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Quick Start for Developers

cbartlett edited this page Mar 14, 2013 · 7 revisions

Locale enables writers to edit the copy in your Ruby on Rails application. This gem bridges your app with the service at, so that translations are automatically kept in sync. It sends new translation keys to the service to be written, and retrieves translations back to the development environment whenever they're filled in.


Add the Locale Gem to your Ruby on Rails 3 Gemfile and install it:

echo "gem 'localeapp'" >> Gemfile
bundle install

Create a new project on, and you'll be presented with an API Key for the project. Connect your application to Locale by running:

bundle exec localeapp install <YOUR_API_KEY>

That's it! The installer creates the file config/initializers/localeapp.rb, which holds your API Key and any configuration options. You can also install the gem with Ruby on Rails 2 and pure Ruby applications.

Next Steps

Your Ruby on Rails application is now set up to synchronise translations with Next, you might want to: