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Create Nix package expressions (#1246)
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bb010g authored and Lonami committed Jul 30, 2019
1 parent de85c34 commit 13e9119
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,503 additions and 8 deletions.
20 changes: 12 additions & 8 deletions .gitignore
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Docs

# Generated code

# User session
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ instance/

# Sphinx documentation

# PyBuilder
Expand All @@ -106,3 +106,7 @@ ENV/

# Rope project settings

# Nix build results
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# A NUR-compatible package specification.
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, useRelease ? true }:

rec {
# The `lib`, `modules`, and `overlay` names are special
lib = ({ pkgs }: { }) { inherit pkgs; }; # functions
modules = { }; # NixOS modules
overlays = { }; # nixpkgs overlays

# # development

# ## development.python-modules

# use in a shell like
# ```nix
# ((pkgs.python3.override {
# packageOverrides = pythonPackageOverrides;
# }).withPackages (ps: [ ps.telethon ])).env
# ```
pythonPackageOverrides = self: super: let
defaultTelethonArgs = { inherit useRelease; };
telethonPkg = v: args: self.callPackage (./nix/telethon + "/${v}.nix")
(defaultTelethonArgs // args);
in rec {
telethon = telethon_1;
telethon-devel = self.callPackage ./nix/telethon/devel.nix { };

telethon_1 = telethon_1_9;
telethon_1_9 = telethon_1_9_0;
telethon_1_9_0 = telethonPkg "1.9" { version = "1.9.0"; };
telethon_1_8 = telethon_1_8_0;
telethon_1_8_0 = telethonPkg "1.8" { version = "1.8.0"; };
telethon_1_7 = telethon_1_7_7;
telethon_1_7_7 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.7"; };
telethon_1_7_6 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.6"; };
telethon_1_7_5 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.5"; };
telethon_1_7_4 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.4"; };
telethon_1_7_3 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.3"; };
telethon_1_7_2 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.2"; };
telethon_1_7_1 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.1"; };
telethon_1_7_0 = telethonPkg "1.7" { version = "1.7.0"; };
telethon_1_6 = telethon_1_6_2;
telethon_1_6_2 = telethonPkg "1.6" { version = "1.6.2"; };
# 1.6.1.post1: hotpatch that fixed Telethon.egg-info dir perms
telethon_1_6_1 = telethonPkg "1.6" { version = "1.6.1"; };
telethon_1_6_0 = telethonPkg "1.6" { version = "1.6.0"; };
telethon_1_5 = telethon_1_5_5;
telethon_1_5_5 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.5"; };
telethon_1_5_4 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.4"; };
telethon_1_5_3 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.3"; };
telethon_1_5_2 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.2"; };
telethon_1_5_1 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.1"; };
telethon_1_5_0 = telethonPkg "1.5" { version = "1.5.0"; };
telethon_1_4 = telethon_1_4_3;
telethon_1_4_3 = telethonPkg "1.4" { version = "1.4.3"; };
telethon_1_4_2 = telethonPkg "1.4" { version = "1.4.2"; };
telethon_1_4_1 = telethonPkg "1.4" { version = "1.4.1"; };
telethon_1_4_0 = telethonPkg "1.4" { version = "1.4.0"; };

59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions nix/ci.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# This file provides all the buildable and cacheable packages and
# package outputs in you package set. These are what gets built by CI,
# so if you correctly mark packages as
# - broken (using `meta.broken`),
# - unfree (using ``), and
# - locally built (using `preferLocalBuild`)
# then your CI will be able to build and cache only those packages for
# which this is possible.

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, enableEnvs ? false }:

with builtins;


isReserved = n: n == "lib" || n == "overlays" || n == "modules";
isDerivation = p: isAttrs p && p ? type && p.type == "derivation";
isBuildable = p: !(p.meta.broken or false) && or true;
isCacheable = p: !(p.preferLocalBuild or false);
shouldRecurseForDerivations = p:
isAttrs p && p.recurseForDerivations or false;

nameValuePair = n: v: { name = n; value = v; };

concatMap = builtins.concatMap or (f: xs: concatLists (map f xs));

flattenPkgs = s:
f = p:
if shouldRecurseForDerivations p then flattenPkgs p
else if isDerivation p then [p]
else [];
concatMap f (attrValues s);

outputsOf = p: map (o: p.${o}) p.outputs;

# build & test packages across Python versions
# (withPackages "distributions" are also generated for testing)
nurAttrs = import ./extended.nix { inherit pkgs enableEnvs; };

nurPkgs =
(map (n: nameValuePair n nurAttrs.${n})
(filter (n: !isReserved n)
(attrNames nurAttrs))));


rec {
buildPkgs = filter isBuildable nurPkgs;
cachePkgs = filter isCacheable buildPkgs;

buildOutputs = concatMap outputsOf buildPkgs;
cacheOutputs = concatMap outputsOf cachePkgs;
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions nix/extended.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, enableEnvs ? true, useRelease ? true }:

# packages built against all Python versions (along with withPackages
# environments for testing)

# to use for testing, you'll probably want a variant of:
# ```sh
# nix-shell nix/extended.nix -A telethon-devel-python37 --run "python"
# ```

inherit (pkgs.lib) attrNames attrValues concatMap head listToAttrs
mapAttrsToList optional optionals tail;
nurAttrs = import ../default.nix { inherit pkgs useRelease; };

pyVersions = concatMap (n: optional (pkgs ? ${n}) n) [
# "pypy3"
# "pypy35"
# "pypy36"
# "pypy37"

pyPkgEnvs = [
[ "telethon" "telethon" ]
[ "telethon-devel" "telethon-devel" ]

