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Verifiable Learning for Robust Tree Ensembles

This repository contains the implementation of LSE e CARVE proposed by Calzavara et. al. in their research paper titled Verifiable Learning for Robust Tree Ensembles accepted at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2023 (CCS 2023). This repository also contains the code and the scripts to reproduce the experiments described in the paper.

Artifact organization

The artifact is organized in the following folders:

  • the datasets folder contains the datasets used to train the RandomForests and large-spread ensembles along with the models dumped by the the RandomForest algorithm and LSE with the extension .silva. See the "Obtain the datasets" section for more details about the subfolders.
  • the src folder containing:
    • the LSE tool (
    • the CARVE tool in the carve subfolder. The subfolder carve/verify contains the main file of the verifier while the carve/include folder contains necessary files that are included in the main file.
    • the SILVA verifier in the silva subfolder. The subfolder silva/trainers contains scripts used by SILVA to load the datasets and dump the trained models.

Download the repo

Download the repo using git clone <repo_link> --recursive to download also the submodules.

System configuration

In the paper you may find some details of the system in which we run the experiments. Here we report some details about the software. Our system used:

  • python (3.8)
  • scikit-learn (1.0.2)
  • some python modules: scikit-learn (1.0.2), numpy (1.22.3), argparse (1.1), pandas (1.4.2), matplotlib (3.5.1).
  • g++ (9.4.0)
  • make (4.2.1)

You can use docker to run a container running Ubuntu and with all the dependencies installed. Use the script in the main folder to build and run the docker. It requires to have installed docker.

Obtain the datasets

You can produce the training sets and test sets used in our experimental evaluation by executing the following scripts in the src/utils folder:

python3 2 6

python3 0 3



If you want to use another dataset, you have to create the folder datasets/<dataset_name>/ and the following folders in it:

  • dataset/, that will contain the training_set, test_set e validation_set.
  • models/, models/rf/, models/lse/ and models/lse/validation, that will contain the trained RandomForests and large-spread ensembles.

The datasets in the datasets/<dataset_name>/dataset/ must be named as follows:

  • training_set_normalized for the training set;
  • test_set_normalized for the test set;
  • training_set_normalized_gridsearch for the training set obtained by dividing the entire training set in the (sub)-training set and validation set;
  • validation_set_normalized for the validation set obtained by dividing the entire training set in the (sub)-training set and validation set.

Note that the tool works only with datasets with feature values normalized in 0-1 range at the moment.

Compile the tools


See the in the src/silva folder.


See the in the src/carve folder.

Use the tools


See the in the src/silva folder.


See the in the src/carve folder.


Run our LSE tool in the src folder to train large-spread ensembles. It requires:

  • the perturbation k;
  • the name of the dataset;
  • the number of trees;
  • the maximum depth;
  • the factor multiplied to the initial number of trees (e.g., 2);
  • the maximum number of rounds;
  • the number of subsets of features for the hierarchical training;
  • the n_jobs for training the initial random forest;
  • 1 or 0 for saving the resulting large spread or not;
  • the minimum perturbation to apply to the thresholds to enforce the large-spread condition;
  • the maximum perturbation to apply to the thresholds to enforce the large-spread condition;
  • if training the model on the 80% of the training set (20% is the validation set) or the entire training set.


python3 0.015 --dataset mnist26 --trees 101 --depth 6 --rounds 1000 --random_seed 0 --m 2 --s 4 --jobs 6 --dump_large_spread 1 --min_pert 0.0075 --max_pert 0.015 --validation

Basic test

After compiling all the tools, you can run this simple test to check that everything works fine:

  1. Train a small large-spread ensemble of 25 trees, maximum depth 4 and perturbation 0.015 by executing

    python3 0.015 --dataset mnist26 --trees 25 --depth 4 --rounds 100 --random_seed 0 --m 2 --s 4 --jobs 6 --dump_large_spread 1 --min_pert 0.0075 --max_pert 0.015 --validation

    After the execution of this command, you should find the file with extension .silva of the large-spread ensemble in the datasets/mnist26/dataset/lse/validation folder.

  2. Train a small RandomForest of 25 trees, maximum depth 4 and perturbation 0.015 by executing

    python3 mnist26 25 4 0

    After the execution of this command, you should find the file with extension .silva of the traditional tree-based ensemble in the datasets/mnist26/dataset/rf folder.

