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#DOCUMENTAZIONEISPW For the analysis and design phase of the project made for INGEGNERIA DEL SOFTWARE E PROGETTAZIONE WEB course I've done an iteratively approach through StarUML which let me to build,using modelling language, ClassDiagram and VOPC, Activity Diagrams Sequence Diagrams and Use Case Diagrams. The main goal of this project is to build a web-application and a laptop application with an architecture pattern BCE. The task is to define the managment and maintenance of resourse, first booking of events(like Exams,Test , degree session or conference) then definition since the starting of academic year of the exams sessions. The application should allow to the user to loggin in with the profiles of users(Professor-Secretary). The different of them is about the the type and number of operations(actions) they could do. The communication between application client and database is made with a JDBC approach. The patterns used into this project are: for the architecture BCE and for creation database and controller we use the pattern Singleton. I've done 4 use case : a) visualizza prenotazioni attive b) prenotazione esame c) prenotazione evento d) visualizza storico prenotazioni

#LAPTOPISPW-Description on #DOCUMENTAZIONEISPW It's made with JavaFX Scene Builder which is a visual layout tool that lets users quickly design JavaFX application user interfaces, without coding. Users can drag and drop UI components to a work area, modify their properties, apply style sheets, and the FXML code for the layout that they are creating is automatically generated in the background. The result is an FXML file that can then be combined with a Java project by binding the UI to the application’s logic. Furthermore through Junit we've tested if everything works well. In this part I've developmented a thread which is able to use different class of this part but it's able to make a random reservation of one Exams or Event. Here it's important the logic of the reservation of the room, a particular class with all the options and comfort that a professor would like for doing a lectur

#WebAppIsp-Description on #DOCUMENTAZIONEISPW The main goal of this part is to build a system on the net. I chose to make the web part of the Servlet programming technology, which uses Java for the development of the presentation logic, according to the BCE pattern, of web applications while providing dynamic content in HTML format, markup language. An additional tool used in the implementation was MATERIALIZE, a collection of templates for the design of websites that uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript; this give to the system a way to touch of graphics and make the system not only able to respond and conform to specifications but also aesthetically beautiful.


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