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Changes required by new versions of Xtext

The book was written using Xtext 2.10.0 and some changes were introduced in new versions of Xtext that require some modifications in the sources of the examples (moreover, some code shown in the book might have to be adapted accordingly).

In the following we detail the changes required to adapt the examples to the new versions of Xtext.

PLEASE, make sure to read all the required changes in the reverse order, e.g., first apply the changes from Xtext 2.10.0 to Xtext 2.11.0, then the changes from Xtext 2.11.0 to Xtext 2.12.0, etc.

Xtext 2.21.0

There is no real breaking change since the previous Xtext 2.20.0. If you regenerate your DSLs you will have to merge the plugin.xml with the new plugin.xml_gen since a few tabs have been fixed.

Xtext 2.20.0

WARNING: Since Xtext 2.20.0, (see, Java is the default for generating stubs in the Xtext project wizard (except for things like the Generator, tests and a few other APIs). The book is based instead on Xtend code for all the aspects of the DSL implementation, as it used to be also in Xtext before version 2.20.0. If you want to follow along the book and you create projects from scratch (instead of starting from the source code of the examples), you should remove this line preferXtendStubs = false in the .mwe2 file, before running the first generation, or set that property to true.

MWE2 should be updated to 2.11.1, in the POM files.

The StandardLanguage.newProjectWizardForEclipse fragment, generating a project wizard for your DSL, has been deprecated, in favor of StandardLanguage.projectWizard. In the book such a project wizard is only mentioned and it is implemented in the SmallJava example. The source code of the example has been updated accordingly.


Xbase projects should update the version range of org.objectweb.asm in the MANIFEST.MF files that already require that bundle: [7.2.0,7.3.0).

Xtext 2.19.0

MWE2 should be updated to 2.11.0, in the POM files and in the target platforms.


Xbase projects should update the version range of org.objectweb.asm in the MANIFEST.MF files that already require that bundle: [7.1.0,7.2.0).

Xtext 2.18.0

No critical change is required. Here we list only a few changes that might be required.

Maven build

The pom.xml used in the main project for running MWE2 during the Maven build could be updated by chaging the version range for xtext-antlr-generator to the strict version 2.1.1:



The Xbase compiler has been slightly changed by generating parenthesis around a few expressions. The compilation tests will have to be adapted, in case you were comparing the result of the compilation with an expected result.

For example, instead of Java code of the shape

while ((!args[i].isEmpty())) {

The Xbase compiler now generates:

while ((!(args[i]).isEmpty())) {

Xtext 2.17.0 and Eclipse 2019-03

Support for x86 architectures have been removed. In the parent POMs you must make sure you only have configurations for x86_64.

Xtext has introduced support for Java 9 and later, including Java 11.

For example, for running tests with Java 9 or later, you need to pass this command line argument to tycho.surefire --add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM.

The POMs of the examples have been updated. The Xtext 2.17 project wizard already generates the correct configurations in the POMs. Either you look at the POMs of the examples (in particular the self-contained org.example.hellomaven.parent project) or you generate a brand new set of projects and draw inspiration from there.

Due to a problem with javax.annotation when using Java 11 (see eclipse/xtext-core#934 and until Tycho 1.4.0 is released (which fixes this problem), in the .tests project (not the .ui.tests) this additional configuration must be specified:

				<!-- Required in Java 11 See -->

The Xtext 2.17 project wizard already generates this configuration in the POM of the .tests project. You have to manually add it only in your existing POMs. The POMs of the examples of the book have already been updated.

Xtext 2.13.0

The plugin.xml_gen, after regeneration, will contain additional parts, so make sure you merge such parts with the plugin.xml in the UI projects.

The version of Maven artifact org.eclipse.emf.mwe2.launch must now be

Xtext 2.12.0

UI Testing

The UI related classes from the bundle org.eclipse.xtext.junit4 and org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.junit have been deprecated: you should now use org.eclipse.xtext.ui.testing and org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.ui.testing, which basically provide the same classes, but with with the package org.eclipse.xtext.ui.testing and org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.ui.testing, respectively (see eclipse/xtext-eclipse#156).

So, in your ui.tests projects where you get deprecation warnings, please make sure to add the two above mentioned bundles as requirements in the MANIFEST.MF and manually modify your test cases so that they import and use the new packages (once you removed the deprecated imports, use "Organize Imports" and make sure you select the new classes).

Xtext 2.11.0

Besides the changes shown in this section, you may also want to have a look at the full release notes of Xtext 2.11.0.

IntelliJ support (ATTENTION)

The IntelliJ IDEA integration of Xtext is currently lacking contributors. Therefore, unfortunately, the IDEA support has not been part of the 2.11 release. If you want to try Xtext support for IntelliJ you need to stick with Xtext 2.10.0.

The sources of the example helloidea shown in the book will not be automatically imported in the workspace, if you use the automatic procedure shown in GETTINGSOURCES.

