟器问题
emulator issue / 模拟器问题
Issues caused by emulator, change emulator instead
feature request / 功能请求
feature request / 功能请求
New feature or requests
fixed awaiting feedback / 已修复等待反馈
fixed awaiting feedback / 已修复等待反馈
Issue fixed but need user feedback as hard to reproduce
further information required / 需要提供更多信息
further information required / 需要提供更多信息
Further information required
good first issue / 首次贡献
good first issue / 首次贡献
Good for newcomers
help wanted / 大家来帮忙
help wanted / 大家来帮忙
A good start for newcomers to participate in
installation / 安装
installation / 安装
Installation issues
invalid / 无效
invalid / 无效
Can't understand
optimization / 优化
optimization / 优化
Improve robustness or increase speed
wontfix / 不做
wontfix / 不做
This will not be worked on
wrong settings or usages / 错误设置或错误使用
wrong settings or usages / 错误设置或错误使用
wrong settings or usages