This tool is part of the Supplementary Material of the submission entitled A pipeline to create predictive functional networks: application to the tumor progression of hepatocellular carcinoma by Maxime Folschette, Vincent Legagneux, Arnaud Poret, Lokmane Chebouba, Carito Guziolowski and Nathalie Théret
We introduce the key-pipeline
, a python package implementing a workflow for identifying key protein-complexes associated to tumor progression. From an initial network and a set of experimental data on gene expression, our software allows researchers to
(i) find the upstream/downstream paths starting from a couple of root nodes in a network using pathrider, a tool developed in our team to this purpose,
(ii) check the consistency of the experimental data set, provide repairs for inconsistencies and make preidctions using the existing iggy tool,
(iii) validate the predictions made by iggy by computing the number of predictions matching the related experimental fold-change from the experimental data,
(iv) perform precision and stability tests by comparing prediction on subsets of observations with predictions using all observations, and finally
(v) plot both precision scores for each sampling, and the evolution of the prediction compared to the entire set of observations.
is a Python application that uses several libraries and tools.
The easiest way to install and configure required software (Python, Conda and Python libraries) is to run either
, by using the following command:
$ bash config_<your_OS>.sh
These scripts will download and run the installation of Miniconda if required, and then create the environment with the necessary libraries. If Conda is not already installed, you will have to go through the configuration process, which is very guided and offers consistent default choices at every step.
If you prefer having more control on your system and know what you are doing, your may also manually setup your environment.
First, if Conda or Python 3 are not installed on your machine, manually download and install Miniconda for Python 3.7.
Then go to the key-pipeline
folder and create the environment by running:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
The environment.yml
file contains all depencies required for the successful execution of the pipeline.
After following either of the two cases above, an environment named pip-env
with all required dependencies (Python, iggy, plotly, etc.) should be created.
You need to activate this environment before using the pipeline, by running:
$ conda activate pip-env
To deactivate an active environment, use:
$ conda deactivate
name: pip-env
- default
- plotly==3.10.0
- python==3.7.3
- go
- pip
- pip:
- iggy==1.4.1
Our tool provides a script that can be used in a command line interface (CLI), and customized by giving arguments.
Default arguments are provided in the arguments.txt
By default, all the steps of the methods will be run; if you want to run just one or more steps, you can enter the number of steps you want by using --steps
and the number of desired step separated by ”,”.
The argument --help
provides the help message describing required inputs and available options.
This script calls all the steps in the workflow described in the article. Each step will output one or more files. In general, the output of one step corresponds to the input of the following ones. This enables a straightforward application of the workflow for users without programming expertise.
If not already done, first activate the pipeline environment:
$ conda activate pip-env
Then, from the key-pipeline
folder, run:
$ python @arguments.txt
Here is an example of an arguments file:
For more options you can ask for help:
$ python --help
usage: Usage: python @arguments_file [--steps] Pipeline HCC: require a file preceded by '@' and must contain all the required arguments cited below: optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit optional arguments: --dir DIR follows the up stream ('up') or the down stream ('down'). Default to 'up' --steps STEPS specify the number of the steps to run: [1] Graph extraction [2] Pathrider [3] Iggy [4] Cross-Validation [5] Plots. (If many, separate by ','). Default run all steps --start_sampling START_SAMPLING The start sampling percentage. Default= 10 --stop_sampling STOP_SAMPLING The stop sampling percentage. Default= 100 --step_sampling STEP_SAMPLING The step of sampling. Default= 5 --numbers_run NUMBERS_RUN The number of runs on each step. Default= 100 required arguments: --sif SIF influence graph in SIF format --icgc ICGC ICGC file --b B a list of blacklisted genes (weakly expressed)
python @arguments.txt
This command will run all the steps of our method (1..5).
python @arguments.txt --steps 3
This command will run only step 3 of our method.
python @arguments.txt --steps 4,5
This command will run steps 4 and 5 of our method.
Every time you launch the tool, it will overwrite the data produced during previous launches. If you need it, think of saving it under another name.
We assume the following file formats for the input data:
- The network is provided in SIF format,
- The experimental data file (for instance ICGC data) is provided in plain text TSV format,
- The list of weakly expressed genes (to be filtered out) is provided with plain text with one gene name per line.
An example for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is provided under the folder example
, providing:
- a KEGG graph extraction (in SIF format),
- the differential expression data obtained from ICGC data (in TSV format),
- a list of blacklisted species.
This is intended for immediate use and these files are already specified in the arguments.txt
Moreover, the following default values are given for the stability study:
- start sampling percentage = 10,
- stop sampling percentage = 15,
- step sampling = 5,
- number of runs = 2.
These values are not recommended for a complete analysis but as this step is very long, only small values are provided in order to avoid letting the script run for too long.
Each step of the tool requires some inputs and produces outputs.
Each step is represented by a folder in key-pipeline/supmat
under which there alreay exists a scripts
folder that contains all scripts needed.
When the pipeline is launched, data
folders are added which are inteded to contain the input/output data.
- The global primary network file
- Experimental data (e.g. ICGC data)
- Components names
- Observations file
- The global primary network file
- Components names
- Blacklist
- The final network filtered with the observed nodes we have
- The filtered network
- Observations file
- Experimental data
- Predictions
- The filtered network
- Observations file
- Experimental data
- Sampling parameters
- Sets of predictions
- Predictions from step 3
- Sets of predictions from step 4
- Prediction stability plot
- Robustness plot