Grammar language

The grammar language now supports Java-like annotations; for the moment the annotation @Override should be added when you redefine a rule from the parent grammar. You will get a warning in the editor and a quickfix to add the missing annotation.

For example, in the Xbase Expressions DSL the redefined rule should become:

XPrimaryExpression returns XExpression:
	{EvalExpression} 'eval' expression=XExpression |


The non-UI related classes from the bundle org.eclipse.xtext.junit4 have been deprecated: you should now use org.eclipse.xtext.testing, which basically provides the same classes, but with with the package org.eclipse.xtext.testing instead of org.eclipse.xtext.junit4. The same holds for non-UI related classes in org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.junit, you should now use the ones from org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.testing.

Running the mwe2 generator will add the new bundles as dependencies. Moreover, the generated injector providers for tests are based on the new bundles and packages (you will get lots of errors in that respect), so you will need to manually modify your test cases so that they import and use the new packages (once you removed the deprecated imports, use "Organize Imports" and make sure you select the new classes).

org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.junit.formatter.FormatterTester must be replaced with org.eclipse.xtext.testing.formatter.FormatterTestHelper.

Similar adaptations will have to be performed also in the .ui.tests project concerning the injector providers. However, for UI tests, org.eclipse.xtext.junit4 and org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.junit are still required, since not all the testing classes have been ported to the new bundles (see eclipse/xtext-eclipse#156).

Xtend warnings

Xtend now has a warning of the shape The operator '!=' should be replaced by '!==' when null is one of the arguments., the same holds for == and ===, suggesting to use actual reference equality check instead of '!=' or == (which in Xtend is translated into a call of equals method).


The Xbase compiler has been optimized in order to reduce the numbers of additional synthetic variables that are generated. The compilation tests will have to be adapted, in case you were comparing the result of the compilation with an expected result.

For example, instead of Java code of the shape

Integer _get = a.get(_plusPlus);

The Xbase compiler now generates:


Maven build

The mwe2.launch version in the pom.xml used in the main project for running MWE2 during the Maven build should be updated from 2.8.3 to at least 2.9.0:


Two additional Maven dependencies should be added in that part:

	<version>[2.1.1, 3.0)</version>

IDE Guice Module

The 2.11 release introduces a new IDE Guice module hierarchy, which is used for generic editor and IDE features (including the web editor). If you already have an .ide project, running mwe2 will generate a few Xtend classes in the src folder (and, consequently, some generated Java classes in the xtend-gen folder). Make sure that both src and xtend-gen are configured as source folders in the existing .ide project.

Web integration project

A few things have changed concerning Web support that requires manual modifications to Xtend classes in src folder. If you did not customize anything in the .web project, the easiest way is to simply remove that project and run the MWE2 workflow to have that project created from scratch.

Otherwise, these are the manual steps to perform.

In the XXXWebModule you can remove the annotation @FinalFieldsConstructor.

The XXXWebSetup must be modified so that it uses the addition Guice modules generated in the .ide project.

For example, instead of

class SmallJavaWebSetup extends SmallJavaStandaloneSetup {
	val Provider<ExecutorService> executorServiceProvider;
	override Injector createInjector() {
		val runtimeModule = new SmallJavaRuntimeModule()
		val webModule = new SmallJavaWebModule(executorServiceProvider)
		return Guice.createInjector(Modules.override(runtimeModule).with(webModule))

You should write

class SmallJavaWebSetup extends SmallJavaStandaloneSetup {
	override Injector createInjector() {
		return Guice.createInjector(Modules2.mixin(new SmallJavaRuntimeModule, new SmallJavaIdeModule, new SmallJavaWebModule))

Similarly for the XXXServlet:

@WebServlet(name = 'XtextServices', urlPatterns = '/xtext-service/*')
class SmallJavaServlet extends XtextServlet {
	val List<ExecutorService> executorServices = newArrayList
	override init() {
		val Provider<ExecutorService> executorServiceProvider = [Executors.newCachedThreadPool => [executorServices += it]]
		new SmallJavaWebSetup(executorServiceProvider).createInjectorAndDoEMFRegistration()
	override destroy() {

should become

@WebServlet(name = 'XtextServices', urlPatterns = '/xtext-service/*')
class SmallJavaServlet extends XtextServlet {
	DisposableRegistry disposableRegistry
	override init() {
		val injector = new SmallJavaWebSetup().createInjectorAndDoEMFRegistration()
		disposableRegistry = injector.getInstance(DisposableRegistry)
	override destroy() {
		if (disposableRegistry !== null) {
			disposableRegistry = null

The Maven dependencies in the pom.xml should be updated to newer versions, e.g.,


The WebRoot/index.html must be adapted to the new versions of used dependencies. The easiest thing to do is to remove that file and have MWE2 regenerate it.