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Copyright (c) 2021 lorry_rui , Newark ,USA

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

*for manufacture test sweep tone sound file ,which also do combined some package from opensource. audio file analyze USE only @ Lorry RUi

Main feature for this package

  1. Can set speaker and microphone level and get current friend_name
  2. Can Open write sound file. like WAV/MP3 file read/write ( SOUNDFILE)
  3. Can play(can set master speaker volume) and recording through microphone, which can point the
    specific Mic. ( Sounddevice)
  4. Can get single tone power and THD+N
  5. can get sweep tone FR , THD, rub/buzz
  6. can measure sound Spectrogram (For ML or noise study) ( librosa)

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The Python package handles all kind of audio files

sample code:

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
signal, sample_rate, channels=AUT.load(filename)

change master speaker volume (from HID level)

from LvAut.sound_level import setspeakervolume
setspeakervolume(40)  ## set master speaker volume from 0 to 100

change current speaker volume and current Microphone level (from MS driver level)

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
a=AUT.speaker_volume(50)## set current speaker volume from 0 to 100(if mute will unmute),return reading after set
#a=AUT.speaker_volume(50,False) ## set current speaker volume from 0 to 100(never touch mute),return reading after set
#a=AUT.speaker_volume(50,False,False) ## only readout volume
### set Microphone
b=AUT.mic_level(50)## set current microphone level from 0to 100(if mute will unmute),return reading after set
#b=AUT.mic_level(50,False)## set current microphone level from 0to 100(never touch mute),return reading after set
#b=AUT.mic_level(50,False,False)## only readout volume

change All speakers' volume and All Microphone level (from MS driver level)

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
a=AUT.speaker_all(50)## set all speakers volume from 0 to 100,return how many speaker done set
b=AUT.mic_all(50)## set all microphones level from 0to 100,return how many mics done set

Get current system default speaker or current Microphone friendname (from MS driver level)

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
a=AUT.get_currentSpeakname() ## get current speaker name
b=AUT.get_currentMicname() ## get current Microphone name

play master speaker

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT

list all speaker and mics devices

import LvAut.device as sd

recording master microphone(you can choose specific device)

import LvAut.device as sd
import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
fs = 44100  # Sample rate
seconds = 5  # Duration of recording
myrecording = sd.rec(int(seconds * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=1)  # using default mic
#myrecording = sd.rec(int(seconds * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=1, device="Microphone (Logitech Webcam C930e), Windows DirectSound")
sd.wait()  # Wait until recording is finished

recording and play simultaneously

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
import LvAut.soundload as sf
import LvAut.device as sd
data, fs = sound file, frames=-1, start=None, stop=None, dtype=None, always_2d=False,
                                   fill_value=None, out=None, samplerate=None, channels=None,
                                   format=None, subtype=None, endian=None, closefd=True)
myrecording = sd.playrec(data, samplerate=fs, channels=1, dtype=None,
                                                 out=None, input_mapping=None, output_mapping=None, blocking=False,
                                                 device=device) # if None , will use default device
sd.wait()  # Wait until recording is finished
AUT.write(outfile,myrecording,fs,'PCM_32') ## 'PCM_16','PCM_32', 'FLOAT', 'DOUBLE'

analyze_sweep tone

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
trigeFrequncy=400  ## this need sweep from high(above 400) to low sweep tone
stopananlysis=100   ## stop analyze_sweep
channaelselect=1 ### if recording is dual channel ,leftchannel=1, rightchannel=2, otherwise no need to define
freq,thdh,thd_N,power,Freq_THD,thd_data,Freq_Power,PowerS,RubBuzz_data=AUT.analyze_sweep(filename, trigeFrequncy,stopananlysis,channaelselect)
print('FFT Frequency:   %.1f Hz' % freq)
print("Sweep Max THD:   %.4f%% " %thdh)
print("Sweep Max THD+N: %.4f%%      Note, this is single tone use only " %thd_N)
print("spectrum Max Power:       %.2fdB " %power)

output explain which analyze_sweep tone

*1)freq means: single tone , measured frequency *1.1)thd_N means: single Max THD+N *2)thdh means: Sweep Max THD *3)Freq_THD, measure THD's frequency *4)thd_data, measure THD's data *5)Freq_Power,measure Power's frequency *6)PowerS, measure Power's data *7)RubBuzz_data measure RB's data


analyze_sweep tone out chart setting

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
trigeFrequncy=400  ## this need sweep from high(above 400) to low sweep tone
stopananlysis=100   ## stop analyze_sweep
channaelselect=1 ### if recording is dual channel ,leftchannel=1, rightchannel=2, otherwise no need to define
freq,thdh,thd_N,power,Freq_THD,thd_data,Freq_Power,PowerS,RubBuzz_data=AUT.analyze_sweep(filename, trigeFrequncy,stopananlysis,channaelselect)
AUT.diplaychart(Freq_THD,thd_data,Freq_Power,PowerS,RubBuzz_data,chart_name="save_picture_name",channel= channaelselect)#display chart, pleae note : this function need import matplotlib

analyze sound file spectrogram : Convert a power spectrogram (amplitude squared) to decibel (dB) units This computes the scaling 20 * log10(S / ref) in a numerically

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
import LvAut.lvspectrum as lvs
import numpy as np

filename='your soundfile.wav'
y, sample_rate, channels=AUT.load(filename)

S_scale = lvs.stft(y, n_fft=2048, hop_length=512)
Y_scale = np.abs(S_scale)
Y_log_scale = lvs.amplitude_to_db(Y_scale,ref=np.max)
## print out all data

analyze sound file spectrogram(which need install matplotlib)#Compute dB relative to peak power

import LvAut.lvaut_THD as AUT
import LvAut.lvspectrum as lvs
import LvAut.lvdisplay as lvd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

filename='your sound file.wav'

def plot_spectrogram(Y, sr, hop_length, y_axis="linear"):
        plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))

y, sample_rate, channels=AUT.load(filename)

S_scale = lvs.stft(y, n_fft=1024, hop_length=512)
Y_scale = np.abs(S_scale)
Y_log_scale = lvs.amplitude_to_db(Y_scale,ref=np.max)
plot_spectrogram(Y_log_scale, sample_rate, 512)



github sample code explain

1) : test master volume
1.1) : sample for changing current speaker volume and current mic level
2) : test play speaker
3) : test recording
4) plot spectrogram chart
5) : pull out data
6) : play single and get THD
7) : Play sweep tone and get THD by your input traget tone
8) :ref:`<>` : recording and play simultaneously
9) : analyze Sweep WAV file to get FR and THD


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