[ "telethon_1" "telethon_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_9" "telethon_1_9" ]
[ "telethon_1_9_0" "telethon_1_9_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_8" "telethon_1_8" ]
[ "telethon_1_8_0" "telethon_1_8_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_7" "telethon_1_7" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_7" "telethon_1_7_7" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_6" "telethon_1_7_6" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_5" "telethon_1_7_5" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_4" "telethon_1_7_4" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_3" "telethon_1_7_3" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_2" "telethon_1_7_2" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_1" "telethon_1_7_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_7_0" "telethon_1_7_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_6" "telethon_1_6" ]
[ "telethon_1_6_2" "telethon_1_6_2" ]
[ "telethon_1_6_1" "telethon_1_6_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_6_0" "telethon_1_6_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_5" "telethon_1_5" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_5" "telethon_1_5_5" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_4" "telethon_1_5_4" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_3" "telethon_1_5_3" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_2" "telethon_1_5_2" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_1" "telethon_1_5_1" ]
[ "telethon_1_5_0" "telethon_1_5_0" ]
[ "telethon_1_4" "telethon_1_4" ]
[ "telethon_1_4_3" "telethon_1_4_3" ]
# [ "telethon_1_4_2" "telethon_1_4_2" ]
# [ "telethon_1_4_1" "telethon_1_4_1" ]
# [ "telethon_1_4_0" "telethon_1_4_0" ]

getPkgPair = pkgs: n: let p = pkgs.${n}; in { name = n; value = p; };
getPkgPairs = pkgs: map (getPkgPair pkgs);
pyPkgPairs = py:
concatMap (d: map (getPkgPair py.pkgs) (tail d)) pyPkgEnvs;
pyPkgEnvPair = pyNm: py: envNm: env: {
name = "${envNm}-env-${pyNm}";
value = (py.withPackages (ps: map (pn: ps.${pn}) env)).overrideAttrs (o: {
name = "${envNm}-${}-env";
preferLocalBuild = true;
pyNurPairs = pyNm: py:
map ({ name, value }: { name = "${name}-${pyNm}"; inherit value; })
(pyPkgPairs py) ++
optionals enableEnvs
(map (d: pyPkgEnvPair pyNm py (head d) (tail d)) pyPkgEnvs);
in nurAttrs // (listToAttrs (concatMap (py: let
python = pkgs.${py}.override {
packageOverrides = nurAttrs.pythonPackageOverrides;
}; in
pyNurPairs py python) pyVersions))
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions nix/overlay.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# You can use this file as a nixpkgs overlay. This is useful in the
# case where you don't want to add the whole NUR namespace to your
# configuration.

self: super:


isReserved = n: n == "lib" || n == "overlays" || n == "modules";
nameValuePair = n: v: { name = n; value = v; };
nurAttrs = import ./default.nix { pkgs = super; };


(map (n: nameValuePair n nurAttrs.${n})
(builtins.filter (n: !isReserved n)
(builtins.attrNames nurAttrs)))
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions nix/telethon/1.4.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, pythonOlder
, fetchFromGitHub ? null, fetchPypi ? null, fetchpatch ? null
, async_generator, pyaes, rsa
, version
, useRelease ? true

assert useRelease -> fetchPypi != null;
assert !useRelease -> fetchFromGitHub != null && fetchpatch != null;
common = import ./common.nix {
inherit lib fetchFromGitHub fetchPypi fetchpatch;
versions = {
"1.4.3" = {
pypiSha256 = "1igslvhd743qy9p4kfs7lg09s8d5vhn9jhzngpv12797569p4lcj";
sourceSha256 = "19vz0ppk7lq1dmqzf47n6h023i08pqvcwnixvm28vrijykq0z315";
"1.4.2" = {
pypiSha256 = "1f4ncyfzqj4b6zib0417r01pgnd0hb1p4aiinhlkxkmk7vy5fqfy";
sourceSha256 = "0rsbz5kqp0d10gasadir3mgalc9aqq4fcv8xa1p7fg263f43rjl4";
"1.4.1" = {
pypiSha256 = "1n0jhdqflinyamzy5krnww7hc0s7pw9yfck1p7816pdbgir74qsw";
sourceSha256 = "07q48gw4ry3wf9yzi6kf8lw3b23a0dvk9r8sabpxwrlqy7gnksxx";
"1.4.0" = {
version = "1.4";
pypiSha256 = "1g7rznwmj87n9k86zby9i75h570hm84izrv0srhsmxi52pjan1ml";
sourceSha256 = "14nv86yrj01wmlj5cfg6iq5w03ssl67av1arfy9mq1935mly5nly";
in buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "telethon";
inherit version;

src = common.fetchTelethon {
inherit useRelease version;
versionData = versions.${version};
patches = lib.optionals (!useRelease) [
(if (lib.versionOlder version "1.4.3") then

propagatedBuildInputs = [ async_generator rsa pyaes ];

doCheck = false; # No tests available

disabled = pythonOlder "3.5";
meta = common.meta;

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