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Spatial data types & helpers for use in 3D apps (AABB, Frustum etc.)

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Spatial data types & helpers for use in 3D apps (AABB, Frustum etc.)


type AaBb

type AaBb struct {
	Min, Max, Center, Extent unum.Vec3

func (*AaBb) BoundingSphere

func (me *AaBb) BoundingSphere(center *unum.Vec3) (radius float64)

func (*AaBb) Clear

func (me *AaBb) Clear()

func (*AaBb) ResetMinMax

func (me *AaBb) ResetMinMax()

func (*AaBb) SetCenterExtent

func (me *AaBb) SetCenterExtent()

func (*AaBb) SetMinMax

func (me *AaBb) SetMinMax()

func (*AaBb) Transform

func (me *AaBb) Transform(mat *unum.Mat4)

func (*AaBb) UpdateMinMax

func (me *AaBb) UpdateMinMax(vec *unum.Vec3)

func (*AaBb) UpdateMinMaxFrom

func (me *AaBb) UpdateMinMaxFrom(aabb *AaBb)

type Bounds

type Bounds struct {
	Sphere float64
	AaBox  AaBb

func (*Bounds) Clear

func (me *Bounds) Clear()

func (*Bounds) Reset

func (me *Bounds) Reset()

type Frustum

type Frustum struct {
	Bounding Bounds
	Planes   [6]FrustumPlane
	Axes     struct {
		X, Y, Z unum.Vec3
	Near, Far FrustumCoords

func (*Frustum) HasPoint

func (me *Frustum) HasPoint(pos, point *unum.Vec3, zNear, zFar float64) bool

func (*Frustum) HasSphere

func (me *Frustum) HasSphere(pos, center *unum.Vec3, radius, zNear, zFar float64) (fullyInside, intersect bool)

func (*Frustum) UpdateAxes

func (me *Frustum) UpdateAxes(dir, upVector, upAxis *unum.Vec3)

func (*Frustum) UpdateAxesCoordsPlanes

func (me *Frustum) UpdateAxesCoordsPlanes(persp *Perspective, pos, dir, upVector, upAxis *unum.Vec3)

func (*Frustum) UpdateCoords

func (me *Frustum) UpdateCoords(persp *Perspective, pos *unum.Vec3)

func (*Frustum) UpdatePlanes

func (me *Frustum) UpdatePlanes()

func (*Frustum) UpdatePlanesGH

func (me *Frustum) UpdatePlanesGH(mat *unum.Mat4, normalize bool)

Gribb/Hartmann: "Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the WorldView-Projection Matrix"

func (*Frustum) UpdateRatio

func (me *Frustum) UpdateRatio(persp *Perspective, aspectRatio float64)

type FrustumCoords

type FrustumCoords struct {
	C, TL, TR, BL, BR unum.Vec3

type FrustumPlane

type FrustumPlane struct {

func (*FrustumPlane) Normalize

func (me *FrustumPlane) Normalize()

type MeshDescF3

type MeshDescF3 struct {
	//	The indexed vertices making up this triangle face.
	V [3]MeshDescF3V

	//	ID, Tags

Represents an indexed triangle face.

func NewMeshDescF3

func NewMeshDescF3(tags, id string, verts ...MeshDescF3V) (me *MeshDescF3)

Creates and initializes a new MeshDescF3V with the specified tags, ID and verts, and returns it. tags may be empty or contain multiple classification tags separated by spaces, which will be split into Tags.

type MeshDescF3V

type MeshDescF3V struct {
	//	Index of the vertex position
	PosIndex uint32

	//	Index of the texture-coordinate.
	TexCoordIndex uint32

	//	Index of the vertex normal.
	NormalIndex uint32

Represents an indexed vertex in a MeshDescF3.

