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Internal Rust-Docs A simple and flexible Load-Balancer that can easily integrate with other Tunneler-Software

CLI Options

Key Default Description
--dashboard={true/false} disabled Enables the internal Dashboard-Service
--kube.namespaces={name} "default" The Namespaces to use for the General Kubernetes-Configurator
--kube.traefik={true/false} disabled Enables the Kubernetes-Traefik-Configurator
--kube.traefik_namespaces={name} "default" The Namespaces to use for the Traefik Kubernetes-Configurator
--kube.ingress={true/false} disabled Enables the Kubernetes-Ingress-Configurator
--kube.ingress_priorit={new priority} 100 The Priority to use for Routes loaded from the Kubernetes-Ingress-Configurator
--kube.ingress_namespaces={name} "default" The Namespaces to use for the Ingress Kubernetes-Configurator
--file-conf={path} disabled Enables the File-Configurator for the given file/directory
--webserver.{name}.port={port} disabled Enables the Webserver-Entrypoint on the given Port
--webserver.{name}.tls={port} disabled Enables the TLS version of the Webserver-Entrypoint on the given Port
--metrics={port} disabled Exposes Prometheus metrics on the given port and /metrics path
--plugins={path} disabled The Path to use for loading Plugins
--tunneler.{name}.key={path} $HOME/.tunneler/key The File where the Tunneler-Key is stored
--tunneler.{name}.addr={addr} localhost The Address of the Tunneler-Server
--tunneler.{name}.port={port} 8081 The Port on which to bind the Client on the Tunneler-Server
--tunneler.{name}.public_port={port} The Port on which to listen for Requests on the Tunneler-Server
--tunneler.{name}.tls={true/false} disabled Enables the Tunneler-Entrypoint with TLS enabled
--auto_tls.enable={true/false} disabled Enables the Auto-TLS feature
--auto_tls.production={true/false}  disabled Enables the Production Setting for Lets-Encrypt
--auto_tls.service={name} () The Kubernetes-Service to discover other Tunneload instances
--auto_tls.namespace={namespace} "default" The Kubernetes Namespace for the Service
--auto_tls.file.path={path} disabled  The Path from which to load the Cluster-Configuration
--auto_tls.file.dir={dir} disabled The Directory where the Certificates should be saved to and loaded from
--auto_tls.cluster.port={port} 8375 The Port to use for Cluster communication between instances


Key Default Description
THREADS 6 The Number of threads the Runtime should use
RUST_LOG tunneload=info The Logging Level to use
RUST_LOG_COLOR false Whether or not the output should be color coded


Originally tunneler was designed to solve the problem of exposing internal services, that were not reachable from the outside, by running a server-instance on a simple public server that can accept connections and then forward it to any number of clients running on the "private" Servers. However this introduced at least one more new Connection that needs to be established before it gets to actual Infra, like a simple load-balancer/router. This is where Tunneload comes in and replaces the old load-balancer and directly integrates the Tunneler-Client allowing it to receive the requests and then determine where to send it like the original load-balancer which removes the extra Connection/ Hop.

The Dashboard

The Dashboard is written using Svelte.


  • navigate to 'src/internal_services/dashboard/website' using cd src/internal_services/dashboard/website
  • Start the development server using npm run dev