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Summary of Test Configuration Options

MarkAbrams edited this page Jan 22, 2024 · 7 revisions

The testConfiguration.json file is used to configure the test setup and execution. This is a summary of all of the available configuration options:

Setting name Permitted values Default value Description
localSettingsFilename Valid filename local.settings.json Name of the setting file to be used, if different from the default name.
azurite.enableAzuritePortCheck true
true true if the framework is to check that Azurite is running and listening on the required ports, otherwise false.
azurite.blobServicePort 0 -> 65535 10000 Port number of the Azurite Blob service, if different from the default port.
azurite.queueServicePort 0 -> 65535 10001 Port number of the Azurite Queue service, if different from the default port .
azurite.tableServicePort 0 -> 65535 10002 Port number of the Azurite Table service, if different from the default port.
logging.writeFunctionRuntimeStartupLogs true
false true if the start-up logs are to be included in the test execution logs, otherwise false.
logging.writeMockRequestMatchingLogs true
false true if the request matching evaluation for the fluent API is to be included in the test execution logs, otherwise false.
runner.maxWorkflowExecutionDuration 0 -> 65535 300 seconds (5 mins) Maximum execution time (in seconds) for a workflow.
runner.defaultHttpResponseStatusCode Any valid numeric HTTP status code 200 (OK) The HTTP status code for the default mock response, used when no mock Request Matchers are matched and when the mock response delegate function is not set, or returns null.
workflow.externalApiUrlsToMock None [ ] List of host names that are to be replaced in the settings file with the URL of the mock HTTP server.
workflow.builtInConnectorsToMock List of valid connector names [ ] List of built-in connector names where actions using these connectors are to be replaced with HTTP actions pointing at the mock HTTP server.
workflow.autoConfigureWithStatelessRunHistory true
true true if the testing framework automatically sets the Workflows.<workflow name>.OperationOptions setting to WithStatelessRunHistory for stateless workflows, otherwise false.
workflow.removeHttpRetryConfiguration true
true true if the retry policy in HTTP actions is to be replaced with a none policy, otherwise false.
workflow.removeHttpChunkingConfiguration true
true true if the chunking configuration in HTTP actions is to be removed, otherwise false.
workflow.removeManagedApiConnectionRetryConfiguration true
true true if the retry policy in actions using managed API connections is to be replaced with a none policy, otherwise false.
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