type MeshDescVA2

type MeshDescVA2 [2]float32

Represents a 2-component vertex attribute in a MeshDescriptor. (such as for example texture-coordinates)

type MeshDescVA3

type MeshDescVA3 [3]float32

Represents a 3-component vertex attribute in a MeshDescriptor (such as for example vertex-normals)

func (*MeshDescVA3) ToVec3

func (me *MeshDescVA3) ToVec3(vec *unum.Vec3)

type MeshDescriptor

type MeshDescriptor struct {
	//	Vertex positions
	Positions []MeshDescVA3

	//	Vertex texture coordinates
	TexCoords []MeshDescVA2

	//	Vertex normals
	Normals []MeshDescVA3

	//	Indexed triangle definitions
	Faces []MeshDescF3

Represents yet-unprocessed, descriptive mesh source data.

func MeshDescriptorCube

func MeshDescriptorCube() (meshDescriptor *MeshDescriptor, err error)

A MeshProvider that creates MeshDescriptor for a cube with extents -1 .. 1. args is ignored and err is always nil. The returned MeshDescriptor contains 12 triangle faces with IDs "t0" through "t11". These faces are classified in 6 distinct tags: "front","back","top","bottom","right","left".

func MeshDescriptorPlane

func MeshDescriptorPlane() (meshDescriptor *MeshDescriptor, err error)

A MeshProvider that creates MeshDescriptor for a flat ground plane with extents -1 .. 1. args is ignored and err is always nil. The returned MeshDescriptor contains 2 triangle faces with IDs "t0" through "t1". These faces are all classified with tag: "plane".

func MeshDescriptorPyramid

func MeshDescriptorPyramid() (meshDescriptor *MeshDescriptor, err error)

A MeshProvider that creates MeshDescriptor for a pyramid with extents -1 .. 1. args is ignored and err is always nil. The returned MeshDescriptor contains 4 triangle faces with IDs "t0" through "t3". These faces are all classified with tag: "pyr".

func MeshDescriptorQuad

func MeshDescriptorQuad() (meshDescriptor *MeshDescriptor, err error)

A MeshProvider that creates MeshDescriptor for a quad with extents -1 .. 1. args is ignored and err is always nil. The returned MeshDescriptor contains 2 triangle faces with IDs "t0" through "t1". These faces are all classified with tag: "quad".

func MeshDescriptorTri

func MeshDescriptorTri() (meshDescriptor *MeshDescriptor, err error)

A MeshProvider that creates MeshDescriptor for a triangle with extents -1 .. 1. args is ignored and err is always nil. The returned MeshDescriptor contains 1 triangle face with ID "t0" and tag "tri".

func (*MeshDescriptor) AddFaces

func (me *MeshDescriptor) AddFaces(faces ...*MeshDescF3)

Adds all specified Faces to this MeshDescriptor.

func (*MeshDescriptor) AddNormals

func (me *MeshDescriptor) AddNormals(normals ...MeshDescVA3)

Adds all the specified Normals to this MeshDescriptor.

func (*MeshDescriptor) AddPositions

func (me *MeshDescriptor) AddPositions(positions ...MeshDescVA3)

Adds all specified Positions to this MeshDescriptor.

func (*MeshDescriptor) AddTexCoords

func (me *MeshDescriptor) AddTexCoords(texCoords ...MeshDescVA2)

Adds all the specified TexCoords to this MeshDescriptor.

type MeshFaceBase

type MeshFaceBase struct {
	//	Mesh-unique identifier for this face.
	ID string

	//	Arbitrary classification tags for this face.
	Tags []string

type MeshProvider

type MeshProvider func() (*MeshDescriptor, error)

type Perspective

type Perspective struct {
	//	Whether this is a perspective-projection camera. Defaults to true.
	//	If false, no projection transformation is applied.
	Enabled bool

	//	Vertical field-of-view angle.
	FovY struct {
		//	In degrees. Defaults to 37.8493.
		Deg float64

		//	Deg-in-radians, times 0.5. This should always be kept in sync with Deg.
		RadHalf float64

	//	Distance of the far-plane from the camera.
	ZFar float64

	//	Distance of the near-plane from the camera.
	ZNear float64

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Spatial data types & helpers for use in 3D apps (AABB, Frustum etc.)






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