  3. Observe the robustness computed by SILVA using the following command. The output will be redirected in a log file.

    ./silva/src/silva ../datasets/mnist26/models/lse/validation/lse_part_rand_25_4_0.015_100_0_m2_s4_mnpert0.0075_mxpert0.015.silva ../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv --perturbation l_inf 0.015 --index-of-instance -1 > log_basic_test_silva.txt

  4. Observe the robustness computed by CARVE using the following command. The output will be redirected in a log file. The result should match the result obtained by using SILVA.

    ./carve/build/verify -i ../datasets/mnist26/models/lse/validation/lse_part_rand_25_4_0.015_100_0_m2_s4_mnpert0.0075_mxpert0.015.silva -t ../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv -p inf -k 0.015 -ioi -1 > log_basic_test_carve.txt

Train the models

All the models are in the .silva format. See the repository of SILVA for more information.

Train forests

Execute the bash script in the src folder after having generated the datasets. See the script for examples about training RandomForests.

Train large-spread ensembles

Use the python script in the src folder, that requires:

  • list of dataset separated by "/";
  • number of trees of the large spread ensemble;
  • depth of the large spread ensemble;
  • list of k separated by "-";
  • list of number of rounds separated by "-";
  • random state;
  • factor that multiplies the initial number of trees;
  • list of number of subsets considered in hierarchical training, separated by "-".

To reproduce our experiment, run in the src folder:

python3 mnist26/rewema/fashion_mnist0-3 25 4 0.005-0.010-0.015 0 100-500 2-4-6 1-2-3-4-5-6 0.005-0.010-0.015 0.075-0.015-0.0225 --validation

python3 mnist26/rewema/fashion_mnist0-3 25 4 0.005-0.010-0.015 0 100-500 2-4-6 1-2-3-4-5-6 0.0025-0.005-0.0075 0.005-0.010-0.015 --validation

python3 mnist26/rewema/fashion_mnist0-3 101 6 0.005-0.010-0.015 0 100-500 2-4-6 1-2-3-4-5-6 0.005-0.010-0.015 0.075-0.015-0.0225 --validation

python3 mnist26/rewema/fashion_mnist0-3 101 6 0.005-0.010-0.015 0 100-500 2-4-6 1-2-3-4-5-6 0.0025-0.005-0.0075 0.005-0.010-0.015 --validation

python3 webspam 25 4 0.0002-0.0004-0.0006 0 100-500 2-4-6 1-2-3-4-5-6 0.0002-0.0004-0.0006 0.0003-0.0006-0.0009 --validation

python3 webspam 25 4 0.0002-0.0004-0.0006 0 100-500 2-4-6 1-2-3-4-5-6 0.0001-0.0002-0.0003 0.0002-0.0004-0.0006 --validation

python3 webspam 101 6 0.0002-0.0004-0.0006 0 100-500 2-4-6 1-2-3-4-5-6 0.0002-0.0004-0.0006 0.0003-0.0006-0.0009 --validation

python3 webspam 101 6 0.0002-0.0004-0.0006 0 100-500 2-4-6 1-2-3-4-5-6 0.0001-0.0002-0.0003 0.0002-0.0004-0.0006 --validation

Warning: the training of the large-spread ensembles with the highest perturbation and no hierarchical training (1 subset of features) may require some time.

Generate experimental results

Reproduce the results of tables and figures only after training all the models (see the sections above).

Table 3

To generate a row of table 3, e.g., models with 101 tree and maximum depth 6 trained on MNIST and perturbation 0.015, we run the following command to retrieve the accuracy provided by SILVA:

./silva/src/silva ../datasets/mnist26/models/rf/rf_101_6_0_valFalse.silva ../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv --perturbation l_inf 0.015

Then, we run the verifier for each istance of the test set with a timeout of 1 second in order to see if it provides a result within the time limit and, if it gives a result, if the model is robust or not on the instance. For example, the following command is used for the instance of index 0:

timeout --signal=9 1 ./silva/src/silva ../datasets/mnist26/models/rf/rf_101_6_0_valFalse.silva ../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv --perturbation l_inf 0.015 --index-of-instance 0

Do the same for the corresponding large-spread ensemble by changing the model path.

We provide a Python script to reproduce the parts of Table 3. Execute the following command to reproduce the results for a specific dataset:

python3 mnist26/fashion_mnist0-3/rewema/webspam 1

Figure 3

Run in the src folder. It requires:

  • the analyzer identifier (SILVA or CARVE);
  • the path of the dataset;
  • the path of the large-spread ensemble;
  • the perturbation k;
  • the number of times to repeat the test.

Run the following commands to run our experiment:

python3 SILVA ../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv ../datasets/mnist26/models/rf/rf_101_6_0_valFalse.silva 0.015 10

python3 CARVE ../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv ../datasets/mnist26/models/lse/validation/lse_part_rand_101_6_0.015_500_0_m2_s4_mnpert0.0075_mxpert0.015.silva 0.015 10

The two commands will produce two logs log_scalability_SILVA_rf_101_6_0_0.015.csv and log_scalability_CARVE_lse_part_rand_101_6_0_0.015.csv. These logs contains the verification time for each instance of the test set, the maximum consumption of memory for each instance and if the verifier went out of resources during the verification on a instance. Use the following commands to generate the two plots:

python3 ./log_scalability_SILVA_rf_101_6_0_0.015.csv ./log_scalability_CARVE_lse_part_rand_101_6_0_0.015.csv 1-30-60-120-180-240-300-360-420-480-540-600 plot_times_lse_part_rand_101_6_0_0.015_1-30-60-120-180-240-300-360-420-480-540-600

python3 ./log_scalability_SILVA_rf_101_6_0_0.015.csv ./log_scalability_CARVE_lse_part_rand_101_6_0_0.015.csv 4-8-16-32-64-100 plot_memories_lse_part_rand_101_6_0_0.015_4-8-16-32-64-100

Table 4

Use the following commands to obtain a row of the table (in the src/carve/build):

./verify -i ../../../datasets/<dataset_name>/models/validation/<lse_name.silva> -t ../../../datasets/<dataset_name>/dataset/<test_set_csv_name.csv> -p inf -k <k> -ioi -1

./verify -i ../../../datasets/<dataset_name>/models/validation/<lse_name.silva> -t ../../../datasets/<dataset_name>/dataset/<test_set_csv_name.csv> -p 1 -k <k> -ioi -1

./verify -i ../../../datasets/<dataset_name>/models/validation/<lse_name.silva> -t ../../../datasets/<dataset_name>/dataset/<test_set_csv_name.csv> -p 2 -k <k> -ioi -1

We provide a Python script to reproduce the parts of Table 4. Execute the following command to reproduce the results for a specific dataset:

python3 mnist26/fashion_mnist0-3/rewema/webspam inf-2-1 1

Table 5

Use the script in the src folder. It requires:

  • the name of the analyser (SILVA or CARVE);
  • the path of the test set w.r.t. the src folder;
  • the path of the test model w.r.t. the src folder;
  • k - the perturbation;
  • the time limit;
  • the memory limit.

To reproduce our experiment, run:

python3 SILVA ../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv ../datasets/mnist26/models/rf/rf_101_6_0_valueFalse.silva 0.015 1 60 64

python3 CARVE ../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv ../datasets/mnist26/models/lse/validation/lse_part_rand_101_6_0.015_500_0_m2_s4_mnpert0.0075_mxpert0.015.silva 0.015 1 60 64

Warning: this script uses the cgroup linux feature. Make sure to have it installed in your linux system and run it using the super user account.

The resulting csv file "./log_total_scalability_..." in the src folder contains the results of SILVA and CARVE in the table.

Figure 4-5

To plot the sub-figures, use the following commands (change the dataset names and the perturbations accordingly):

python3 rewema 25-51-75-101 6 0.015-0.01-0.005 0 500 6 6 0.015-0.01-0.005 0.0225-0.015-0.0075 performance_trees_rewema

python3 rewema 101 3-4-5-6 0.015-0.01-0.005 0 500 6 6 0.015-0.01-0.005 0.0225-0.015-0.0075 performance_depth_rewema


If you use this artifact in your work, please add a reference/citation to our paper. You can use the following BibTeX entry:

author = {Calzavara, Stefano and Cazzaro, Lorenzo and Pibiri, Giulio Ermanno and Prezza, Nicola},
title = {Verifiable Learning for Robust Tree Ensembles},
year = {2023},
isbn = {9798400700507},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3576915.3623100},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security},
pages = {1850–1864},
numpages = {15},
keywords = {verification and program analysis for machine, robustness, decision tree ensembles, learning models, machine learning and security},
location = {, Copenhagen, Denmark, },
series = {CCS '23}


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